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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood You're basically a nigger

  2. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The cold is a corona virus…there ain't a vaccine for that.

    yes there are.

    theu just dont know which one.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL Never had a problem with it.

    no, i was talking about human female, not goat.

    and thats their asshole.
  4. Originally posted by Netflxchillr you're just another POS- that does't do any research. Did you even bother to watch her interview? Nah, didn't think so.

    i read the transcript last month.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson America remember, fat chicks…you can lube your fingers on their undebelly sweat before you slide them in.

    she didnt look that fat.
  6. Originally posted by Netflxchillr well,
    Joe Biden "unwantingly" sticking his fingers into a person's v-jayjay, is pretty "inappropriate," in my book. The really sad thing is… how the left is trying to discredit her because of who he is, and won't bother to even cover it at all… when it was in the CNN archives- they said they couldn't find it, etc.

    its not easy to stick your finger into a dry, tight vagina, especially if they;re standing.

    are white women that loose over there ?
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Then I get to stay home, get a disability check, and have the mexican maid give me blanket baths.

    /insert hearteyed emote here.

    you call that life ?
  8. thread is borderline homosexual.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm a great believer in "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"…immune systems are built up by exposure…not wearing faggotry wear.

    The prediction is pretty much everyone is going to get this thing over the next year or two…the virus isn't suddenly going to go away after 2 months of social distancing.

    I'm half of the mind It would be better to get it now and get it over with than piss around like a scaredly little girl for the next 12 months.

    its not that simple.

    you might ended up with a stroke and become half a vege.

    then what.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Maybe you should let WHO, the CDC and the scientific community know…

    Fucking lol.

    Again not relevant to my statement…if you are social distancing, wearing your mask etc then whether a pizza is taken from the gloved hands of the person who prepared it/delivered it or picked up off the floor after they just put it there…your risk is the same. The box/pizza could have the shit all over it.

    just reheat it in an oven and you'll be fine.
  11. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Only if it affects job performance…Angela having the shakes really doesn't.

    her bigger impediment is nit having a penis.
  12. Originally posted by BummyMofo shut the fuck up with this "no u" shit. you've been running with Epstein and Clinton and Trump on the kidrape squad and you were proud of it

    u nigger.
  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    The virus isn't airborne…

    it could latch onto smoke particles that infected smokers exhale.
  14. Originally posted by Cathay Coof

    just like hitler.
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL Groovy.

    still working your way up to being cool.

  16. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood My insides feel like my outsides

    tell your girlfriend to use more lube so that your asshole doesnt prolapse.
  17. Originally posted by Cathay Coof The last thing Trump wants is for Biden to get knocked out and get replaced by another candidate.

    Biden is a senile old crook, a bought and paid for politician for hire, and a child molester, and Trump is probably doing a little jig thinking about how much fun the debates and the election are going to be. All Trump has to do is put some of those pics and videos of Biden feeling up children in public on the TV and he's won.

    what are the chances that hes actually joepedo ?
  18. Originally posted by CandyRein

    I wonder how my girlfriend staying upside down like that ….🤔

    evolution has bestowed her with smaller brain and thicker skull and requires less blood flow to her brain.
  19. Originally posted by Nonce 2 meter distance from kids WTF?
  20. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood you aren't even white

    non whites cant hate a nigger ?

    what r u racist ? ?
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