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Posts by Brain surgeon

  1. Been looking around the dark net and I've been seeing extremely cheap bulk medical shake for around a dollar a gram depending on how much you buy. starting to seriously consider getting a half pound and some bubble bags, cornering the local hash market, and buying a meth pipe so I can lay out like an old Chinese opium addict on my couch and just veg the fuck out.

    you degenerates have any thoughts on the matter at hand?
  2. we all know reject is one of the immortals. do not sully his bad reputation.
  3. it's almost that time again.

    oh, no, not the new retarded thread.

    it's about that time of year when our newest website shuts down for no reason over night and we must migrate again.

    reject, malice, and whoever else, send me some form of contact info for outside these walls.

    I fear the end is near.
  4. this is the thread that never ends
    it just goes on and on my friends
    some people
    started posting here
    not knowing what it was
    now they'll continue posting here forever just because
    this is the thread that never ends
  5. just get a damn netflix account man, ive had more damn shit to watch than i will ever have time to catch up on and i watch a shit load of tv for someone that works.
  6. personally i don't think Crouton is going away any time soon.

    Any partial agonist syncans we could mix with a full agonist and maybe get something more mellow and controllable like regular weed, just spitballin andd reeally high right now. watching a lot of "halt and catch fire"..........annnnyy way i wanted to ask you what was it going to take to get some metapon going on, cause that shit sounded like it might have been my lifes calling. fucking love opana.
  7. Missed like 40 pages. I assume its not worth my time to read through all that.
  8. Purchase heroin on a daily basis, and weed every few days. Sell like a ten strip of acid every week or so and a sheet every month or so. ill buy coke like 3 times a year.........idk, i dont really do it to make a living anymore just usually to end up with free product.

    pretty sure you can easily distill and purify safrole from sassafras oil.
  10. isnt safrole oil like legal and available for purchase?
  11. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump $32 for a 12 pack of stella. I get a good buzz from 2 and I grinded my second bud of the night im pretty high, can barely keep my eyes open lol. Gonna play some civ 5 pretty soon here.

    Also I tried online dating and its dumb, nobody replies back, am I ugly?, I don't get it.

    Online dating is fucking sweet, its cuts out a huge portion of the bullshit that is finding and courting a complete stranger while getting drunk with your friends at a bar.

    Like with tinder you only talk to females who think you are attractive, live within a certain distance, and are looking for some fuck. Then all you have to do is prove that you are packing some quality dick and BOOM, instant fuck buddy as long as you play it cool and don't let a real relationship start to form. unless of course if she is really cool to hang out with on top of being a quality lay, then i would suggest locking that shit down for a while.

    Also, remember that girl from highschool? The one that was like insanely sexy that you were good friends with but never really got around to making a move? well she is on the rebound from her first marriage right now and is on tinder or plenty of fish looking at her options because she needs to get dicked down like yesterday and is at like zero self esteem. so go get you ass on tinder an get to swiping because somebody is gonna fuck her and it might as well be you.

    I've been with my current gf for almost a year now, we met on tinder, she is about to move in to my apartment , and its easily the easiest and most compatible relationship I have ever been in.
  12. Is malice still dead?
  13. aye
  14. im fittin to smoke weed and watch shameless for the next 6 hours unless i have to make another dope run.
  15. i was banging 7 gram rocks of Crouton, and finishing them. I think i took more than anybody could survive ever.
  16. The PS3 was all around one of the greatest systems of its time.
  17. Hittin' the licks in the bando
  18. Bill Cosby
  19. Happy birthday reject. how old is your old ass now? gotta be getting closer to 30.
  20. I know im really late to the party on this one but that naked chicken taco is fucking delicious. Also, Malice, The five dollar box is a pretty good deal except for the tiny soda they give you. I should have said no ice.
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