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Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. Turkey salad for me tonight with a side of smugness.
  2. Originally posted by RisiR † If you aren't man enough to dominate a little sissy slut with your bosscock you have seious manhood problems.

    The majority of sane straight men don't see that as a problem...again you are in the minority.
  3. Originally posted by Kinks I microwaved fried chicken tenderloins. That’s all. They were pretty good but greasy af

    Should have warmed them up in t'oven for 20 of your Earth mins...much tastier that way.
  4. Originally posted by RisiR † Nobody thinks you're witty so yea…

    Wasn't trying to be. Insert shrug emote here.
  5. Originally posted by RisiR † You are part of that same minority, niggerfaggot.

    No I don't think fatties or trannies are beautiful...

  6. The majority of humans are Indian/Chinese, though. Their beatuy ideals don't speak for me.

    HTS is a cutie, by the way. <3

    As a minority your opinion doesn't matter to the majority. Again, majority rule. (and apparently faggot lover)

    (btw, majority of Indians and Asians don't like fatties either...)
  7. Originally posted by HTS So you're saying it's entirely subjective. 😂

    No. I'm saying it's already been determined that beauty IS measurable.
  8. Originally posted by HTS This doesn't mean beauty isn't relative.

    Yes it does..society is based on majority rule...if the majority of people determine something as beautiful, then it's's people who made the word and definition up after all. Insert eyeroll here...a few nut jobs don't define a words meaning or where it can be applied.
  9. I hope there isn't any antifreeze in that water
  10. Originally posted by joerell You can shrink or enlarge fat cells and even be slim as a twig and still have them. But, technically you can't lose them.

    You can these days...liposuction.
  11. Originally posted by tee hee hee Fat ppl are malnourished but overfed and probably undersexed.

    Fat people shouldn't be having sex, we don't need them reproducing or enjoying themselves.
  12. OP Do your mouth, ears and nose get a lot of infections? What about your asshole?

  13. there were no fat people in the concentration camps…..all boils down to calorie intake….well Sgt. Shultz doesn't count…. 400lbers whining about thyroid problems making them fat in Auschwitz.

    jig u have had your visa stamped in many countries, havnt u?

    I have nothing to declare...
  14. Originally posted by tee hee hee No PUFAs/beans/greens and nuts!

    Greens and nuts are great, beans are a bit carby.
  15. Originally posted by tee hee hee If youre only burning 1000cals a day you should eat different calories and heal your metabolism.

    Yup, sort of, eat "different" food. AKA lots of mineral and vitamin rich foods, low carb and low fat.
  16. Originally posted by jer3552 that's the famous English homosexual

    Ah I'll defer to your expert knowledge on international homosexual shenanigans.
  17. Originally posted by joerell If you have a medical or glandular problem you really don't have to eat much to gain weight and since your body chemistry is off even little amounts of food can cause issues.

    That's easily fixed by eating less.

    If because of medical problems you only burn 1000 calories a day..guess how many calories you should consume? (clue it's not 8000).
  18. Originally posted by jer3552 famous homosexual chariot driver…..Ben Gay

    Or Ben Dover
  19. Originally posted by tee hee hee Look at the fear poor child standing there thinking he'gonna get run over.

    Lucky there isn't someone at the end of the Aisle giving out free tasting samples ...or those poor kids would be run over.
  20. Originally posted by Red_Woman papi. lol

    Insert hearteye emotes here...6 or so of them.
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