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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    we don't have anywhere close to 100m people
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    I cannot compete with the Asian triad gangsters that come into my country legally and open perfectly legal business and order from their cousin that probably owns one of these companies and they import 100,000kg and manufacture everything
    According to preliminary estimates, Canada
    produces 0.6 – 4.6% of the world’s supply of
    amphetamine-type stimulants, including ecstasy.

    They have more money to invest in entire factories and according to the busts here they produce something in the range of thousands of kilograms of meth/MDMA/fentanyl per batch and make millions of $$ in illegal crime money and control a sizeable chunk of various economies here

  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Every Canadian child went to the black kids house after school and walked in to generations of Caribbean cooking like "DAMN IT SMELL CRAZY IN HERE"

  4. Ghost Black Hole
  5. Ghost Black Hole
    im never doing bundy+salvia at the hospital again
  6. Ghost Black Hole
    thank you niggerfaggot
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Doubt it. Japan is a great country to live in. They are technically far more advanced than Europeans and Americans are.

    I have met a few people from Japan

    but yeah that is one country where they are just happy living there. They have a much bigger population and economy than mine and it's the same standard of living so it makes no sense for them to come here.

    That's why we should give them our Canadian stockpile of uranium to build super space nuke mechs and then we take over Russia and the USA and become the new global superpowers with advanced technology and GIANT ROBOT GUNDAMNS
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I WANT ALASKA

    We take Alaska
    Japan takes Siberia and that island / peninsula

    oil and gas for all!!! and America and Russia who will never be allies can get fucked, Canada will give nukes to Japan (we have uranium)

    If America or Russia retaliate against either of us, we kill them all
    Come on commonwealth brothers we need to realign the commonwealth to the Japanese Royal Family instead of British. Japan is our true allies, America and Russia are too jedi and corrupt

  8. Ghost Black Hole

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The state of that fucking cock nose would like to announce our first tourist and visitor to the national state park, Candyrein.

    Come visit yourself and enjoy the scenery and beauty of the natural features like nose hill, nose lake and nose creek.

    Originally posted by CandyRein
    Just left the state park …


    We would also like to announce the winners of the nosegay contest. Lily of the Valley, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Monkshood have become the national nosegay flowers of the State of That Fucking Cock Nose.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Because we are a nation of peace I have decided that the national flower should be a bunch of flowers, also known as a 'Nosegay'

    What flowers should be part of this gay arrangement of flowers for delight of the cock nose? I'm thinking hydrogenas and some kind of morning glory

    Wicked clown drive around mothafucka running up ICP mothafucking bumping in my damn trunk
    whats you got to say bitch, what the fuck you gonna do, what the fuck you gotta say
    looking like your scooby doo. Fuck you cock nose i'll be goofy like the shit
    dont really give a fuck cuz you can't come lick my dick. Oh, once again fucking geeking
    on this shit. Mothafucking eyes all chink like the mothafucking Asian

    Originally posted by Shotakon orgy island

    Originally posted by Wariat the thing is if i was to get naked while photographing them theyd feel more comfortable as they wouldnt be the only ones nude on a professional set and would admire such a bit cock theyve never seen probably in their lives of a real grown man.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal I doubt that's a very viable business.
    15+ is really old and there are thousands of sites available today where they can pimp themselves out.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Pretty sure it's not illegal to have an attraction for young children.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal 12 years old isn't even that young.
    They're plenty ready for sex.

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Something I want to do but won't because I am extremely hygienic is shit and piss myself at the same time.
    I want to stand there and let it all go, not worry about anything just free my bowels and soil myself.
    Of course I would do this in some pants and underwear I plan on throwing away.

    Anybody here into shitting themselves?

    Maybe I should try diapers but I think it wouldn't feel the same as shitting in normal clothing.

    Another thing.
    I want to shit and urinate on someone.
    BUT the feeling is not mutual, I don't want to be shat and pissed on.

    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi >tfw no 7yo shota boy toy to fondle while playing ps2

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood The independent state of that fucking cock nose is a real life micro nation. Who wants to join our glorious state and become a that fucking cock nose nationalist.

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Our cock nose strong and free 🐓 👃
  9. Ghost Black Hole
    This was also the name of kafkas cat and she killed herself. Deep, it's like the universe is telling us something
  10. Ghost Black Hole
    DSPs take on this issue
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein I think you’re a faggot

    you're a faggot that argues with chinks and nigger spammers on a dead forum. get a life
  12. Ghost Black Hole
    moral of the story, should have used crypto
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    I have found some very sketchy hard to get not "illegal" chemicals but that pretty much only have one use FOR MANUFACTURING DRUGS and there are hundreds of companies selling this kind of stuff on alibaba

    the best part is you don't even need to go through the sketchy site you can just find the company profile store and go to HANGZOUCHEMEXPRESS.CO and they will ship you a jug of safrole with a few extra molecules and label the entire shipment as "candle making supplies"

    the only problem is they usually want you to order an entire pallet like 10000kg
  14. Ghost Black Hole
    "Bucinnazine (AP-237, 1-butyryl-4-cinnamylpiperazine) is an opioid analgesic drug that was widely used in China to treat pain in cancer patients as of 1986.[1] It is one of the most potent compounds among a series of piperazine-amides first synthesized and reported in Japan in the 1970s. Bucinnazine has analgesic potency comparable to that of morphine but with a relatively higher therapeutic index. "

    "2-methyl-AP-237 has been sold on the black market as a designer opioid, first identified by a police forensic laboratory in Slovenia in March 2019"

    AP-237, is 1-butyrl-4-cinnamylpiperazine

    Now, an N-monoprotected version of piperazine is easily prepared either from the base, as per rhodium archive on BZP, as the mono-hydrochloride.

    Also the monohydrogen phosphate is available as de-worming medication. Albeit with a tiny amount of sennoside, a laxative, 12.5mg per 8g piperazine phosphate. And some erythrosine dye which can be removed by rextyl'n from acetone and if choosy, MeOH also.

    Procedure for synthesis would be as follows:

    Take piperazine salt, acylate using either butyric anhydride or butyryl chloride and base, using the salt,
    resulting in 1-butyrlpiperazine, acid-base workup, cleaning etc. and then acylation likewise using cinnamic anhydride or the halide of choice and base. The amine HCl scrubber can be removed by a/b workup, whilst the piperazine should be insoluble, being an amide, it won't follow through with a/b, so then simple isolation, and rexy'n
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man I have read with much intrigue the "OTC piperidone –> fentanyl" thread, and feel that is an interesting avenue of opioid research. Highly overlooked has been modifications to the oxymorphone molecule. When the 14-HO of oxymorphone is replaced with an alkyl group, this class of drugs is called the 14-alkoxymorphinans. The 14-alkoxymorphinans include some of the strongest opiates known to man

    14-Methoxymetopon is a potent opioid analgesic. When given systemically, it is approximately 500-fold more active than morphine. However, this enhanced potency is markedly increased with either spinal or supraspinal administration, where its analgesic activity is more than a million-fold greater than morphine.

  15. Ghost Black Hole
    What you really want is impure black tar heroin which contains more of the acetylated side compound "6MAM" which is much more potent that diacetylmorpine or fentanyl analogs

    people think fentanyl is just "better heroin" because it's more potent but it has a completely different profile of effects and is much more pharmalogical and suited for pain relief as a MEDICINE or to fend off the opiate shakes since it does get you HIGH but not HEROIN HIGH its more noddy, less euphoric

    BUt the problem with 6MAM black tar heroin is that injecting that stuff WILL kill you in a few years it's very crude and dirty product but it's understandable why people do it because you get about 100x higher from killing yourself taking that stuff. I want to isolate pure 6mam and bang that FUCK SIDE PRODUCTS but side products are cool too

    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man 6mam is the desired product though it gets you way higher than #4. It's one of those byproducts of synthesis thats actually better than the target compound, I've looked a lot into the formation of 6 mono acetyl morphine and similar opiates.

    I think I posted a thread some months back about making a funky Cinnamyl morphinoid from piperizine horse dewormer lol.

    Opium is good but if I had a lot of it I would just convert it to BTH because its cheap to make and worth lots.

    It shouldn't. The #4 I get has no cut and smells/tastes like nothing. It's a tan rocky powder and I don't even think it should be tan but its pretty damn pure.

    Dilution of fentanyl powder

    The pure Fentanyl can not be used as is, because it's much, much too strong and MUST be diluted, else there will be a lot of overdoses!

    The following procedure gives a white heroin wich is the same strength as very good (30%) street heroin.

    100mg of Fentanyl·HCl is dissolved in 2ml of methanol. Weigh up 10g of lactose and warm it to about 60-70°C into a large dish with a hotplate. Add the methanolic solution of Fentanyl dropwise at regular intervals into the warm lactose for a good pre-mix. Wait until all the methanol is evaporated and mix thoroughly. This is crucial because if this is not thoroughly mixed, there will be a part of the Lactose without Fentanyl and part of the Lactose with too much Fentanyl, possibly causing dramatic overdoses!

    This type of Heroin was used and sold during a year, and the feedback of the consumers was very good. The consumers were very happy and didn't want the usual brown Heroin anymore. So be careful, some people (the Mafia and other dealers) will perhaps turn very jealous!

    DON'T USE and DON'T SELL pure Fentanyl HCl, this is a very toxic material which will cause many overdoses if not diluted!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    It's the truth. Drug education is important and anyone trying to "danger scare" heroin because it has a bad rap in the media with other opiates are simply misinformed because pure unadulturated heroin is not lethal. People associate being a "drug addict" with death I experience it on this forum all the time people saying I will die in a year for 10+ years now but i'm actually more healthy than i've ever been and I abuse opiates and stimulants several times a year

    I would say this is correct but only because of the potency of pure heroin, with no tolerance you can easily get uncomfortably sick taking too much. I have puked my guts out, been constipated and experienced the opiate sweats upon running out, you really get a sense for how shitty it is but I wasn't BANGING A GRAM a day and people describe the withdrawl from that as actual hell

    but I have experienced meth comedowns and withdrawls a lot and I don't mind them but they aren't nearly as physically torturous as opiates. I think opiates and benzos have a similar problem where you can't really dose them long term without it completely destroying your brain/body in some way. It's like costing a part of our very soul to feel that good, it doesn't come for free
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    I wouldn't order anything electric from that site lmao you are just asking for bottom of the barrel

    I heard it's the best when it comes to stuff like bulk containers, chemicals. Things that you can't hide bullshit inside and usually those will have some wonky seam or something like HOW CAN THESE CHINKS FUCK EVERYTHING UP but it still works as advertised it's just not "pretty"
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    I think he's a hero.

    Originally posted by Wariat the thing is if i was to get naked while photographing them theyd feel more comfortable as they wouldnt be the only ones nude on a professional set and would admire such a bit cock theyve never seen probably in their lives of a real grown man.
    it's a hard job but someone has to do it right star trek? 🫡
  19. Ghost Black Hole
    I mixed mine 1:1 with MDMA and I found the combination to be very sexual and erotic, but debilitating. I could not get hard, cum or masturbate for like a month on that shit but I felt like a sexy drugged out stud the entire time

    you should probably seek out such a state permanently
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    What is going on, everyone? DSP here, and today we gotta talk about this whole Bayonetta 3 pay dispute situation. I just saw these tweets from Andy Robinson, and man, it's a real messy situation.

    First off, we got Jason Schreier's report, and now Andy's corroborating it, saying it's a sad and complicated deal. I mean, seriously? Bayonetta 3 is supposed to be this big title, and now it's wrapped up in drama? Come on, man!

    So, apparently, there's this pay package on the table for Hellena Taylor, the voice actress, worth $15,000. But she's saying she turned it down, and it's only $4,000. What's the truth here? It's like a soap opera, folks!

    And PlatinumGames? Silent. No response. What's up with that? Communication, people! It's not that hard. Fans wanna know what's happening with their beloved game, and you're just silent.

    But here's the kicker - there's a call to not harass Hellena Taylor. Look, I get it, it's a tough situation. But if she's denying claims that she was offered more and saying it's all a lie, then why's there a need for support? It's a mixed bag of information, and we're just left scratching our heads.

    And let's not forget the social media drama. This whole thing shows how messed up it can get. Information flying left and right, and who knows what's true anymore?

    In the end, it's a sad day for gaming. Bayonetta 3 should be in the spotlight for its gameplay, not for behind-the-scenes drama. We'll see how this all unfolds, but man, it's a wild ride, folks. DSP out.
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