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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Show me all the prizes.

    ok, heres some.

  2. Originally posted by Bill Krozby It kinda reminds me of my daughters mom, she would scream just like that.

    I don't exactly remember what made me remember this memory but It's stuck with me for several years now

    Okay well as I've mentioned she's a very manipulative girl my daughters mom, but anyways. When the girl was 3 or so we actually went out to eat with her and she is pretty behaved so it was cool, It was a good time. I love oysters with a lil tabasco and lemon juice and horse radish, damn good.

    And we then went to the mall and I'm not a fan but I was just with them to hang out so whatever, but afterwards she wanted to get her car washed so we went to the exxon or whatever to one of those drive thru washes and she paid but there was dude in the big van in front of us I guess he realized he could fit or some but started backing out and my daughters mom wash honking going "NO NO NO NO!"
    And then right before he hit us she screamed at the top of her lungs YOOOOUUUUA AAAAASSSSSHOOOOOOOOOOOLEEE!!!! she screamed so long she was still screaming that after he hit us.

    And Mary started crying I was sitting in the back seat with her so I held her real quickly but my daughters mom got out of the car and so did the guy in the van and the guy in the van was like this lil brown immigrant lookin gont, and my daughters mom is screaming at the guy but the guy barely knows english obviously lol

    But after all of that when we were driving back home I was like weeel im glad it all turned out all right.. but had you not taken me out for lunch I would of called the cops on you for scary Mary.

    yes, yes.

    we saw it the first time round.
  3. Originally posted by Narc I'VE GOT A REALLY REALLY BIG COCK


    did you mean bent ?
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood It's already old news

    those are just orange/lime seeds.
  5. Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol someone sounds jelly that he has a double chin and he doesn't. I don't see how that looks like a boy.

    maybe because you have poor taste.

    show us the most attractive girl youve ever fucked.
  6. Originally posted by CandyRein I came in because I heard fluffy bunnies and unicorns…

    Op yes I agree!
    Not enough positive Pete’s round here lol

    black bunnies are the least attractive / cute of all bunnies.
  7. i tell people its hand sanitizer but the truth is its really baby oil.
  8. Originally posted by Sophie Obviously the point wouldn't be to get the people to revolt. It would be a show of force, a demonstration of what the terror group is capable of. The terror group should make it clear that this is just a sample of the amount of chaos they can unleash unless their political demands are not met. Make the people afraid, make the government look powerless to stop the terror organization. Which would be made all the more clear by the simultaneous attacks that will make it so emergency services will be unavailable for a good amount of time as the crisis ensues.

    yea and seeing your powerline goes out could barely arouse the feeling of terror. at most people would just be pissed and annoyed.

    maybe some would experience anxiety due to social media deprivation but thats just it.
  9. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    at most those could only generate 10 tons of pull.

    the wires and wind forces acting on those powerline towers are in the magnitudes of hundreds of tons.
  10. Originally posted by Bradley An inspiring tale of both daring adventure and great personal growth. Would go watch in theaters.

    and retro 90s feel with no worries of cellphone tracking and cctv with face recog technology everywhere.
  11. Originally posted by Narc lol, just met the biggest Cuck in the world ever. I was just going to score when this girl I know calls asking if I could score for her too. So she says she'll pick me up in a car and when she turns up she's with this nerdy type dude driving. He's like shortish, skinny, soft spoken and quite clean looking type. Not the type you'd initially expect to be a user but you can't always take that as a certainty, altho it turned out he wasn't. This girl is called Roxy and I kept hearing the name Chelsea get mentioned on the 10 minute journey there. It soon became apparent that this Roxy is in a relationship with this Chelsea girl. On the way back they stopped so she could go in a store and he proceeded to tell me how him and Chelsea were in a relationship but she left him to pick up with this Roxy chick(Roxy is a prostitute as well btw), and then he went on to tell me how he told Chelsea that he'd always be there for her. So now Chelsea has moved Roxy into his house, he complained how he keeps filling the cupboards up with food and there's never anything there coz they eat it all. They spend all his money on drugs, which he then went on to complain that 'you can't win' because you can save money by buying more drugs but then they just do shitloads more drugs so they go just as quick.

    Then he tells me, which surprised me a little by this time, that he doesn't actually use any drugs himself because he 'can't stand not being in control'(biggest lol of the month right there). By this point I just wanted to scream in his face "SO WHAT THE FUCK EXACTLY DO YOU GET OUT OF IT THEN?"

    lol Cucked by a bitch

    Now that is a top trump Cuck right there, bet none of you fuckers can beat that one.


    what did you got out of all these ?
  12. Originally posted by -SpectraL And Lou Dobbs.

    who that ?
  13. "ive been wearing a mask my whold adult life"
  14. the blood, the blood.

    the blood is on your hand.
  15. Originally posted by Octavian "So fucking angry af cause I'm clearly drunk, pregnancy complications are stressful"

    (even though he's not pregnant).

    "I feel I'm surrounded by imaginary rat pieces of shit who just want to steal from me."

    " I don't like or trust most people and am constantly disappointed."


    "I'm doing too many pills"

    (YES M8)

    "and need to take a week to get off I think. Pain everyday. Instability everyday. Money everyday, literally the one thing I don't need."

    (Did I tell you I have a lot of money?)

    "People seem to be really resentful towards me for things I was right about a while ago."


    " I'm getting pretty hairy. I need to physically write more things down, I feel that would help."

    " I fight sleep because the moments before my thoughts seem unmolested. Speaking of which, I've become hypervigilant of people being creepy towards kids and kinda want an excuse to inflict harm onnacreap."

    Sudo a few weeks ago:


    "I might have to punish a longtime friend of mine for a serious transgression that really just hurts my feelings more than anything."

    OK gangster

    " People are such pieces of shit. I don't like the things I'm dealing with right now and the people around me. I like you guys tho, much Love."

    WHAT, the actual fuck am I reading? Have another beer and refrain from subjecting us to reading this kind of boring shit ever again.


    for effort and word count.
  16. Originally posted by POLECAT [video]https:

    sit down kids and listen to these nice people

    i only sit down for tucker carlson.
  17. Originally posted by aldra what did he even do? I thought it was just that hillary didn't bother campaigning in the 'flyover states'

    the lady and the snake.

  18. Originally posted by aldra It's become obvious that both the infection and death rates reported by the US are completely unreliable given that there are records of people being registered as COVID deaths who'd fallen down the stairs or been fucking shot. The way insurance pays out has bloated those numbers to the point where they mean nothing.

    That said I don't think there's any malice or 'master plan' behind it - western countries saw how hard it hit China and how well China was able to contain it and tried to do the same thing. In their haste they didn't calculate how hard the shutdown/lockdown measures would hit their own economies because China's central management was able to spread it out and absorb it. When it became obvious that the virus wasn't nearly as lethal as initially thought, they just kept doubling down because nobody wants to admit they overreacted and killed the economy over a disease that's a little more infectious and less lethal than the flu.

    yea i mean even if you look at australian data, they're not revealing the severity of the infected. they anounce the numbers of those tested positive today but not the level or severity of their illness.

    i wonder how many of those dont even feel a thing,

    what is different about china is that china has redundancy. with the exception of a few hightech ones, there are as many types of factories in neighboring province as they are in those that were shut down so production was never really affected.

    US however, is an incesteous retail economy. their government can print all the money but people need to borrow these money and spend them in the retail environment for the money to circulate so that thr economy could thrive.

    lockdown prevented people from going out and spend, which is why despite having printed 3 trillion out of thin air there hasnt been an inflation thus far, because people are not spending, they save it, they pay their rent, and they robinhooded them into bankrupted companies in the name of buying the dip.
  19. ^ joe is mad
  20. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting I wonder if you could take down a tower with some steel cable and a ratchet. Wrap the cable around the tower, and increase the tension until the supports buckle.

    assuming your talking about the bigger ones, the load they are bearing are in hundreds of tons.

    your bear hand cohld do little.
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