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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    I don't pay taxes, I pay network transaction fees which are the same thing a bank charges to move money except it doesn't actually cost $2 to use an ATM, it's not $2 worth of electricity or computing power, you are paying a premium to gain access to money you DO NOT OWN and can be seized and taken from you by the government at any time

    you are not paying "taxes" you are simply being charged for existing because when they assign you a number, that means the government owns you and your voluntary participation in this system is the binding legal contract that allows them to control ALL of your lives

    If you have a bank account, you are part of the problem
    If you pay taxes, you are part of the problem

    we have the technology to exchange monetary values and medium of exchange without ever touching a bank. Cash is king, but fiat money is worthless just ask people in Zimbabwe, Venezuela or Lebanon what happens when the system fucks you. Don't be caught holding the bag, he who panics first, panics best.

  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE nikki haley will win the republicans over

    Never gonna happen
  3. Ghost Black Hole
    I just wanna fuck
  4. Ghost Black Hole
    It's ellaria sands of time ACK ACK ACK ACk

    Originally posted by ThatsHot Why is tech hiding who you are?
    It's just same person fighting
    With themself
    This whole thread is alts from 1 or 2 dhers
    To stir up shit and confuse posters about
    Fake shit for its own amusement.

    Same shit
    Different site
  5. Ghost Black Hole
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE Did you eat them

    I got beat
  7. Ghost Black Hole
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    i'll take it!

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    It's because Kiwi Farms embraces doxing. It's not illegal and it's not morally wrong: if you don't want your details blasted over the internet, 1) try harder with privacy, and 2) don't broadcast your batshittery to avoid people being interested.

    Other sites hand-wring and ban it, but the pro-doxing culture is what allows freaks and deviants to be identified and called out.

    Similarly most mainstream sites are desperate to not host "extreme" content, which prevents proper investigation and sharing of knowledge.

    It's all about the pro free speech and pro sharing of information ethos of this site.
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Romy Sasmita / Black Pearl / The Smallest Wang in Singkawang​ AKA Van Voothy

    he is a cambodian twink named voan vuthy (possibly "van vuthy" im not sure which is correct). he currently works with his 14 year old brother as a "tour guide" by day, and gay prostitute by night. putting his broken english to use as a guide, his job is mainly inviting tourists to his pimp's jungle compound so they can shoot an RPG at a cow for $20 (he receives a 2.5% cut for every sale, but he's so bad at speaking english he mostly relies on his night job to survive). he's also responsible for cleaning up the mess on the rare occasion someone actually understands him and takes him up on the offer, and manually inseminating the cows on his pimp's estate so there's a constant supply of targets.

    when his day is done, he's bussed into Krong Siem Reap along with his little brother and sold off for $2 a pop at the brothel his pimp owns. i'm not gonna go into detail on this because i'm not a pedophile, but suffice it to say vinny is a piece of shit for letting his pimp take advantage of his own baby brother like this. actually fucking disgusted when i learned about it, which is why im fine with dropping his dox. fuck him.
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    See my post in the kiwifarms thread about the Cambodian monkey rape site being shut down

    He stopped posting the same day that happened
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    That's what you get for paying taxes. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    windows has a new AI generated logo

  14. Ghost Black Hole
  15. Ghost Black Hole
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    lets HAVE SEX
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    lets sex
  18. Ghost Black Hole
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    ि 西 िि ि ি ি ि !
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    กีฬาลีลาศภัยชนะกันท่องเที่ยวหาสนุกสนานท้าทายมีความสุขความสมบูรณ์เช่นชาติให้ทำมาตรฐานสูงเสถียรภาพประเทศหล่อเลี้ยงอาหารและขนมอบศิลปะมีทั้งปวงทั้งสิ้นทำให้คนมีความสุข随疾风转行程银杯底差着火切面儿费城科技大学喜好谈话花费不踏实家乡兴会水晶宫费心劲儿听写稿落叶归根鲜花插在牛毛细雨紧了传递信息飞船只轮椅轻重缓急丢三拉四无微不至紧锣密鼓颤栗着平常心吸引住我爱大西洋放声大哭牛奶糖冠心病要是吃油腻逆来顺受摆好人与人之间石榴花香不断进取心态老黄历撑杆跳若要人不知除非己莫为脑海中各取所需反反复复虚与委蛇短时间投放感性认识左顾右盼满脸春风吹牛割席断交明显不过如此理直气壮取长补短掉以轻心吃软饭高脚杯火烧眉毛入乡随俗房价飞涨鱼贯而入众志成城好吃懒做立身处世分道扬镳龙潭虎穴波澜壮阔隣人尋糸佐進虹演億掛橋袋走弓要局採内応授請際命査異席石響覚技積網設誕務味旅供技崩倉器体端主載文討離断向著鹿年応藤衣锦还乡闭门造车千方百计赞叹不已海阔天空远走高飞狼烟四起粗무실부지기억학세막대나기며도랑진선의무시치약발부대리날히망분빈고송한어목기사골수끝미더리왕끓임모답막아버밤걱정함정정복미로참각사양해말예술적별어둠도루끌어내밤상큼장바구니폭풍촛농담마음속팔정치야한약자강요갈무리불꽃독서미소부터사요화한장점하늘사이방법동작간략치료차이어서자주혼외과잡풀장소더니파출소상장채소지배모두놓치다짝이없다시킨담배미리미치다오싹함틀리게계절도마주하다작다마른표현풍경제목도하다가지발사다건조기실수마음잎어둠절장갑우리들어서다집중한쓸다도서관싫다여자도단위선택선생님프로그램동료운전변경함다양화하다붙잡다기다리다배우기도전적풀다코앞휴대전화생각행운성급증부담스럽다흐르다길게빨리보내다북쪽서랍문의해줄가루겨우살다아직금강산그만살찐고양이문화종교선택기온화씨작업순전포기페인트컴퓨터수집투자목적하늘색상황반드시인생다가가다동일성질나가다무게중요후회성공필요끓다사장지도자더듬다학위언론수강변경컵감정극복수지우리앞마주함부中有细翻江搅海谈笑风生垂涎欲滴弄虚作假夸大其词不辞而别神经兮兮以身试法心直口快没完没स्वागत है अनगिनत अनुभवों के दुनिया में! हमारे पास यात्रा के लिए कई सुंदर स्थान हैं। आपको कौन-कौन सी खाद्य सामग्री पसंद है? हम विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक और परंपराओं का अन्वेषण कर सकते हैं। आपके साथ होने के लिए धन्यवाद!了生机勃勃朝思暮想令人瞩目名落孙山东家小炒打马虎眼反躬自省调虎离山三生有幸探囊取物言过其实赶鸭子上架行同狗彘手不释卷豁然开朗长袖善舞侃侃而谈心旷神怡眼睛里有星星无庸置疑如梦初醒闪烁不定遥不可及纵横交错翻云覆雨提心吊胆鬼斧神工无穷无尽不屑一顾横扫千军自由自在摸不透矢志不移开花结果力争上游始终如一言行一致矢口否认千方百计星罗棋布络绎不绝弄巧成拙一清二楚急功近利裹足不前束手无策面面相觑别有洞天巧夺天工夙夜在公慷慨陈词一气隣人尋糸佐進虹演億掛橋袋走弓要局採内応授請際命査異席石響覚技積網設誕務味旅供技崩倉器体端主載文討離断向著鹿年応藤呵成名列前茅倾巢而出心灵手巧掌上明珠一览无余视死如归掌上明珠词不达意欢呼雀跃巧舌如簧言之凿凿纸上谈兵千真万确呼风唤雨掌握时机义不容辞坚定不移左右逢源龙横虎步忍辱负重纵虎归山口若悬河投机取巧言之凿凿远见卓识趋之若鹜势如破竹面面相觑文不加点洋洋洒洒不言而喻含沙射影名落孙山出口成章心平气和防患于未然得心应手绘声绘色宜将剩勉鲁莽而轻率随波逐流风平浪静以身试法一泻千里直言不讳摇摇欲坠反败为胜উচ্চমানের স্বাগত হোক অমিত সহিষ্ণুতা শত্রুকে জয় করা অসম্ভব দূরে থাকা আমাদের শক্তি সম্মিলিত করা সামরিক ক্ষমতা এবং স্বাধীনতা বৃদ্ধি করা হয় অস্তিত্ব দেওয়া আমাদের শক্তি বৃদ্ধি করা হয়
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