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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Thats a shame RIP

    The good thing about being a musician is you will live forever as the music you made will transcend time and be relevant for years to come. He had a rough life for a well known musician. Hopefully he's in a better place and free from pain now
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data I don't think Sudo has any cool words

    I don't think §m£ÂgØL has any cool friends
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I just act like a dick to people who have acted like a dick to me dont see whats so wrong with that.

    Plus we are on a site where basically everyone here acts like a dick, you're just singling me out

    Dont be so sensitive sudio. There's way more dickish people on this site than me

    If anything im one of the cooler people on this site im not doxxing people or constantly spamming.

    Plus you shouldn't have to try to like someone. You just do or dont

    I just find it distasteful to speak ill of people for dubious reasons. You're making some good points tho and they are noted.

    Everyone razzes you in an endearing way though, you're an easy target (and as a sexual predator im sure you know all about easy targets) and it's the internet. I just remember you speaking ill of the dead and kicking people when they're down, which aren't nice things but whatever, you're still cool in my books, just something I find distasteful since this is the airing of Bill Krozby grievance thread.
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I doubt these things. It also depends what things you think make up your "life"

    It can always get better and always get worse. You could lose your arms to a flesh eating virus and also could be richer and more emotionally and spiritually fulfilled with more females on your dick.

    Don't ever think it can't get any worse because it will. I've learned to be thankful for the shitty things that happen to me because they sometimes end there and are just the temporary discomfort instead of a life shattering paradigm shift
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data I don't think Sudo has any hobbies

    I have a family, businesses and resnoncibilities and this is still untrue.

    Hobby is a cool word. One hobbies is finding cool words
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting Hey sudo whyd you go to prison then?

    I went to teach the inmates an interpretative dance class
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data "NIS optics" holy shit

    I post here more than you and even I don't care

    Bueno cares
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data Lmao are you serious or just basing it on retard outrage. Its soft as fuck. Weak ass nothing.

    Ooh no you gotta order your parts to the gun store instead of your house! Ohhhh no! Like you already have to do for guns! Ohhh shjttt!

    This won't effect re election even a marginal amount.

    Whether or not it has a discernible effect, the optics are more important and it looks like old liberal grandpa Joe is making things more difficult for americans to protect themselves against the chinese tranny stem cell eating mass aborters.

    I guess enough people voted for him expecting him to do shit like that but it might erode some support for him as well
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data What book will get me hooked by chapter one

    "how to shoot heroin for dummies: abridged and condensed version"
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Imagine being a junior high dropout virgin who lives in poverty with his mother in Indiana

    I feel like I'm being a bully just for pointing out these indisputable facts
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Data Democrats never and will never propose any significant change that'll infringe on freedom to own firearms. It's just a dumb as fuck argument to say otherwise. They dose out weak shit like this as a deflection and distraction.

    Waiting on min wage increase, healthcare, tax funded college, etc… You know, the stuff like 80% of people want.

    It's obviously not a good idea , idk why Biden is doing it now and allowing the blame to be on his shoulders. He just lost any chance of reelection
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]

    Niggas don't know cormac wrote DA ROAD and his ex wife got arrested with a gun shoved up her pussy.

  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    It's not just republicans who believe in the second amendment, it's basically everybody who's not a statist cuck
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Ghost is the biggest loser because he let the pics oct and hikki and that cum looking faggot post get to him. He feeds the troll and justifies the trolling. In this way he is losing and streisanding. He's not a bad gont at all, in fact I like him and would like to help him however I could, however he has clearly not had a good month in terms of NIS optics. I'm sorry that anyone cares
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    You need to meditate on this by taking high doses of benzos mixed with whatever killed michael jackson
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Jisatsu_Fujoshi1998 You’re an insufferable prick too so you would find kortz appealing

    I'm gonna be appealing your skin off and rolling around in it like a puppy with a blanket
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I really try to like Bill Krozby but he is kind of a dick to people for unknown reasons but not in a cool way just kinda rude
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Child of God would be a better film if they made it.

    I haven't read that yet but I am sufficiently motivated to do so now
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bradley What you see as coldness and find "great" I kinda am disturbed by.

    I was brought up by people that I looked up to that were "old school."

    We caught up, we make phone calls, not statements.

    I have a huge sense of not fear, but physical aversion even watching someone just tell on themselves cuz I know how often it starts a ball rolling that wipes out a whole friendship circle of gentleman.

    Nigga this ain't the first 48 and the kid is not a criminal, he doesn't live a criminal lifestyle, he's just a sociopath who shot a man just to watch him die. How inexplicable it is to the sheriff and their back and forth is the great part. It's very different. Obviously you lawyer up as soon as you talk to a pig, which is likely what the pig expected. The only thing he lies about is the involvement of his friends dad in giving him a can of WD40 to get his prints off.

    It's just a lot like no country for old men. Also it's funny the kid dressed like that to go kill a fat mexican in the middle of nowhere

    THERE ARE LEVELS TO THIS SHIT you gotta get over the fact he's telling on himself (and no one else)
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Bradley Good morning,

    I haven't seen the movie no country for old men, isn't it about finding money in the desert and it belongs to the cartels? Never read the book either.

    IF you want to reach Red Dawn Meridian or w/e, i'm interested. I haven't read fiction since i was incarcerated, but I am interested in your literary interest Sudo, and hope you do not disappoint.

    LMK when you want me to call the library and make them fags reserve it for me. You can set the pace of our reading, as I likely have way more free time than you but don't wanna read ahead.

    AS for the confession, lacking any other context, (IDK who the corn mccormic guy is) I will still watch it while I sip my coffee because I am interested in how people get people to tell on themselves.

    LIke nigga if I found a dollar bill inside the police station and picked it up, i'd be a long fuckin time before you convicne me to tell you something that will invalidate me having 1 dollar rightfully mine, yet these niggas tell on their entire future, their entire gang, their people, their plugs, like what the fuck bro? JUst lay down and do your bid, fuck unsolved crimes getting solved.

    No country is about the death of innocence and meaning and the brutality of existence. It has some cartel money in it as well but is about a lot of other things. Jarrod Murry has many parallels between Anton sigur (the gut with the funny haircut you've probably seen in promos for the movie) and the sheriff (especially at the end) is very reminiscent of Tommy Lee Jones' sheriff character.

    Blood meridian is by the same author and set in the 1850s and loosely based on true events. The character of "the judge" is basically the best villan of all time. The character of "the kid" is relatable too. Brutal and gripping and beautifully written and sexy and violent.

    At least 3-5 major Hollywood directors have bought rights to screenplays of the novel but then submitted that they couldn't do it justice. Look it up. Blood meridian is amazing and doesn't lose anything over time.

    The kid in the video basically tells on himself right away and doesn't even try to hide anything. The coldness he exhibits is unnerving to the sheriff its great.
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