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Posts by Brain surgeon

  1. leaving detox in the morning, gonna smoke down on some weed and then its my first day of work at 4.
  2. yall need,to stop this whole not getting laid in 2018 thing.
  3. whananaananananananananan..........
  4. mother fuckers just gave me a second 25 mg librium, shot of 2mg ativan, muscle relaxers and i think maybe an ambien. along with the 40mg of methadone i got like 4 hours ago. im about to start melting away.
  5. oh yeah also i downloaded some free vpn for one week thing. its working pretty well
  6. and id like to actually keep this job i start on friday for more than a couple months.
  7. Im here for a voluntary medical detox. i could leave any min but they wouldnt let me come back like ever and i really enjoy the 2mg ativan shot every 4 hours.
  8. im on a laptop and tunnel bear is blocked already. ima be here for like 3 more days
  9. yo how do i get around this bullshit hospital wifi. theyve got more proxie sites blocked than my fuckin highschool did
  10. ima slap the shit out of a nurse if i dont get some drugs soon
  11. Ok started fucking around again for a month or so, going to detox for a few days, start new job cooking at bar for 10 plus tips on Friday.

    Plants are doing great, things could be worse.

    Getting a large bag of fentanyl for a few good by blasts before I go get ativan/librium/methadone zombied for 3daya
  12. 1. LSD
    2. weed
    3. Heroin
  13. Or maybe you finally realized that you are the genetically inferior scum that you hate so much.
  14. Malice has to kill himself so he won't have to admit to himself or anyone else that he couldn't manage to get through one semester of college.
  15. Sounds like you've got a bitch ass dope dealer. Most of mine would have pointed a gun at me at the very least for threatening their girl like that.
  16. ITT: malice chickens out and claims it was all a prank and he totally trolled all of us.
  17. Silk road v4. I'm sure this one won't be taken over by the feds.
  18. Worst hangover of my entire life was half a fifth of crystal palace at 17. So I'm not really sure what you're even talking about.
  19. Originally posted by WE SMOOTH I remember last time you looked down your nose at everyone cause you were like 30 days clean from heroin and were gonna get rich cultivating shrooms.

    I only see 3 breakdowns in this thread actually.

    I never said that my life wasn't just as shitty as everyone else's.

    And yeah I was totally "holier than thou" as fuck when I was clean for that year. I like to think that I've grown a lot since then.

    And I'm not gonna get rich growing weed, but at least I won't have to work a real job or pay for weed ever again.
  20. Or maybe drugs just aren't a very good coping mechanism.
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