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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi krotz threads are just boring and full of pretentious melodrama.

    we can only hope one day he will post his daughters nude.
  2. Originally posted by aldra thanks for reminding me to download futurama

    i think it took me half a year or more to download the whole season.

    it was like 4 dvds and that was more than 10 years ago. time flies.
  3. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny it will be along the lines of capital feudalism.

    remember this. write it down. have it tattooed onto your bodies,

    because it will come to pass. because i said so.

    the long slide ...

  4. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins youre an idiot. that model is literally useless

    go learn fluid dynamics, retart.

    gas dynamics are different from liquid dynamics.
  5. i smell jealousy.
  6. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins weapons and warfare.

    whos weapon company amd whose war ?

  7. Originally posted by aldra wariat has made me realise Bill Krozby threads aren't that bad

    krózs threads are like futurama but with explicit adult content.
  8. Originally posted by aldra this sort of talk is why you got an SS visit

    shoe stuffen ?
  9. Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t As for casual meets … guys are more honest about this than women. But guys are also praised for this type of behavior by friends and the general public. Whereas women tend to be ridiculed for the same behavior.

    key that works with any lock - master key.

    lock that works with any key - garbage lock.
  10. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins the US GDP has nothing to do with kikes.

    whats the biggest contributor to US GDP ?
  11. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins kikes have never made anything better in any regard whatsoever.

    the make the US GDP the largest in the world.
  12. Originally posted by admiral ponse butt stuffins they suckle the teat of the finest nectar

    the same reason why they have such big noses. because air is free

    or because they make it much better.
  13. why the besy coumtry in the world have the highest concentration of Jéw ?
  14. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Only retarded asians that are too poor for internet would ever buy a physical bootleg

    not true.

    most couldnt read and the rest just dont have time to sit whole day infront of theor computer and sifting thru all the links.

  15. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Paying money is not more convenient than clicking download on a free file. Buying a physical bootleg requires leaving the house while I could download all those movies at the same time without getting up from my chair.

    its obviously for normal people who go out, socialize, eat and shop.
  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Who the fuck would pay money for something you can get for free

    why do people pay for bottled water ?


    because its more convenient.
  17. Originally posted by Fox It’s in the title retard

    really ?
  18. i can no longer remember what the movie was about.
  19. Originally posted by BummyMofo irregardless is not a word. The word is regardless, ya inbred 'tardman.

    niggers been taught well by his white master.
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