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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready They made him sell that tower. They took his fucking name off of it. He said he´ll never come back to NYC. LOL Gigi and I have a video of being there when they were protesting in 2015. A bunch of Hispanics out in front. One was dressed up as a KKK

    Malice <3
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    You seem kinda low functioning there scron. What extra freedoms would being debt free allow you?
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Look at this coward who won't even post a picture of his mother for comparison
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by frala I stopped following this. This cannot be what she’s saying.

    Yep. She doesn't even need to be stating this right now, she just realized she fucked up and is going into damage control
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Is it funny that Sidney Powells libel defense is "everyone knew I was lying and nobody in the right mind would think what I was talking about was factually based." It's funny because she was obviously gotten to by the democratic Satanist pedophile psyop.
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Trump-appointed judges have obviously been threatened and/or blackmailed by the Democrats. Extortion, fraud and cancel culture is their go-to gimmicks. Even a blind man can see that, at this point. But don't worry. Everything will soon be rectified. Then the shit really hits the fan.

    Trust the plan, Stan. You have such stilted punctuation marks.

    What is your evidence for this "obvious blackmailing of Trump appointed judges?" Every single one eh?

    Amazing, I mean amazing that people can't obviously see that there was a massive conspiracy that affected every judicial and legislative branch to make the more popular guy win the election. Just because there hasn't been any credible evidence presented doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Why would people lie about that?
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    The first non fake news of this thread: Spectral likes to troll and has been doing it for a long time
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Regardless of how anyone feels about Trump I think we can all agree that he molested the fuck out of Ivanka and Jared knows about this and used it as leverage to get his high ranking position in the white house. It's very similar to what his dad did to his uncle
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I guess I'm a low key believer in the power of positive snake oil salemanship/thinking/that kinda stupid new age "da seekrit" shit.

    I've always thought about decision trees/matrices after difficult events such as arrests/deaths of those close by/other fucked up events. Kinda normal to think about in that way to try to make sense. It's kinda like thinking "what if kurt cobain hadn't killed himself" and stupid shit like that. He probably would have kept being depressed and whatnot. "what if bon scott didn't die?" he would have drank himself to death at another time. No way of knowing. I'll shut up now.
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Solstice Really?

    Yes, he still wanted to fuck her tho
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Your mom keeps your around because every other man in her life has ran away. You are abating each others abandonment issues.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by netstat yeah i get on this train of thought often, lately it has been a girl i met a decade ago in college who was as close to my ideal partner as i can imagine myself finding and should have stuck with and left all my weird interests and beliefs and behaviours behind to build a normie life, i can chart out how my life would have been different and how i wouldn't have fucked things up at various points that descend from the shittier branch of that initial decision tree, but then i think about how the branches of the tree are practically infinite and it's not simply a matter of making one right decision at a pivotal moment i remember from the past but making the right decision at most or all other intersections - a majority of which are completely unknown and unpredictable - that descend from there, and any one of those could have become the mistake i sit here and lament in the present

    i agree with what aldra said, genetics may not be deterministic but they influence your personality to a large degree and point you down a road that's hard to exit even if you're self-aware and with my fucked up personality behind each and every choice i've ever made i don't think i would have turned out much better without a very high degree of luck

    You seem to get this concept completely. I really wish I used "decision tree" in the OP it would have made it much more clear. It's regretful and not usually constructive reflective thinking but could in theory prepare you to make the right decision at a pivitol moment. I guess regressing to the mean IQ/genetic expectation over time after a bout of luck/good decision making is a very likely outcome. I guess my fantasy involves being able to use positive outcomes for launching pads of better decision trees/matrices which as aldra pointed out, genetics have a lot to do with in terms of decision making.

    I guess you're more realistic about the risk/expectations of ultimately positive decisions over time. It's funny that most of these gay romantic fantasies involve women who are notoriously unpredictable and not bound by rational thought/expectations. Can't really rely on any of them and just about every wise nigga knows you can't trust no ho.

    It's the kind of thing that fascinated Mengele, dealing with identical twins and affecting different outcomes on them to watch the results. There are no "placebo tests" for just about every decision tree though and you have to live in the results of everything you do. It's kinda the old debate about how "moldable" someone really is and the data is showing with more and more certainty that the answer is "not very much." I will still entertain the fantasy though that I was but a few decisions away from being ultimately satisfied and happy. The best conversations I've had with people for the longest time were about the entropy that is existence.

    I picked this song because I like the like/chorus of "I swear I'm a shell of a man, you said, 'nah, I'm a hell of a man'" which fits well with the motif of this gay thread. Thank you everyone who listened to it and/or responded
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Fact: Greta Thunberg is/was sploo's second cousin
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Jisatsu_Fujoshi1998 I don't hate you I just realize you're an unsophisticated low rent scumbag and a huge douche.
    This is how I know you have never actually listened to merzbow or experimental music, you've just seen me talk about it and try to pretend to know about this stuff so you can seem like anything other than a dish washing bum with a hillbilly face.

    Don't you live transiently between trailers and low rent apartment buildings in a Midwestern cesspool with your mother and couldn't even make it past junior high? But you make listening to amelodic music your whole "personality." Sounds very sophisticated please get some self awareness
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Dregs hey bro pole and sis OP, hope all is well in your ends in life.. or beginnings. everyone else i'm pretty plum clear indifferent too these days. hey frala my erectal problems and gay shit in jail/prison all fine i seem to have impregnanted a womenz for real can you say a prayer to "fvuydscv" and her &8^*&6%&" family soon just in case its 100% TRUTH? please take Kory with you…and Lanny can take care of the "baby" even though its 1000% ALIEN in nature. You know I know your secrets womenz. Seriously a dad a second time in 44 years without even trying and drunk not remembering shit I seem to have pulled it off again…

    Sis can I get a few hail Mary's or Sister Teresa's? please. Curse me damnit my so called impotent ass in the specialist's eyes keeps on making babies…really this chick who i do remember briefly in spree of drunkeness and drugs remembers has got the seeds YES seeds in her.. I'm having TWINS. how can the experts get impotentecies so wrong??? you have had many colours in your canals i just wonder

    Yes to answer your question they will be abandoned. But really serious question are the "experts" ever this wrong? I seriously can't remember being/fucking a girl since my 20's…than I went serious prison gay and for money and shit too…

    Help me understand this….oh the DNA real life shit backs up these bitches claims AND if true do I have to cut off my faggot penis to stop all this?

    I need answers before ANY FUCKING commences again…

    Oh God Bless you and yours.


    Dude that's great news but go on maury if you really don't remember or you may have been drugged and your semen exracted.

    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 April 1st

    The next fiscal year? I am also eagerly anticipating dis wit sum bated ass breaf. I hope things are going aite. Today could have been much fucking worse. I feel pretty good about it. Thank you, I hope you all reach enlightenment in this lifetime.
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra

    he got fucking verbally SLAPPED by Russia, China and Iran inside a week, and I'm paraphrasing here:

    Russia - 'Russia is not beholden to US interests, and is aware that nothing we do short of total capitulation will appease the US government (who he clarifies do not represent the people). We will continue to pursue our interests regardless of 'consequences''. He also brings up dark parts of US history to explain why he does not outright reject Biden calling him a 'killer'.

    China - 'The US is no longer in a position of strength to be issuing baseless accusations as though we were a vassal. Until treated as an equal partner we have nothing to say'

    Iran - 'The US is no longer in any position to be making demands on returning to the JCPOA since they left and sabotaged it. The only way we come back is if sanctions are lifted first, as we've shown good faith multiple times and been punished for each'

    Oh yeah and NK literally will not respond to diplomatic contact because they don't consider Biden a legitimate president, lol

    none of those quotes are in the things that you posted. The video was a fruity guy saying he was concerned about china and the chinese guy basically said "nunya bidniss" which has kinda always been the status quo. The second video was Putin talking at length without any translation or substitles.

    I think they have to keep up a strong front to the new president because they know the US is bargaining from a weak position right now. The last election and transition was pathetic and they know the US is scrambling and playing catchup after the transition teams didn't coordinate in national interests.

    The good things about Russia and China is a stable government allows domestic transparency and teams being on the same page. They know that US intel coordination is at a weak position right now and have to maintain a strong demeaner when it comes to relations while they assess the US's motives, which, in terms of rhetoric goes, seems pretty aggressive but broad and unfocused.

    Iran is where the US can do some salvaging of ties and branching out. Meng wan zho or whatever from huawei is the pawn that can be used to show what the plan of attack will be. The US (and Canadian relations too) is using her as a bargaining chip. She affects china's and Irans (and russias to a much smaller extent) futures in big ways. I really hope he keeps the pressure on. Apparently Trump wasn't notified when they were going in to arrest her because they were afraid he would blab about it. I think lifting or Iran's sanctions is the best way to ease relations without giving concessions. They need to bring out the SPECIFIC things they need China to stop fucking with like putting 5g in Africa (and all over the world) and thieving intellectual property and furthering its influence and territory and stifling pro democracy efforts in its neighbors. China will always retain the right to do what it wants to its people, the US has to try to hold them accountable, especially when it sets a dangerous precedent for those around China.

    Trumps "OMG TRADE DEFICIT" was retarded sounding to anyone who knows anything about economic theory and backfired in an obvious and predictable way. If nothing else though, it got people talking about china and increased anti-asian sentiments and suspiciouns so that's a positive. I think if americans can make the leap to blaming their personal problems on a kabaal of satanist democrat pedophiles they can make the leap to blaming it all on a billion slant eyed commies on the other side of the world. Something very beautiful might happen and our nukes launch faster.
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Narc David Attenborough is a bit gay but is really good. Blue planet was interesting as fuck.


    Da is a fucking G

    He does his own thing, will freely talk shit about people who aren't doing their part and has done so much in terms of conservation and education yoy know he's genuine. I wish everyone was more like him
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Freddie Gibbs is enlightened
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just looked and Lawrence of Hawtbabeia posted a few days ago and I am very happy to hear he is relatively alright
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