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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Right before i bathe my daughter.

    Also, i don't fucking know? When they break i guess. That doesn't mean i don't buy new clothes in the mean time.

    Watching the CPS kick your door in and you getting pulled out of the bathtub away from her, while, you're placed in a chokehold is a very lovely vision right now.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    another poor little child experienced a something that was perfectly fine that didnt hurt her a bit

    and is now being told that she SHOULD be traumatized by it and feel really, really hurt.

    some peoples mom. smh.
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  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Also domestic abuse is a real and pervasive problem Mexican communities, the fact that exceptions exist doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to the problems of a culture that generates domestic abusers with a much higher frequency.
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by CandyRein People get fake tits ,fake lips ,fake ass , hair etc.. because they feel more attractive with those things..

    But why do people feel the need to be more attractive in the first place? Someone will of course say there's an evolutionary motive to propagate one's genes and we'll delve into a discussion of how our conception of beauty is a proxy for reproductive suitability but when we start talking about "fake tits, fake lips, fake ass, fake hair etc", our drive to "counterfeit" reproductive suitability stops making sense given how widespread it is: if most members of a population can fake a signal of suitability the signal itself loses its value as it no longer signals anything. Then notice the things you listed are all commercial products chiefly aimed at women.

    I say to you this: the reason women feel the need to make themselves seem more attractive (while "male grooming" is an industry, beauty is undeniably a overwhelmingly feminine-centric market) is because of the patriarchal power structure at work in our society that conflates a woman's worth as a person with her sex appeal. Marketing of beauty products is predatory and relies on women internalizing this "beauty as worth" story early. I say we shouldn't play down the stereotype because it highlights a true double standard in our society.
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  5. CandyRein Black Hole
    You so crazy ❤️
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  6. CandyRein Black Hole
    Cup drunk posting about rabbits...

    ohh ok you’re saying more black women do it than other ethnicities..

    I can’t call it ...

    I’ll just stick to my original rebuttal it’s pretty well put..

    Every black woman doesn’t have fake hair

    Just like every white man isnt a pedo

    Just like every Asian doesn’t have bad driving skills

    Just like every Mexican man isn’t going to beat women

    Those are stereotypes lol

    People get fake tits ,fake lips ,fake ass , hair etc.. because they feel more attractive with those things..

    And they are not exclusive to any ethnicity
    So why even say who does it more who does it less.. people do it in general

    I’ll just say I believe.. a sexy woman is a sexy woman.. regardless with or without it...

    And if a man is nit picky about something like that then he’s honestly probably not that into chicks anyway ..

    And seeing as I’m giving rebuttals to bisexual males you and Zanick.. it kinda makes sense so it’s understandable

    And I mean no offense at all, I’m bisexual as well
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  7. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cupocheer So that's what happened to your rectum?

    stfu infinity. you couldn't go a got damn week without your anal fetish creeping into text.

    go start a riot in a gay black neighborhood and have a bunch of black guys bounce you like a pogostick.
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  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Of course women of all races wear hair extensions, but my experience seems to be it's a lot more common with black women. IDK, it's not like there's any problem with hair extensions lol. Like white women are into those olive green jackets and black women seem to like hair extensions. Everyone's got there thing but it ain't no thang ya know?
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    Do you not see those women of other cultural backgrounds with hair extensions?

    Women like to change their feel attractive.. men do too.. since the men who wear hair peices

    I’ll check back on this during break lol
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  10. They claimed to be virgins but I'm still afraid I may have caught Dimentia
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  11. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by benny vader i said this many times and ill say it again :

    just becos you have a penis doesnt mean that your a man.

    a penis does not a man make.

    This nigga is high on something extremely potent because he lost his mind.
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  12. Originally posted by stare rape Lol that o-pce is stimulating as fuck, I only got a couple hours of sleep and now have to go into work half-dissociated and in T-PAIN withdrawal

    You'd think I'd know better than this by now

    You might have a tolerance I wonder. With none to speak of really, 20mg shot me into the craziest, longest, most vivid hole I've ever been in. That shit has LEGS too, like 14 hrs until it let up. Haven't done it again yet just because I need to set aside so much time.

    Originally posted by Manonfire Why is spice coming back

    It was super popular like 5 yrs ago

    It's not. Spice scene is just me and sploo

    Officially off alprazolam now for first time in 4 years I think. I seem to stay awake for about 30 hrs, sleep for 8 hrs, repeat. Strong Mild or weak moderate hallucinations, very in the vein of deleriants.

    Took 500mg T-PAIN to help with pain and I like how it feels at like 40mg better than 500, although 200mg felt good before I upped it. Not doing that again. Extremely itchy, kinda stimulating, not sedating high. Very synthetic opioidish, just has no love in it.

    It's "ok" at killing pain I guess, (this type of pain anyway), but still better than nothing.

    I think tar might have permanently changed my opiate receptors so that I get hallucinations and blurred vision from mid-high doses. Towards the end of my tar use I was getting these CEVs everytime I closed my eyes unlike any other drug I've used. Just a vague shadowy demon face that would instantly morph into another face and another face all fucking day long. Wasn't particularly scary either, just annoying and slightly nauseating. Lasted for like a month after I quit for some reason, I sometimes wonder if the tar was cut with dph or something..
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  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Good to know this is what passes for news in the UK.
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  14. Come up with a better story than “I’m a socially inept retard”. People won’t give a fuck.
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  15. blaster master victim of incest
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  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Manonfire Man I so apperciate that
    For real

    No problem, fam.
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  17. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    You can look at the end of a perfect relationship as the biggest tragedy in your life and nobody will stop you, or you can recognize it for its flaws and realize that you might have destroyed it for the explicit purpose of moving on and starting with a blank slate. You may not know who will come into your life next, and that can be daunting when you had it pretty good, but I would encourage you to embrace this uncertainty and learn to thrive in it.
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  18. Zanick motherfucker [my p.a. supernal goa]
    I don't use emojis personally, but a lot of people here like to tell one another to commit suicide and I can't help but think that there's an image that would help in conveying this. Maybe we should have two of them: one to say, "you should commit suicide," and another to say, "I am considering suicide after reading this."

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  19. HTS highlight reel
    I mean... if you can masturbate to female looking cartoons, you should be able to masturbate to an actual female looking human. In fact I'd say that's probably less weird than hentai. You know? Like Benny said, a simulated woman is just that. 🤔
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  20. Why is his thread in trips? Do all the DH spawn just hang in here or something? Christ. I can barely stand to be here anymore.
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