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Posts That Were Thanked by vindicktive vinny
2022-02-04 at 1:45 PM UTC in First Conflict of 2022
Originally posted by Sudo Reminder that a child dies in Yemen every 75 seconds from the naval blockade and bombs by the UAE and KSA provided to them by North American companies. Biden has at least 3 million in campaign donations from these profiteers of the war.
1. My favourite way to characterise this 'war' is by describing one of KSA's first major operations:
They used airstrikes to destroy the cranes at the Hodeida port, stopping ships from being loaded or unloaded there (Hodeida is the country's only major port, so this essentially created a famine and medicine shortage leading to cholera outbreaks).
They then blockaded the port so that new cranes or equipment to repair them could not be brought in.
They then petitioned the UN to grant them administrative control over the port because 'the Yemenis could not keep it functional which resulted in a famine and medical catastrophe'. -
2022-02-03 at 1:55 PM UTC in First Conflict of 2022yeah I haven't read MoA lately but I think that guy, Saker, Martyanov and Paul Craig Roberts all know each other, as well as a Canadian whose name I've forgotten
also probably Scott Ritter: -
2022-02-03 at 7:57 AM UTC in DailyStormer is down.I thought you'd be more used to Tor than normal links Vanny.
Did anyone ever get around to running ISS on Tor? -
2022-02-03 at 4:24 AM UTC in DailyStormer is worked for me earlier
2022-02-02 at 7:40 PM UTC in Italian teacher sets himself on fire to protest the vaxx
Italy has mandatory vaxxing for some reason. horrific incident is reminiscent of two similar cases in Melbourne, Victoria where two people self-immolated in protest of the state’s vaccine mandate. In December last year, a Melbourne woman poured petrol over her car while setting herself alight carrying a sign saying “NO ONE CARES, MANDATES ARE KILLING US”, while a man on New Year’s Eve set himself and his car on fire in front of diners while screaming about Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. -
2022-01-30 at 12:59 AM UTC in I think I'm going insaneAlone... half naked on snap in the mirror on a Saturday night 🤣🤣🤣
Thinking he got it goin on 😭🤣
Ahahaaaaa! -
2022-01-29 at 9:57 PM UTC in STICK IT, Damn It!
We need to do something about all this misinformation. -
2022-01-24 at 7:43 AM UTC in Random image thread
Originally posted by RIPtotse God damn candy rein is cringy as fuck I'm staying out this nigger thread
yeah, ran it right into the ground
I wonder why misguided russian left
maybe his wife didn't approve of all the shitposting
or maybe someone tracked down that indian guy and sent him the photos of MR pissing on his floor
maybe he wasn't supposed to have those guns he was cooking with
2022-01-23 at 1:45 PM UTC in First Conflict of 2022been listening to Andrei Martyanov videos, laughed hard when he referred to western think-tank 'experts' as 'serial government grant abusers'
there are some EXTREMELY good videos on that channel, I personally recommend the ones on Basic Operational Constants (it discusses the theory behind carrier group deployment and how Mr. Zircon and friends affect their ability to act) and Real Economy (countries' energy output and production vs. their production of physical goods) -
2022-01-21 at 12:35 PM UTC in What happened to Candy's niggerland thread?
2022-01-20 at 11:59 PM UTC in "Have you seen a petite 12 year old?"
2022-01-19 at 9:54 PM UTC in STICK IT, Damn It!
2022-01-18 at 9:41 PM UTC in I Just Tested Negative
2022-01-16 at 8:11 PM UTC in Kafka maybe deadI’m still drunk but alive. You trying to hit on me when I was suicidal didn’t help btw
2022-01-14 at 2:20 PM UTC in Why does Candy's pretend BF not look at the camera?
2022-01-12 at 11:41 PM UTC in STICK IT, Damn It!
Originally posted by Donald Trump
Pfizer CEO says 2 doses of the vaccine offer very limited protection.
This is the same vaccine they said was 100% effective.
He's selling a product, and he isn't interested in whether it works or not.
this is the short of it - I don't think there's any conspiracy to intentionally kill or sterilise people, the people making the decisions just don't care about side-effects.
it's all just capitalism. if the pharmaceutical/'health' industry didn't accidentally create the virus they certainly took advantage of it. they used their influence on governments to not only push through EUAs that allowed them to bypass expensive testing phases for a lucrative new medical technology, but to also suppress bad press 'for the greater good' (the narrative being that anything that deters people from being vaccinated will cost lives, whether it's true or not), and even to make billions of immediate, guaranteed sales.
they created a massive panic over a virus that is more or less a more rapidly-contagious flu in order to move product, consequences be damned.
they used lobbying and regulatory capture to bypass testing phases and suppress any information which called their product's safety and efficacy into question (see the leaked pfizer test data, or the fact that the government is trying to prevent the release of the supply contracts and EUA submissions for another 75-100 years).
this is exactly what happened with the 737 MAX and all those planes that went down - the FAA was meant to independently test and verify flight systems on the new planes, but it turns out that Boeing had been lobbying relentlessly to 'outsource' regulatory testing from the federal agency to their own contractors. this essentially allowed Boeing to certify it's own equipment, which lead to two crashes and over 300 dead. -
2022-01-09 at 4:35 PM UTC in 15 Anti-Vaxxers Who Died A factual list of people who thought COVID was a hoax
Originally posted by Technologist I quit debating you in good faith long ago. I could write a fucking research thesis, and you’d say it’s retarded.
considering the only 'evidence' you ever post is repeating mainstream media talking points, any research thesis you wrote would be, objectively speaking, retarded. -
2022-01-06 at 11:26 PM UTC in Anyone who advocates for a vaccine is
Originally posted by Obbe Using new, experimental medical tech doesn't negate the actual risks of drug abuse either.
when did anyone argue there weren't any risks to drug use? it's completely irrelevant.
"MRN'A therapies have serious risks, many of which we don't fully understand"
"yeah well drugs have risks too"
"yeah well driving has risks too"
"yeah well leaving the house has risks too"
"I guess you're willing to risk leaving the house but not get injected with an experimental gene th'erapy. hypocrite"
go back to reddit
also lanny fuck off with the retarded wordfi'lters -
2022-01-03 at 10:05 AM UTC in Southpark : Post Covid Movie
2022-01-02 at 8:50 PM UTC in Black Holes
Originally posted by Donald Trump It seems to be a paper arguing that early universe (primordial) black holes could attribute for the excess gravitational force which is currently ascribed to "dark matter".
It has been a proposed solution for the galaxy rotational velocity/mass discrepancy for a while now. If a population of primordial blackholes exists in any given galaxy they need to have a particular distribution to account for something that's called dark matter halos. While not directly observed, there is indirect evidence for dark matter halos. As with all sorts of things that emit little to no radiation you infer it's attributes by looking at the gravitational effects on baryonic(normal) matter. And with dark matter halos you can also see how much the galaxy that is being observed lenses the light from luminous background objects. Since we know X amount of mass should be lensing Y amount of background objects at Z distance as observed from Earth. If i recall correctly observations seem to support dark matter halos and thus dark matter more than primordial black holes. Partly due to the equal spherical distribution of the mass in question required for it to account for the rotational velocity that is observed in spiral galaxies.
Originally posted by Donald Trump Wouldn't this cause a massive increase in the weight of the universe, and would it also cause a re-evaluation in the ratio of matter to anti-matter in the early universe?
No, the mass budget for galaxies would stay the same if you substitute Dark Matter with Primordial Black Holes. Anti-matter to matter ratio would remain unaffected.
Originally posted by Donald Trump All good questions, and questions the article writer seems unqualified to answer.
I'll wait for scientists, not journalists, to weigh in. One has merely a bad track record, the other has the absolute worst track record.
More an engineer than a scientist in terms of formal education but i do enjoy the study of astrophysics and cosmology. I can only talk about these things in terms of what i think i know, i am not qualified to state anything as science fact but i do think my understanding of the subject matter is more sophisticated than some rando journalist.