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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Originally posted by -SpectraL Then there was that white serial killer, Hamilton Howard "Albert" Fish (also known as the Gray Man, the Werewolf of Wysteria, the Brooklyn Vampire, the Moon Maniac, and The Boogey Man) who raped and then ate children, writing letters to police that he considered their buttocks to be the tastiest part.

    Rump steak, makes sense.
  2. Originally posted by Technologist Name some Jig, I can’t think of any more, but I know there’s others. Guess I could google it, but I always enjoy your responses.😁

    Google "black serial killers"'s a long ass list. Black Serial killers also account for 20% of serial killers in America...(apparently)..which is interesting when blacks only account for about 13% of the population.
  3. Originally posted by -SpectraL They called us tinfoil-hatters and kooks and conspiracy theorists

    We still do.
  4. There's been plenty of black serial killers.
  5. Originally posted by -SpectraL Don't trust numbers. Don't trust polls. Both are manipulated by whoever controls them, whoever has the most money to buy them.

    Trust breasts though
  6. Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein White people need to be monitored more closely to make sure they don't step out of line.

    No need, we'll just move the line if they do.
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL Numbers can EASILY be manipulated.

    Breasts too.
  8. Thank you the marketing division of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.
  9. Gubberment aren't that smart.
  10. Originally posted by Fonaplats

    Is that tonight's date?
  11. Looking forward to the new Top Gun movie.
  12. Show tits.
  13. Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein Infinity Socks keeps repeating the same shit over and over. That's the definition of spam.

    Spam spam spam and spam.

    a canned meat product made mainly from ham.
  14. Originally posted by -mal- That the last part wasn’t for location it was for sexual preference. So your post should have read bitchsexual.

    Also I’m okay with all these answers. Because I’m a bitch. It’s called “being in total control of herself.” Society doesn’t like autonomous women. So I’ll accept being called a bitch any day if it’s because someone doesn’t like that I have my own life and make my own money and sorry you’re not invited to participate.

    I’m bitch gendered because even though I don’t think about being anything but female, I’m definitely tougher than most women. The only thing I think Kinks and I have in common is that we are strong enough to bear this place for months and months in her case years. Let’s see how long the DH trash lasts before it takes itself out to the curb because someone leaked your PI.

    Lastly I’m bitch sexual. Because I love hot bitches. And I love when they are in total control of themselves and riding my face.

    So thanks Jill. Prolly the most accurate response I could have gotten.

  15. 28 female, bi. @jill

    34 male, anyway he can get it @mmq
  16. Originally posted by Fonaplats I think I will go now.
    I should probably try to listen to some music.
    I love you all very much.

    Maybe this will help.

  17. Uranus
  18. So is pink here or is korbyn here....or corey?
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock this is why i couldnt be famous.

    So it's not the lack of talent and charisma then?
  20. Originally posted by aldra acetone tastes awful though

    So do those stupid "energy" drinks
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