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Posts That Were Thanked by Manonfire

  1. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Women who want to be men? no because they are still women.

    In that case there's nothing gay about this picture.

    Buck Angel was born a female.
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  2. Originally posted by S6x what will you guys do when you find out that God might not only be a jedi but Black as well?

    Set him to work in the cotton fields.
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  3. Madman African Astronaut
    Using a mac is just something you don't tell other people. The only macs I have been on could barely run their own GUI
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  4. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by 🐿 He's exaggerating. Like always.

    Jill there's a request for your ass on the is sincere.
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  5. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Manonfire Ill never touch a pain pill again


    Right on swear at me and let me feel your happiness. Lol.
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  6. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    You do realize finding a woman in your present mental condition is totally impossible and I'm sure no one wants you. Your mood swings are too extreme and it's clear you would be abusive. It your life of course...still your poject nothing positive and obviously you have little confidence always being upset. You created you misery...not us. Toke your problems's the only thing you can do or will do.
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  7. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    everything is fine till they start thinking they have to change there ways before becoming 30 and all grown the fuk up,, then its yoga and diets an girls night out next thing ya know its shit you dont even want to deal with n ur like who the fuck stold my girlfriends sole
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    if everaone was 4 foots three we can have triple decker busses
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  9. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    dont let your life be defined by the presence or absence of chemicals in it.
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  10. Madman African Astronaut
    I think teenagers are obnoxious as hell, even when I was like 20 I felt the age difference. I like older girls because they are less attainable. Once in a while I will see a lady that is like 60 and I want to bone her, I think they are all counselers/therapists because everytime I get convinced to go to counseling its a real hot older lady and I want to bone her.
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  11. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    *shapeshits into a hodog*

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  12. itybit African Astronaut [daze my amino pe-tsai]
    For gawd sake People.............LET IT GO

    I hope everyone had a great 4th

    P.S. Way to cause a shitfest Matt, as if it doesn't happen enough already smh
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  13. joerell African Astronaut [twine our circinate supersymmetry]
    Originally posted by Manonfire Be a tattoo artist
    U get those crazy chicks
    I love it

    I know what you friend was a good T artist and had to quit because of all the crazy people involved selling everything. Now he's into graphics and a lot happier. Another friend who was burned badly on the upper arm had a T done by him...brilliant. Looked at his arm taking pictures studying it for weeks...then covered the bad part brilliantly and used the imperfections t making everything unnoticeable. Good luck.
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  14. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by HTS Are you really using the fact that you aren't fucking dead to justify how responsible you are as a person? 😅

    Aren't dead, not living in complete disarray, my life isn't in shambles, I am genuinely happy and never depressed or feeling regret with recent decisions I have made, I have a solid career, my own business, on point to purchase a home next year, happily married, own 2 vehicles fully paid for, life is honestly better than it ever has been.

    That's what I meant.
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  15. HTS highlight reel
    Originally posted by joerell At least El is a gorgeous real woman.

    So she's a cunt with a cunt. What do you want? A round of applause for her?
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  16. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    Originally posted by Cootehill Genuine congratulations. Since you (no sarcasm) seem to know more than me, how would you approach solving opiate use?

    I don't know if it can ever be truly "solved". People are going to use the substances they want to use regardless of any legal aspects. So laws and regulations won't help the situation. We should all be well aware of that now, since this whole "War on Drugs" started in the 1960's and the revamp of the Reagan era in the 1980s. That isn't to say that a lack of laws and regulations will solve it either. People are going to use either way.

    However, there are certain things that will make it better and society is slowly moving to that point. Immunity for those who call for an ambulance for an overdosing friend. Many people don't call for fear of being arrested themselves. I was dumped out in front of a children's hospital myself when I overdosed once. My friends didn't want to be caught with me, for fear of being arrested. Immunity from arrest for the sake of saving a life is one step.

    All emergency and first response personnel carrying Narcan. They are doing this in most major cities, but it should be widespread. Carry it. It could save a life.

    Offer true rehabilitation rather than prison sentences for possession (or even small amount sales) charges. Prison doesn't rehabilitate. Prison doesn't address the fundamental root of the addiction. Prison also doesn't provide the needed psychological and addition support services and what little it does provide, is laughable at best. A true rehabilitation system should be the first step in the court system. This, of course, is hard to make work. There are some things about AA/NA that ring true, like "hitting rock bottom". I don't like to use that phrase, but what it refers to is real. The addict isn't going to seek or accept help until they themselves want it. Only when they want it for themselves will they accept help. You can send them to rehab or prison all you want, but if they never reach the point where they're ready to try and stop, then they won't. Prison doesn't adequately address that for most people and unfortunately, neither does most rehabs. Sending people straight to prison over a possession charge, making them a felon, taking away certain welfare benefits from them because they're a felon (like food stamps in certain states), blacklisting them from many job opportunities, etc. It's a system that is setup for the convicted to fail and return to incarceration. Incarcerate them, make them a felon so they can't get a job, take away welfare systems so they can't get food or monetary aid if charged with a drug related charge, offer them no rehabilitation or skills to cope with the fundamental reason they started using in the first place, and let them out on the street. What are a large portion of them going to do? The only thing they knew before they got locked up. Buy, use, and sell drugs. Arrested. Incarceration. Rinse. Repeat. Revolving door.

    So saying all of that, I don't know if there is any actual "solution" to drug addiction or opiate addiction in particular. Those who want to use will use no matter what. However, we, as a society, can offer those who are addicted much more help than we currently are, lessen the crime status of the possession or small sales of drugs, and start treating those addicted with rehabilitation and therapy rather than incarceration.

    I don't have a fix-all answer for you. It only worked for me because I was sick and tired of getting arrested over and over and over and in and out of prisons and rehabs and the constant up and down of being an addict. I was ready to quit because I hated my life. It just so happened to coincide with my arrest and 2.5 year prison incarceration. Speaking from someone who has been in prison, I can say with certainty that prison (at least the GA prison system) offers fuck all to addicts and prison itself is loaded with drugs. It's not the right answer for drug addiction. I don't know what is the right answer, but it's not that.
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  17. Originally posted by X💖X💖X Not true. I’m fat and divorced but I’ve posted pics like that and managed to get myself in there. 😂

    Get yourself in where? A bathing suit that wasn't a rolled up carpet? A constant state of entropy? A children's clothing store where you burst into tears and had to be asked to leave?
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  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Grimace Holy fuck. You might know code, but you don't know how to speak to people digitally or in person, you fucking power-nerd. Your videos sound like a grainy, VHS quality version of a Linus Torvalds speech.

    wow man, you've really given me something to think about. I thought between highly scripting my content, rehearsing beforehand, and generally making a strong effort to make top quality content my video about drunkenly adding a feature to forum software that less than a hundred people use I was going to really come off as charismatic and produce a polished product. But I guess I'm just really not cut out for the youtube celebrity business after all. Another dream I guess I'll never realize.
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  19. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Lol. Meth is garbage & trash bastards use it. 😂 🌹
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  20. S6x African Astronaut
    See.. people say that people like Sophie and Benny are just trolling. but they do it all the fucking time and then they get serious about "why is it wrong" and try and justify it clearly showing they have serious intent. that isn't trolling. or they're trolling to see if you're OK with the idea of it.

    I think sophie and benny are dead on serious about being pedos
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