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Posts by Sudo

  1. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump This map is beautiful. Is it possible that the Ukrainian army guys who were stationed in the east weren't moved at all, so are now going to be encircled? Major loss if so. That's not exactly how you win a war, getting kesseled, like the Germans at Stalingrad.

    You don't want to be in open country when the Russians have a zillion grad trucks either.

    It seems there have been more outward movement of separatists from luhansk, likely to encircle Kharkiv, while other regiments move along the coast to pincher marioupol in conjunction with the south eastern front coming from Crimea.

    Yeahcfrom that map it definitely looks like another debaltsevo cauldron situation is inevitable unless they fall back pretty far
  2. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just read a motherboard article about how Russia might block Wikipedia for false information about the war, namely taking the Ukrainian governments casuality totals of 100 odd Ukrainian soldiers killed vs 5710 Russian soldiers killed. SEEMS LEGIT
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Maybe politics? The Russian army is artillery based, and maybe the airforce guys say "lets sit this one out and not get blamed for dead civilians". So they let the grug-brained army guys do all the fighting. There are probably intense inter-service conflicts too, and the Russians probably don't have the whole idea of using air in close support of ground troops as well refined as other armys do. There are also a lot of anti-air missiles floating around too. And the Russians have been winning handily so far, so no need to risk expensive planes when there are endless conscripts available to soak up shrapnel instead. I know it feels like it's dragging out, but the yanks took 3 months to take Baghdad in 2003, so this is actually nothing.

    Yeah Russia has so many aircraft though, and new ones too, it's just weird how the troops aren't being supported by them. It's just weird to take such a bold risk then use risk adverse behavior when it comes to aircraft. Maybe doesn't want another repeat of 2014 and have another passenger plane taken put idk.
  4. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat I am a historian

    Want to meet my hawt 12 year old niece at the museum?
  5. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked like u think im joking but i actually dont fucking care my life is so fucking gay. imean im fat n useless but i figure i can watch a bridge or someshit for a bit

    Nigger I'm not telling you to give a fuck but don't get in your feelings and say you're fat, we've all seen pictures of you and you have the BMI of a ferret. I can't speak to your utility but you seem pretty fucking useful to a Lotta people.

    I dream of running away and faking my own death literally every single day so maybe if you watch that bridge you can tell people I jumped off it and are definitely dead so there's no point in looking for me. Then we can run away to margarita Island and become professional jetski racers
  6. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Also why isn't Russia using more aircraft? The troops are moving far beyond air support and they have so far failed to take vaselkiv, is that what they're waiting for? They could be flying right into Kiev and Kharkov easily rn but Russia is leaving it alone. There are literally more Ukrainian planes in the sky over Ukraine than Russian right now.
  7. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Hi drunk my names da prest
  8. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    From the windoowwwwwww
    To the wall
    The floor won't be done til fall
    Unless Fona gets on adderalll

    Awww hep c hep c hep c
    Say Aww hep c hep c got dang
  9. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I hear donetsk airport is beautiful this time of year
  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by SEGA Nigga Drive Don't talk about geopolitics if you can't spell "vassal".

    Lol don't quote my posts if you don't know how to use quotations properly
  11. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra Russia doesn't need a vassal or a puppet; what they're demanding is a return to neutrality. They're trying to enforce this long-term by degrading military capability and removing the existing 'nazi' government under the pretext that it both presents a serious threat to Russia through their NATO aspirations and has been victimising its own people (most acutely the Eastern regions) for the past decade. Once the Army has surrendered and Porky and Zelensky have fled to israel I expect we'll see a new political apparatus with either a new constitution or a non-aggression agreement similar to what's been signed by the LDNR and a staggered withdrawal. How stable and resistant to outside interference long-term that'll be is a different story.

    The western media is far too focused on blaming Putin personally for this, probably because it's a lot easier and less likely to shine blame on them than investigating the root causes. As it stands, I've seen a few surveys lately that put domestic Russian opposition to the war at around 10% (60-70% for, remainder undecided) - as I've said multiple times before, anyone else who could've been in Putin's position would've acted much earlier.

    A new government and constitution would have 0 legitimacy with the Ukrainian people and get colored while the ink is still dry. It's magical thinking to imagine the Ukraine army surrendering and zelensky fleeing (I believe porky already fled to Poland despite having to surrender his passport due to outstanding charges) and just letting Russia dictate the terms of a new constitution while being an international pariah. That could have been an objective originally but it's a dynamic situation and that's not really realistic right now.

    Putin is going to start laying siege to Kiev, in a battle that will make the donetsk airport look like a homoerptic Slapfight, then go back to the negotiating table and hope he gets recognition of the areas he wants and a guarantee Ukraine won't join NATO. That would be a victory but the higher the cost is for Russia the less the Ukrainians will be willing to relinquish
  12. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I thought this was an ironic thread and fona got some self awareness/insight into what contributes to gas prices and I'm still not sure but after reading the comments it looks like he is confused once again and all OLD MAN BAD
  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Man Biden is such an old honkey piece of shit this state of the union is depressing while trumps were just confusing, funny and sometimes anger inducing. Fuck this guy I'd rather have putin or zelensky

    Look at all these senators standing up and going "YEAH FUND THE POLICE" Fucking kill yourselves you statist sacks of shit WHY ARE YOUR HEADS STILL ATTACHED TO YOUR BODIES???
  14. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I realized that zelensky has to stay in power and Putin suffered some serious bay of pigs style group think. He didn't read the room and now zelensky has to stay in power. No way a puppet would last more than 10 minutes and Russia can't occupy Ukraine. It's going to wear on the troops, at no point will they be greeted as liberators.

    The optics are just horrible and the cost is so much higher for Russia than Ukraine. Like I see why he did it but he picked a really weird time. Literally waiting a month or two would be better, I'm sure he had his reasons but he's obviously more isolated than he has been for a while and went all meth and maps in the bunker

    At this point federalization would be viewed by ukranians as balkanization and framed in the media as an attempt to make the country a vassle (which is the best case scenario for russia)but either way, there is a point where the objectives stop being worth it, and the possibility of bearing the brunt of the cost only to lose down the line is an embarrassment which is the worst thing in the world for a Russian.

    Putin is thinking of his place in Russian history and what he wants to be remembered for building rather than destroying (the 25 years or so he has been building Russia up)
  15. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I feel like Doug would appreciate this being his eulogy but there's more to him than some triggered hambeast so someone who can articulate his personality better (LUIGI) should do it. Someone like Luigi. Hey did someone say Luigi? I think I saw him over in that crawlspace being awesome

    Originally posted by chzbrgr You ever heard the saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Why wouldn't I want to keep tabs on someone that has held me against my will, assaulted me, raped me, and nearly killed me? Someone who's cheated on me, financially abused me, and destroyed my personal belongings? Don't you obsess about the things you truly fear? The things that could really destroy you? Maybe that's just me and my anxious personality. This is someone who has left me in their bed to go fuck someone else, someone who has forced me to suck their dick even after I've yelled no, cried, and bit their dick multiple times, someone who's pulled fistfuls of hair out of my head on several occasions. Someone who got my laptop stolen because they invited a streetwalker in to smoke speed. Someone who sold my childhood GameBoy Color for drug money. Someone who has rubbed my own vomit in my face. Someone who's thrown my cell phone under a running faucet when I called the police because I was being attacked. Someone who has bit me, choked me, spanked me, and spit on me in a very aggressive, extreme, non-sexual way. He's a sociopath. There's no remorse for the things he's done. There's no concept of shame or doing wrong. He's a soulless vessel operating off of negative energy, chemicals, and lies. There's more wrong than there's right. There's more myth than truth. That's what he feeds on; the abundant source of darkness. When you've encountered something like that, when you've been intimate with something like that, it's a little hard to forget.
  16. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    “If the United States is against you, it means you’re on the right track.”
    —January 2014

    I remember him saying that and thinking "The Big Beautiful Balls on this Brave Sumbitch"

    Very glad he's still alive but he's kind of too ridiculous to take seriously about some things.

    He also supplies the patsies for hits like the one on alexi navalnov or whoever a few years ago outside the Kremlin. Chechans are brutal fighters he wants ttovinstill with patriotism for the future generations and the demographic issues you spoke of are foremost in a lot of people's minds. The caucuses are going to be an important corridor in the future and he wants to be the gatekeeper
  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny 3/5 here.

    im proud of you for embracing what you are.

    Funniest post I've seen you make for a while
  18. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Hahahahahha faggot.

    We had one year were we lost like fucking 5 or 6 heads. It pains me to look at Fubi's Facebook page, seeing how happy he was with his new family, baby on the way etc.

    At least he left his mark and part of him lives on through his son, and his family still have something to hold onto.

    I'm very glad fubi had a son. I hope his mon tells him he died fighting radioactive lions who wore suicide vests.

    Someone do Kr0z' eulogy. Right now I'm gonna go with chzbrgrs triggerpost about him feeding off the abundant source of darkness

    Fuck it someonensay some nice things then include her triggerpost too
  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Shamoney Galore
  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Putin fucked up and didn't read the room
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