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Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist they've been saying the exact same thing about that since the 80s

    said they'd have a cure for aids by 1987 an all


    HRT can do amazing things. It's like the pill from the matrix except you grow tits and your dick falls off.

  3. Ghost Black Hole
  4. Ghost Black Hole

  5. Ghost Black Hole
    No but she gave quite a few

  6. Ghost Black Hole
    That's a quality and well kept looking feline you got there. I want to get a cattox but I have nowhere to put a shit box :(
  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Youtube has started playing two ads instead of just one. I'm just not gonna watch anything anymore fuck information and the internet it's just one big advertising vehicle *unplugs modem*
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Come to Regent Park i'll show you a Canadian hood bitch

  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Ur Hood in Canada, queerbaby?

    yeah bitch shits real in the 6' you wouldn't know cuz your a dumb American and probably can't even find Canada on a map.

    you probably think we all live in igloos too.

  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Admin Not here. Just in general. People seem to have a lot of problems and are pushing their issues outwards. But they are really just doing it all to themselves.

    Yup. Being negative and hate filled takes a lot of energy and people waste so much of their mental energy thinking about useless things like how much they hate the world.

    The reason they hate the world though is because they constantly put out negative energy and as a result have a terrible life devoid of anything happy or positive which is usually when they start blaming the CIA and the J21EWS
  11. Ghost Black Hole
    this women has a penis

    American Apparel is so progressive.

  12. Ghost Black Hole
    I keep seeing wrappers all over my hood for the new Tim Hortons plant based meat sandwiches... like wow you are sooooo progressive not harming animals by eating this shitty fake meat and leaving the wrappers all over the city.. retards.
  13. Ghost Black Hole
    Shut your damn BRITISH mouths. Scotland is your daddy and decides who leaves and stays.

  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Octavian LUCKY ME WE'RE NOT IN THE EU ANYMORE DICK HEAD!!!!

    thats what you think bub

  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Grylls thats just a bunch of rocks

    Yes it is officer. Don't try to say they are mine either! they were there before I got here!
  16. Ghost Black Hole
    A funeral?! how bourgeois
  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Admin It just seems like so many people have so many problems and I just can't seem to relate.

    yeah everyone here is toxic as fuck and makes threads bitching about the most random specific things like chewing loudly or pride month.

    Or Donald Trump or something you read on facebook or see on the news.. it's kinda funny I listen to a podcast that deconstructs the media and what the MSM narrative is and how people react to it and they discuss most of the things that get posted here because everyone here is a mainstream sheep even though they declare to be woke "red pilled" and hate the jedis and globalists.
  18. Ghost Black Hole
    If you're going for stealth I have you beat like scissors.

  19. Ghost Black Hole
    If any of you EU posters ever rattex someone I can rattex you back for breaking GDPR EU regulations and I don't even need to know your PI to report you, just send them a link to your post and they will track you down lololol
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat if i want i can bring up the european gdpr and riht to be forgotten las and make some money off you clowns so go ahead. it is my civil rights to be gdpr plus i changed my last name.

    LOL this is actually epic and true.

    NARC wants to rattex well guess what pal it's ILLEGAL in the EU and you can go to PRISON for posting the PI of a pedophile on the internet and doxxing someone. Holy shit EU Rattoxes get FUCKED this is an amazing revelation

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