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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. You're fucked if there is a queen in there.

    Unless you like honey.
  2. Fat folks be fat folkin
  3. Originally posted by Steven lol that is not how muscle memory works but okay

    Muscle memory is the act of committing a specific motor task into memory through repetition.

    Stay in school kid

  4. Originally posted by Bradley How do you fillet them

    I fillet mine with a big ol' cock.
  5. Originally posted by Bradley ya that's teh girl who i give science lessons too and go on coffee dates with that "has a boyfriend" but kisses me on the cheek but i think that might be a columbian thing

    You should kiss her on the vagina and tell her it's an American custom.
  6. I don't have any dark fetishes...I'm not a nigga lover.
  7. The guy who bumped a 7yr old thread.
  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Don't blame me. Only an Englishman would know the intricacies of English chip eating.

    Dats right nigga.!
  9. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny baked beans are as gay as jems.

    inanimate objects don't have a sexual preference.
  10. Originally posted by Steven lol.



    I'm not saying 'you haven't been in traffic' but thanks for proving my point. I guess you've only ever been to Houston.

    Someone get this retard his ADHD medicine.
  11. Stop using them as wank rags and you wont run out of them.
  12. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its a word play on mourn.

    wow, you got me! FINALLY!
  13. Originally posted by Sudo So u can go to war and die but u gotta turn your strap in as soon as you get back? That's an affront to the MIC you can die for your country but you can't buy a natural light...WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE (THEY) FIGHTING FOR?!?!?!
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Yup, you're too dumb to comprehend…

    Now tell me…better yet link me to the statement from the guy who took that photo…where he claims it's an "EXTRATERRESTRIAL ALIEN" and not just a rubber suit for a movie…

    I'll wait

    Still waiting
  15. Originally posted by blaster master You can't smoke ciggies at 18 but you can legally buy an ar-15. Come fucking on.

    You can buy an AR-15 but not a
  16. "Billions of tons all day and night"...fucking lol...

    Stay in preschool kiddies.
  17. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 10% of Earth's water comes from outer space. That's hundreds of trillions of tons of water.

    Came..not's already here...

    My statement was the water we have on Earth hasn't changed for millennia...(or word to that effect)

    Water is not "lost" except for as mentioned...a negligible amount from the upper atmosphere and it most certainly is NOT "topped up" by comets and astroids

    If comets and astroids were delivering water into the atmosphere we'd all be long gone.
  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then how do you know its significant

    Communication and observation.
  19. Originally posted by Bradley Ya I meant what I said they are the most fun gun. I'm sorry you personally find them to be tools. Take a high pressure water, u could blast shit with it that's a lot of fun destroying stuff with high pressure water, it's also a tool. A tape measure may be fun to a small child. The dick in your mouth, fun for you, but still a tool used to piss frequently.

    A tool can be fun, unlike IMO a thermometer isn't that fun. But I'm sure you could have a lot of fun raising it to 98.8F with it.

    Fun is speculative, tool is empirical.

    Yeah I mentioned water guns being fun...thanks for PAYING A-FUCKING-TTENTION!
  20. Originally posted by Bradley u know what i think is the most fun firearm? a .22 Long Rifle

    I've not really come across a "fun" firearm...I've always thought of them as tools and tools in my mind generally are not "fun"

    ...Pellet guns and paintball guns are a lot of fun...even water guns but of course those aren't firearms so it was quiet irrelevant me mentioning them...however...mention them I did...because that's the kind of guy I am!
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