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Posts by BummyMofo

  1. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    You sound like you've been on a 2-day long meth binge

    Improve your life
    stop blaming your whore mother for your current position.thank her instead for taking your autism in stride.
  2. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz At least he admits, albeit indirectly, to being an autistic antifa nigger with a sweat pants fetish.

    I admit nothing. But your choice of words indicates your gangrapist racist aryan gang mentality.
  3. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ what a nigger would think and say

    ^ What a kidnapper rapist would think and say
  4. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Some people here certainly are experts

    On all the ranks of the KKK
    On collecting nazi memorobilia
    On how to rape and kill hookers and get away with it
    On downloading japanese toon porn

    But don't expect much intellectualism from these motherfuckas.
  5. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Smoking some good crack lately?, sweat-pants boy? You literally walk around in sweaters and sweat pants in hot climates. Can't think of anything more autistic than that.

    Get a job

    "Autistic antifa nigger" would be a great title for op

    You literally use the word literally like a faggot does. And diss peoplr over the clothing they wear? I mean, if they're wearing knock offs and claiming they're real that's one thing, but you really sound like a fashionista faggot right now dissing sweatpants. And you just keep proving my point that you're a Nazi skinhead freak. Knew it from the beginning.

    You're calling me autistic but you fantasize about raping children? I mean, it must be true, you didn't even deny it. I'd rather be an "antifa sweatpants wearing nigger" than whatever the hell you are, child rapist wannabe.
  6. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz He is kinda stupid, he's actually balding and about 5 feet tall in his 20s

    Can't really reason with stupid.

    Sometimes I trick myself into thinking certain people aren't as stupid as they seem

    You could ask Octavian here to join his internet e-KKK discord channel with all the other autistic boys. Your brand of autism is spergy retardation and has no use to society.
  7. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Wall-of-text KKKspiel right on cue.

    Faggot, I don't care about democrats or republicans and you are retarded...I said let the people govern themselves. Stop using everything to justify your neo-nazi supremacist philosophy.
    You need some clarity here, obviously. Start by not jerking off to drawn pictures of male japanese teenagers, you homo pervert pedophile epstein whore.
  8. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Cry a mothafukkin' river, homebizzle?👍

    I'll cry white tears from my dick onto your fat cracker mama's face bitch
  9. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Is this just a sudden eureka moment about how much you hate Atlanta or did something happen?

    Haven't read the news in a few days.

    All the shit rappers are from Atlanta and I've always hated ATL. Just wanted to go on record and say Atlanta has almost single-handedly changed hip hop completely for the worst.
  10. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kuntzschutz Mob rule is why people like you got lynched back in the day.

    Oh wow big surprise, the NaziKKK 4chaninternetman shows up to contradict me.
    You're wrong. An entire establishment was built on slavery, then segregation. Those things should not have existed to begin with.
    Go ahead and make another pro-fascist white power statement, that's all you have 4changuy
  11. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Let the people govern themselves. Mob justice, bitch.
  12. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    All a bunch of faggot niggas who make shitty bullshit ass music and bring all of society down.

    There I said it FUCK ATL.
  13. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Well Hung I thought better of you

    These NaziKKK internetmen all show their true colors eventually. Inside they are rabid animals. The kind who should be chemically castrated
  14. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Are you based BummyMofo?

    Hell yea I should be on sirius radio giving these niggas what for. not that howard stern pussy ass bitch
  15. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I would love to have more time to work on projects and shit but unfortunately computers and electronic components cost money

    If you're confident enough that you'll make the money back when you finish your projects you can have someone front you the money to buy the components you need right?
  16. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    A lot of the political streamers are leftists, it's just what sells man I think there are definitely some "red pill" mothafuckers who are filling a niche market but if you just wanna be an NPC ass bitch then get on there and talk about anti-capitalist pro-democrat shit tbh
  17. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I think a solo streamer coming out of nowhere will get no viewers. Nobody will know who you are. Just some random on the internet. I follow people on twitch that do play games with friends and only get like 50 viewers. All you really need are a few hundred to make a living out of it really

    That's good information. White Bernie Sanders guy on my facebook is always streaming about politics on twitch and he maybe has 100 people watching but it all started with him linking his shit on facebook to his friends and giving his stream some provocative title you know. I guess 50% of the game is having some kind of content but the other 50% is just having that marketable trait about you and using it
  18. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah lets all start a twitch network where we play games with each other ez money

    See when you say it that way with the "network" and "ez money" thing it sounds like a scam but this could work.
  19. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Originally posted by rabbitweed This fucking guy is trying to tell me that pyramid schemes and multi level marketing are different things. Maybe on a technical level, but on the same ballpark.

    It pisses me off because this guy means well, has a big family, and he does work hard. He just thinks he can work a full-time job and earn real money from super easy shit. Working for yourself is harder, not easier. But it is more rewarding.

    Yeah it's a shame when a grown man takes money that he could be saving or investing
    and throws it into some scheme some pyramid shit investment circle shit

    Don't give money to the idea that you will get money back, it's bullshit! Mostly lol. Unless you was a bitcoin junkie nigga buying heroin off silkroad in 2009 before that shit went up
  20. BummyMofo African Astronaut
    Yeah that multi level marketing and pyramid scheme investment bullshit is everywhere right now. Every one is trying to scam, scam, scam
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