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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by FutureMan2030 Happy New Years Candy


  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ I am your Maker. Fill me to the brim.

    Did you make Larold kill himself? I'm almost upset enough to make a thread about it
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Did you know that you make us feel a little bit less alone, even if it's just looking at your red hatted Visage?

    The things about yourself that you think separate you from others are things that everyone experiences.

    I am actually obbe
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe

    What emotion were you experiencing when you made these threads?

    Let's talk about it
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Together Oct and Grylls are known locally as Nonce De Leon
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra I dunno, trying not to summon Obbe

    I was going to apologize in the OP for Obbe/Zanick posting.

    I think that's certainly true to an extent but there are still possibilities outside of the bounds. It's very hard to quantify and predict though. It's the old constrained/unconstrained "a conflict of visions" Thomas Sowell debate (which almost everything is) and I tend to lean more toward constrained but still want to believe in vast possibilities.

    Semi-side note, have you ever heard of the "sleep rooms" at Mcgill University in Canada, funded by the CIA? All I could find in a 15 second search was a miniseries about the program. Basically it was trying to "reset" mental patients (and some people who weren't and whose brains were turned to mush). It was some MKULTRA shit that was based on an interesting premise.
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    your self esteem must be very low to need validation so often
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra I'd doubt it

    I think regardless of my choices I'd eventually get bored of everything I tried and end up slowly becoming more and more self-destructive

    genetic manifest destiny

    Well the query I posed had to do with development too, do you think your genetics constrained your experiences and sensory perceptions to the point where you couldn't expand and grow beyond what you already have?

    I was born with ADHD which was diagnosed but left untreated for a long time. It's kinda like wondering if you had the "right" medication would you have gone farther?

    Do you think you might have been able to find some like minded individuals interested in mutual large scale destruction outside of this community? Are the degrees of your destruction variable? Being resigned to a fate is pretty theist, or cynical, or logical
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I was going to make the thread title much more buffalo bill-esque but I'm glad I didn't in hindsight. Learning
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    If you recall I've been making threads about her, natalia kills and lana del rey for almost a decade now. This isn't about my designs on stalking her though, this is about how damaged we all are (or at least I am)

    Do you ever think back on your life in somewhat binary terms when it relates to decisions you've made? It's kinda the premise (or the first interaction) in the Richard Linkletter film "slacker." Do you ever think about how if you basically made better decisions your life/personality/development would have taken a very different route?

    That's where Alexis Krauss comes in, I feel if I evolved healthier I might have ended up with someone like her, making music and doing cool, fun, low key positive stuff, blissed out and in the moment all the time. Just a couple of simps making cool music and feeling love all the time. Is it possible I'm seeing things that aren't there and using a multitude of dimensions like a coping mechanism? Yes but it's good to think of things like this so you don't make the same mistakes twice. It's depressing because it seems like it's too late sometimes...because it is. But we still have moments and memories...and hope.

  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by WellHung Sudo thinks that he is Joe Cool.

    excuse me while I have a super cool existential crisis
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Behind cigreting is an old guy fucking his ass
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Stupid dumb victims. I have ZERO convictions, got an amazing job and still had time inbetween to debate killing myself, LOL!

    You pathetic victims would sucicidez over your shit lives but there's at least me to love the dream.

    Be proud you fucking ugly gimp losers, there will never be an NIS like me. Just remember when this piece of shit forum ends, and the TOTSE legacy flame burns out; I-FUCKIN'-MADE-IT! You losers will eat sheeit.

    Your bubble yum ass would probably be dead if you lived my life
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe "I was a major drug dealer before I nonced a 19 year old"

    Ok m8, you a real niggurh.

    When did I ever say anything similar to that?

    It appears you are extremely upset
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Octavian Lol I fucked a 17 year old last year and I didn't even seek it.

    How does that make you feel Wariat?

    So if you had sex with a 17 year old last year....

    And this thread is from July 2019...

    And you are 30 years old now...

    If my Nonculator is correct you're approaching Gary Glitter levels of noncery
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Shhhh no more words

    Only cringes now
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Yeah,I agree he bitch niggered.

    What about the chillen though?

    I thought you abandoned this thread out of shame. I guess you returned to post weird incomprehensible fragments.

    Are you drunk? Say you're drunk and that can be your excuse. We all saw ya you were super drunk and made all those upset threads. it's ok m8, you had a few down ye olde pube and got a little outta pocket we all bin dere don't worry a tif miss Molly back to bed wit ye and it's off to the kitchen factory in a tuppence time

    This post makes more sense than yours. I'm drunk. You cant prove I'm not.
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I don't think I have ever said or felt that "life was goin pretty well." I say things like "I am very grateful for certain things" but I have never ever shaken the feeling of impending doom that has stricken me for much of my life.

    Nonce this feeling is gone I'll know I've truly made it
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    What a weird person you are. The way your upset threads are framed is indecipherable

    Also a typical sudo thread is "I'm depressed: someone share my melancholy with me"

    At least 20% of my threads have a variation of "I'm depressed " in the title. Another 40% are threads with other users in the title and the other 40% are threads made of solid gold soon to be in the internet hall of fame

    It's funny when I mention how much of a tryhard you are it sends you into a fit of incomprehensible buttfrustrated posting. What would your son think if he could see you now?
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ I'm simping for you. I will stop.

    You are simply the bestest my little soapy simpy sudd. I hope the weather is happy and your day at work was sunny. I'll text you later on a secret number no one else is allowed to have but let's talk about it publicly. MUAH (that affectionate noise was directed at you, mmq, and anyone else reading this does not receive the same sign of Love, although it was posted publicly for all to see).

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