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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]

    I love you. You're so underrated as both a poster and as a person. I want to help you garden your prized ficuses
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Quick mix scitzophrenia makes mental illness look fun and engaging. This is often not the case but it appears his coping mechanisms are much better than others. A true inspiration to be functioning at the level he is
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    If he wasn't guilty he would sue OP for libel. He's definitely a radioactive nonce
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Inb4 "didn't read HAHA" and another display of how immature and Jimmy savillian you are
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe His mother's bf is a Police officer?

    HAHAHAHAHHA how much of a stupid cunt do you look now?

    All my family are cops as well, as if I would not have let him go by without a check.

    You're clutching ar straws now and boring me. You should try have kids before your ovaries get anymore shrivelled.


    All Your family are cops/cucks? That makes so much sense you have a cucky bootlicking bloodline. Your son will be a willful participant of his volleyball coaches "extra credit activities" and be grateful for one on one time with an older male.

    I literally risk my freedom everyday to be there for my kids while you are by your own admission not man enough to be a father.

    By all means, duck and dive your parental renonceabilities, sending a check every few weeks ain't shit and does not a father make. Just don't pretend you give a fuck about anything to do with children besides exploiting them sexually, which you have proudly admitted to doing
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe OK smack head that has kid with teenager and has mentioned lusting for younger pussy.

    I've done smack once in me loife while you compulsively snort coke cut with baby laxatives.

    both my baby mammers were over 20 at time of inception

    I'm going to keep using kro0zisms to keep his mammery alive
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Is everyone in America on meth?
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]

    All 8 of his slimey British appendages are noncestantly seeking underage skin

    It's noncence somebody hasn't done something about him already
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Seriously though, you have admitted to committing acts that would characterize you as a pedophile in many countries
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Oct your smokescreen noncehunt is as transparent as your your shirt after a day of lactation from your gynopastic man breasts.

    You would run to a 16 year old girl before you would run to your parenting responsibilities

    Or should I say reNONCEabilities?????!!!!?!??!?!?????!!!!!!!
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    You will get to a good place Bradley. I think you should realize Allah (SWT) has every attribute of your polytheistic concept of a deity so its kinda silly to complicate things. That's like saying only Mike Tysons hands are what made him a great boxer. Recognize its all branches of the same tree. Then turn that tree into paper son and with the price of wood rn being twice the price of a ten tons of rice in Xinjiang, I think you'll clean tf up. It's only a matter of time.
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Ever ate a pussy really good then regretted it later like "nah dat bitch really didn't deserve that good nut"

    I can figure a black person's face on that sentence and I feel if I made that into a meme it'd go viral on black Twitter

    I was specifically thinking of a half black girl when I was thinking of it too.
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    OP is hikki tier pathetic in every aspect of his life.
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I want to thank fona for being there for him and reaching out and talking to him on the phone I have to imagine there is some guilt there but you don't own that. I have to imagine if everyone had someone like that when they were feeling their most unsettled that fewer of these tragedies would occur. I feel a little guilt myself too

    It's a really fucked up time right now, so many people I know have passed in the last few weeks, it seems like it's taken forever for the time to pass. It's fucking terrible how alienated people have become over the last decade. This is something we can blame on the chosen ones but alot we can blame on a society that stigmatizes and dismisses mental health issues. In the last few years we have just started calling the opiate crisis an epidemic but young men taking their lives and/or mutilating their genitals has yet to be defined as one. There are also the young women who have to blame men and culture for their mental health issues because its easier. There is no easy answer for this crisis but it starts with a dialog because most cases are different. Just being open and allowing yourself to be vulnerable takes fucking courage, especially as a toxic man. I can't speak to a woman's experience but I'll ask your mother after she's finished brushing my cum off her teeth

    I can't really say anything about Doug that I wouldn't feel like a hack for saying. I wasn't the closest to him at all but I genuinely liked him and enjoyed reading his posts. He was more open than most, about his failures and shortcomings and also just about who he was in general. Nobody was indifferent to him, he was someone who had a forceful personality (insert rape joke here) and you had to feel some kind of way about him. Going back a lot of things make sense about his personality, I wish I was a little more understanding the same way I wish people were more understanding of me when I was not at my best

    Just be good to each other. You never know what someone is going through and when they're going to vanish. I've been reaching a lot of Ram Dass lately and the crux seems to be that you only matter to yourself because that's all you can control. Well, when what's inside you seems uncontrollable you need people to reach out to who will give you a smack to get your head together. I'm tired of seeing people I like go before their time. Thanks for being here for me, you've all collectively helped me alot more than you know

    Op is a faggot
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Bling bling and crazymike as well.

    Also markxtc311 think his timeline was in this sites early days

    Also actor is definitely dead his last few posts were about how he was going to die this week and it's the hardest week of his life. Don't have to be a rock scientist
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I remember in da penzo my friend (who turned out to be a bad rat and I wish misfortune upon him) showed me a letter he got from someone thst was signed with a swastika and wrote "fuck the handsome and well tanned individuals" at the bottom which I thought was rude but kinda funny. Idk how I got a pass for hanging with blacks as well as white supremacists and brought blacks over to the white supremacist table in the caf. I guess I'm the Jesse Jackson of prison politics. Thank you, you can address me as that from now on

    Edit: this is my 10k shitpost and it sucks
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 Instead of getting upset and throwing a tantrum why don’t you just buy a dictionary and learn a thing or two for once

    No one is upset about the things you type on the internet besides the awareness thst you have the audacity to exist for no reason and to no benefit whatsoever. It's depressing to engage with you because you really are too weak to exist without suckling your mama's teet into your 30s.

    Feel free to make some more vocaroos of your effeminate and developmentally delayed voice though, those are always good for a laugh and ythats kind of useful
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by cigreting Hes a paraplegic retard that cheats on his girlfriend and supports her skeet trophy…what a faggot 😂

    Hey aren't you that unfuckable MRA incel Greasemonkey? What's the deal with you not killing yourself?
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Worf, son of Mogh 1. This is your second child (after abandoning the first) so you should know by now that an infant's genitals and eyes are disproportionately large and become smaller by ratio as they develop into an adult.

    2. Baby genitals are still small. That you think they are large leads me to believe he got his genetics from his mother's side. They only appear large because your testicles are small. I don't believe you have 'good sized balls' and will need photographic evidence. Plus your girl probably cheats on you.

    3. I didn't think of baby balls, you sick fuck. That's not the only baby I've changed. I change baby diapers when baby's need changing diapers because I am a good person who people entrust with their children. I love kids in a non-gay way. You love kids in a gay way, because here you are making threads about baby balls, you sick fuck. I have seen baby vagina and this is the only time I've ever expressed that thought to another human being, because those are the type of thoughts that decent people repress.

    4. Stop posting in this thread. Every time you post it just re-affirms to me the fact that you are obsessed with infant testicles and prone to molesting your sweet innocent boy, who has NEVER thought about YOUR testicles.

    5. Sick fuck.

    Stop writing so much about my child's balls you fucking weirdo. My first child I didn't know I had til she was over a year old and have fought to be in her life ever since. She is ready more of a man than you are
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by 自殺少女 It’s self-awareness, you keep forgetting to include the hyphen.

    You're trying to pettifog discussion about your own failure of a life and that's very telling that you're not ready to deal with it. Keep regressing and you'll eventually become that abortion you should have been
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