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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What did you think of it?

    I remember being like 8 and trying to go super sayian in my living room

    no wonder your gay.

    i never lliked dragon ball because im not a retard or a faggot.
  2. Originally posted by Octavian Fuck that the qeues here aren't so long, like 5 min wait. Only shit thing is my local supermarket closes at 8pm.

    what about the international supermarkets ?
  3. Originally posted by Sudo Chinese have raped Nigeria and the Congo. Didnt read anything or watch th3 video but this is something that doesnt get talked about enough and I commend Mr Gollywog for calling attention to this issue

    its not rape if they asked for it.
  4. Originally posted by Octavian Hiki tried sounding edge once using a Blade Runner quote not thinking anyone would get onto it.

    So cringe.

    Originally posted by Octavian He was acting nostalgic and said:

    "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain."

    whats more girly and queer is knowing which girly and queer movie a girly and queer quote came from.
  5. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins false.

    watch some of the videos of multiple nigger packs being confronted by police in multiple jurisdictions for failure to comply

    theyre all over the internetzses.

    yes, niggers.

  6. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Truth = whatever Donald Trump says

    Science = liberal bullshit

    Any questions?


    have you done this ?

  7. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I would but I'm afraid Poast would come and murder me in my sleep

    do this and he wont.

  8. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I don't do PI.

    phantasy information.
  9. surveillance drones are going to detect your elavated heart rate and know your up to no good.

  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace I have a kinda cool story about this.

    My uncle was a priest in this small town that was the last stop of a railroad track. The town is literally named for it but I'm not going to post it. Anyway, all the illegal immigrants from south america would end up at this town. A lot of them end up in small towns because it's easier to find work than in a city where you are more liable to be asked for papers or run into cops. And Mexican cops do not fuck around. Illegal immigrants have been beaten and killed by Mexican authorities before. It's brutal.

    So the illegal population in that town boomed, and fights started breaking out. One illegal immigrant ended up shooting someone in the town because they were fucking with his kids. Knocked on the door and shot him apparently. It became really cliquey. Like towns people vs immigrants. There were lots of fights and at one point there was cartel shooting guns in the air outside the homes of immigrants.

    Then my uncle comes in to be priest of this town. He builds a school, a new church, a plaza, and housing for the homeless or anyone who needs a place to stay in town. It's connected to the church.

    Manages to get the fighting in the town to stop by gathering both groups at mass and getting individuals to talk it out. Does this for 30 years. Now there is no more tension in that town. The immigrants stayed and had families and mixed with the locals and everybody realized that in the end it didn't matter where you were from. Because as long as you spoke Spanish, you were a part of the master race.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny speak mayan u speak faggkt.
  11. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins i assure you, its death was quite quick and painless.

    im sure it told you that.
  12. more or less.
  13. speak mayan u speak faggkt.
  14. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins fact

    that was a little misunderstanding because the virus turned chinks into niggers.

  15. Originally posted by Obbe So what you gonna do about it?

    bitch about it on the internet.
  16. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins i agree about argentina being the top of the pile. id almost not call them spics since all the argentinians i know are sane and civilized…and capable of taking college-level courses.

    then would you like to explain their serial national bankruptcies ?
  17. Originally posted by Obbe So the whole worlds gonna burn cause you want cheaper food?

    yes. because those food arent meant to be marketed to EM in the first place anyway.
  18. Originally posted by trippymindfuk I love grey-ish cats. Something about their attitude i guess lol

    thats not gray, thats a nigger cat.
  19. em hmmmm.
  20. Originally posted by BummyMofo "ur not using very creative insults" says the racist 4chan gay buttseeker man from the buttseeker 4chan nation

    dont have to.

    your a nigher. your existence is already the biggest insult there possibly can be in this universe in your entire, nigger, lyfe.
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