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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by aldra China and the US are struggling for economic dominance, and historically this is very quick to turn to kinetic war. The US is both waning in economic power and has a significant advantage in military power which is a very dangerous combination - if they feel they're losing economically they're likely to refocus the competition to a field they feel they can win at.

    its not all about economics, theres a heavy, stealthy undertones of RACE at play in current US-China drama.

    what will play out will be exactly how it played out during the century of humiliation, its all about the West Vs Chine. and eventually it will ended up with G7+japan amd the only question left will be whether china can withstand the western conquest this century.

    the desire to force chinese to buy western opium with their gold amd silver will always remain. but instead of actual opium these days its tech and "intellectual properties".
  2. Originally posted by rabbitweed In 50 years, I'd put India ahead of China.

    they wont until the learnt how to stop shitting in the street. india will never amount to anything and the premise for this is simple.


    5000 years of modern history and they have yet to produce, mass or otherwise, anything significant by themselves natively. 5000 years of modern history and they still enjoy their meals by sitting on the floors and transporting their foods on banana leaves to their mouth via their hands, just like their ape ancesstord did 50k years ago.

    to say india will be the future is like saying mexhico will be future automotive superpower based on the numbers of foreign car factories in that country. no, they wont because their race prevented them from achieving just that.

    race uber all.
  3. give her vegan diet handbook.
  4. Originally posted by aldra Angola has an awesome flag

    when you go to Angola you know exactly what you're getting: machetes and blacks.

    no sprocket ?
  5. Originally posted by Speedy Parker So you admit to thinking about it. That make it material.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny china did not just print 3 trillion out of thin air.

    scratch that.

    make that 5.

    5 trillions.

    thanks for admitting i was right.

    im so tired of winning.
  6. Originally posted by Obbe Rabbitweed requested a definition of systemic racism and real life examples which fit that definition, so that we may have a constructive conversation about it.

    After being given a definition and real life examples which fit that definition, rabbitweed ducked and doged and eventually left the thread.

    He could not or would not challenge the definition or the evidence.

    He offered his worthless opinion on the topic, stating his belief that systemic racism is a conspiracy theory, although he did not deliver any reasoning as to why he thought that nor any evidence that might support his theory.

    he employs guerilla posting tactics.

    post amd run.
  7. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting If you don't eat the cats they will scare off the rats eventually.

    not where i live.

    here the rats has gotten so big that theyre almost as heavy as adult cats.
  8. Originally posted by aldra Iran has become a much more significant partner, both as an energy source and a major node for the BRI projects across Eurasia. I guess the real question is what China will have to do politically to maintain that, and how israel will react to China breaking the effective embargo that's been imposed on Iran for the last 40 years or so

    the US push to contain and decouple from china has taken away all the incentives to not be trade with iran.

    without the power of USD to embargo the only way left for US to maintain that embargo is by gunboats.
  9. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting How did South Africa manage it?

    how does it emd ?
  10. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Two states is just an illusion.

    And they killed Ariel Sharon.

    We want a one state solution, with majority rule, along the same model as South Africa. And we want it 30 years ago - reparations are in order.

    you cant have one state solution without genocide.
  11. Originally posted by aldra It's more complicated than that.

    Pretty much every country except the US has expressed support for a two-state solution, very few have done anything to make it happen though. It's obvious it's just talk and israel hasn't actually been serious about it since Ariel Sharon.

    There's a lot of trade and codependence between China and israel (unfortunately), but with China's deepening ties to Iran they might have to make a choice.

    jéwsrael has ceased to be useful to china for quite sometime now.
  12. Originally posted by aldra my cats have genocided all the rats around my apartment block, they killed like 12 of them early this year and I haven't seen any since

    the rats over there muat be tame.
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer........................ and therein lies my point

    humans have a superior immunological response capability to that of the other primate species. it is regularly advertised in the MINITRU propaganda that s­hitskins have a double-digit higher mortality to wuhan bat-soup flu than White skinned humans. ebola is the same. the mortality to niggers is higher than for White humans.

    unless theyre being treated in situ in africa it serve only to demonstrate the efficacy of american medical industrial complex.

    their survival rate would be close to 0 had they not being evecuated back to the US.
  14. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer........................ i will confirm with first hand experience and extensive testing on multiple test subjects that route will not work under any circumstance.

    id like to hear some testimonies.
  15. Originally posted by aldra I want to say let it live but if you or anyone else isn't going to take care of it, and if it's not neutered, feral cats can really fuck up the local wildlife.

    if you kill it just don't be a nigger about it

    is it ok to eat it in this case ?
  16. the next step is to arm them.
  17. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer....................... not if it has long fur.

    once lanny deletes the thread its going to get a 3,000fps lead-flavored enema.

    please dispose it off humanely.

    i herd washing machines in coin laundries can take care of your ferral cats humanely.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer....................... i know someone who used someone else as a guinea pig on how to pass a drug test. it worked

    this is some straight up josef mengele-tier shit.

    as soon as the knowledge of the test comes about, continuously chug clean water until almost sick

    obtain about 250ml (at least) of clean urine

    as late as possible (this has been done in the seat of a car) before the test find the largest available syringe along with as clean as possible, small diameter silicone tubing

    lubricate the tubing with KY jelly and insert all the way through urethra until it passes the sphincter and enters the bladder.

    allow any urine to flow through the tubing. this can be caught in a plastic bottle or fed out the car door.

    once urine flow ends, use syringe to inject as much clean urine as physically able. withdraw tubing. (ideally this should be practiced a couple of times before the actual test is done so the druggie can train themselves how to control their pisser with the tube in.)

    go take test. the cold urine will heat up to the test-passable-temperature within about five minutes.

    yea, theres that whole UTI thing, but thats where the test-ee has to ask themselves if theyd prefer the risk of a UTI or popping positive on a whiz quiz.

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny
  19. nigger nigel
  20. beta betty
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