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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump b] how does bbcode and <a href= ] css code p{
    color: blue
    work anyway?


    even more fascinating is that all these work too

    Firebrick | B22222
    Darkred | 8B0000
    Maroon | 800000
    Orange | FFA500
    Darkorange | FF8C00
    Coral | FF7F50
    Tomato | FF6347
    Orangered | FF4500
    Gold | FFD700
    Yellow | FFFF00
    Lightyellow | FFFFE0
    Lemonchiffon | FFFACD
    Lightgoldenrodyellow | FAFAD2
    Papayawhip | FFEFD5
    Moccasin | FFE4B5
    Peachpuff | FFDAB9
    Palegoldenrod | EEE8AA
    Khaki | F0E68C
    Darkkhaki | BDB76B
    Goldenrod | DAA520
    Darkgoldenrod | B8860B

    as well as here
    | FFEFD5 █████████
    | FFE4B5 █████████
    | FFDAB9 █████████
    | EEE8AA █████████
    | F0E68C █████████
    | BDB76B █████████
    | DAA520 █████████
    | B8860B █████████
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    i'm off the donuts but back on the coffee
  3. Ghost Black Hole
  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Ghost Black Hole
  6. Ghost Black Hole
  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Ghost Black Hole
  9. Ghost Black Hole


  10. Ghost Black Hole
    I have little to no understanding of traditional chinese medicine but I have noticed some similarities like their use of certain oils to treat things like tooth pain and that can be proven with evidence based research. So it can't all be bullshit, right?

    There is something like 13,000 different medicines in the entire Chinese Traditional Medicine textbooks. A lot of these are considered holistic pseudoscience with zero evidence that they do anything, yet they remain profitable for unlicensed producers to sell to the market which demands them.

    This is different than "big pharma" which is highly regulated every step of the process. This is also a BILLION dollar industry entirely held up by rural chinese farmer "mom and pop meth lab" cooks that farm bear bile and bird nests for medicinal purposes.

    I believe these manufacturers are just as corrupt as "big pharma" despite these differences and the reason their medicine has no evidence or RESEARCH is the same reasons western medicine isn't perfect, it's because they make more money keeping you sick and treating you forever. A cured patient is a customer lost forever.

    this is my plan to update and enhance traditional chinese medicine

    I believe the Chinese have overlooked a lot of potential traditional medicine avenues like essential oils, microdosing and other such things.
    Can I crack the secrets of TCM? (Traditional Chinese Medicine) They don't even know about stuff like ergot grasses so I think it's possible
  11. Ghost Black Hole

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Must be God

  13. Ghost Black Hole

    In one of these sheltered areas, we came across one of the more interesting finds of the night. I'd been poking around the space when I heard a hissing noise coming from one of the corners. Shining a light into it, we discovered 2 young vultures, still unable to fly but incredibly aggressive. Despite being not much larger than chickens, they puffed themselves up while making some ungodly hissing noises and charging at us until we left the area.
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    probably the people in this video
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    he was set up. His "friends" told him they were staying there, brought him there and then ditched him
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    that's a light dood
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry Zapiekanka is a mix between pizza and like bread that is toased with cheese on top and items. I would nmot call it pure pizza. it is similar but more like toasted hard and breaded based than a thin slice pizza.

    You've never had it you BITCH you don't show shit about cuisine because you are a low IQ pleb that doesn't know how to cook a meal for a lady
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley like you showed me and most of our community his video, suppose we like either hating him or like him, so you literally got him exponentially more famous, more money and rewarded him for the exact behavior you dislike

    I don't care. He's a closet pedophile that's going to be found hanging in his closet with a belt tied around his neck and his phone live streaming a baby being gang fucked from a darknet site he hacked or something
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by ner vegas please stop reminding me this guy exists

    My rage towards someordinary gamers cannot be quelled. I can't simply ignore his existence as he invokes his Canadian natural born citizenship constantly as he crosses his arms and says "HA CAN'T BE RACIST NOW YOU FUCKING NAZI I AM A NATURAL BORN CANADIAN" like there is some moral assumption that just because someone is born in the same country as me they can tell me what to believe and if I don't accept it than I am a bigot nazi hackerman illegal and he can just cancel culture anyone because he has a platform of gullible clueless cucked retards

    It's the same fucking mentality all these Canadian pakiman pieces of shit have like when my old paki neighbors used to call the police on me for smoking weed in a park because OH MY GOD SIR THAT IS ILLEGAL I MUST CALL THE POLICE ON THE WHITE MAN

    I can't fucking stand these people and I hope Shiva destroys them all with nuclear hellfire and a brain spore prevents their paki handsome and well tanned individual genetic formation for 36 trillion years
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry before i ran into the 15 yr old ukrainian chick and her friend walking by in the street or man bar street me and star trek hung out at like 3-4 hours ago i ran into two 13 yr old girls near me living in the hood of lodz or ghetto area i knew. those same ones i mentioned once or made a thread about forgot the topic or what it was but i know i mentioned them. basically two chicks long time ago i said as late at night they were walking in lodz if they do shit for money or actually i asked this in a very ncier and nons exual way i asked do you make money in any way or on the sid ent mentioning sex sucking dick nothing. I had no money on me and i wanted to test lodz and them why girls this age are walking arounda t night just for fun just to see if i did have cash on me what i could get but i didnt. it was like a test or fun game for me. one of them if you recall said yes twice to me and i was flabbergasted and the second the tyounegr looking but i guess they are same age one nodded her head no. later the other one said fuck you like she pretended she didnt hear what i askiedked. anyway i am still confusieded if she ыгслы dick for money or didnt ehar me. she did have some music on or ear plugs but why nod and say yes to someone asking such a question? anyway i said at the time im kidding plus when she said were thirteen i was like how wa i supposed to know that but i later thought depsite this or she could be lying about their age she nodded yea twice maybe i simply didnt throw the money down or show it who knows. but anyway i saw them again im quite sure it was them like two week sago and the one that said yes the odler or taller looking one said fuck you to me as i walked by she kept starring giving me eye contact and i said hi or hello. I talked shit back at the time saying learn manners rs whore.

    Anyway today, fuck i saw them again and knwo exactly area they live at. Near me real close. I was walking i turn my head two young chicks and i looka t them look away and hear oh shit or fuck us or some shit like fuck we know him. hard to translate ja peirdole from polish to english. anyway the fucking crazy thing was i told myself in the head im ignoring the eretards and told myself before these trash ghetto area of lodz living retards. but get this guys but. i walk right dont look back i wait at cross wlak they wait on left of me same crosswalk. i look left they arent taking pics of me nothing just texting someone acting all nonchalant.

    i walk across again wait for lights again but this time they walk ahead of me across. like skip step it. then i see them come back i ignore the rude odle rlookign one cause.i dont know i expect her to say some shit again. i make brief eye contact with the other i see they walk by literally where they came form.

    fuck i cant figute it out. they literally said theya re 13.
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