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Posts by Brain surgeon

  1. Jesus Christ this place is getting depressing. Like seriously every single trt regular is having a simultaneous break down and or just hitting a low point.

    Is there even a single person in here with there own place, car, job, AND not having a mental break down?
  2. I just do all the coke first and then once I'm out and start to crash out and feel like shit, then I do a nice fat shot of scag and chill out.

    Personally I feel like speedballs are a waste of good heroin.
  3. And even then it's only good for the stomach issues associated with opiate withdrawals.
  4. How's life LSD?
  5. Go to meetings EVERYDAY.
    Call your sponsor EVERYDAY.
    Read your literature EVERYDAY.
    Live in the moment, get a hobby (I like growing weed and playing guitar)

    Exercise EVERYDAY even if it's just taking a 2 mile walk.

    Find a female THAT DOESN'T DO DRUGS and stick your penis in her EVERYDAY.


    If you're seriously trying to learn to live clean send me a message.
  6. Or you could just read the 20 years worth of threads on lope and how you can't get fucking high on it no matter how much pepper you eat or any other assistance to it crossing the bbb.
  7. Originally posted by Malice That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Why isn't she on birth control? Also, have you heard about the good word of anti-natalism.

    Sounds like an abortion waiting to happen lmao. I'm probably going to get a vasectomy soon anyway.

    Idk what anti-natalism is but considering you are the first person I've heard about it from, I'm assuming it's some brand new thing that barely has any peer reviewed research behind it that you will say isn't as cool as you thought it was 3 years from now.

    So are you gonna be a 30 year old virgin in a couple years?
  8. Originally posted by NARCassist remember raven riley?


    Well that's ten minutes of my life I'm never getting back. Been like over a month since the last time I had a nice fap sesh.

    Also on a side note just to make you guys jealous. My girlfriend hasn't been on birth control for some months now so I get to cum in her ass every night.
  9. Rip is still alive, supposed to be turning himself in to the saint Louis county jail today but I would say there is less than a 7% chance of that actually happening. But he hasn't had a phone in Idk how long lol.
  10. And for real y'all need to stop changing your names. I have no clue who half of you are cause your ADD ass can't settle on a handle. I've been brain surgeon for 14 years now (&totse OG's represent!).

    Did malice kill himself or something?
  11. This is the most ignorant discussion about bupe that I've ever seen from actual drug users.

    Bupe without naloxone will still put you into precipitated withdrawals (aka hell on earth).

    Source: one decade of opiate abuse.
  12. Stopped shooting heroin and started growing weed. Life's actually getting better.

    What are you dicks up to?
  13. The fuck`s going on in here?
  14. Fuck me I pulled that together fast. called in a couple favors and found some honest Craigslist work. I should actually be okay for another month.
  15. End of the day........and yeah I follow the crypto markets as well but I'm not gonna get trading and make 4 bills in the afternoon.
  16. Actually if I could even just come up with 250 I could probably save my ass.
  17. OK guys its crunch time. Ive got like the rest of the day to come up with 400 to save this apartment or I'm gonna be straight homeless in the snow. Literally nothing is off the table, like I've already failed to sell my body in several different ways from plasma donation to nude modeling for "artists".

    Gf can get like 60 bucks tops from her boss in advance of her check And I have a decent working car that I will not sell and probably couldn't sell because of the title.

    Brainstorm me something that's not armed robbery.
  18. Where have you gone to malice?

    Happy New Years everybody. Stay retarded.
  19. Y'all can suck my duck.
  20. when the fuck did LSD come home?
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