2018-07-25 at 8:59 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Malice posted pics of his pento on TRT. I have no doubt he had it.
He posted about wanting to die before too.
And although he never admitted it, it was clear that something wasn't going right with his college.
It really isn't hard for me to imagine that he failed his exams (despite his intelligence), his family turned on him, he drank the pento, and that is that.
Like I said, I envy him.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
You should be proud to be contributing.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
It's all legit so long as you keep away from the brake lines.
2018-07-25 at 4:37 PM UTC
Man dude
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Back pain is usually due to the muscles of the back - they can be weak, or they can be in a bad position (contracted/whatever) due to stress.
Try doing air squats and other exercises to strengthen your muscles and try resolving whatever stresses you have. Also lose fat and eat more protein.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Most businesses would be delighted to have all their employees as independent contractors. The costs and obligations of having employees is enormous.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
What hot takes can we take from this?
The surface one is that this is obvious hypocrisy. One rule applies to blacks, a completely different one to whites.
But we already know that.
Then below that we have the bigotry of low expectations. Blacks can't be expected to behave themselves cos they're just stupid and violent, and shouldn't be held responsible for killing people. Only whites have agency enough to be held accountable when they get all stabby.
Democrats are the real racists, blah blah. It's a valid observation.
But I think there is more to the predilection for whites to turn on each other, while blacks protest whenever whites do anything at all. It's about status. A white is a competitor for status, while blacks, frankly, aren't.
In addition the likes of "Black Lives Matter" are only about status. No one gives a fuck about the lives of the likes of Freddy Gray, any more than they care about the lives of any of those other dumb niggers who are shot in their hundreds every week in gang violence. It's about status and having some way to assert some sort of superiority over whites.
And liberals are people who notice that the world sucks, so turn on their friends and allies and blame them for that. Liberals will whinge all day about white racism to their family, or their facebook friends, but won't say anything to genuinely racist people like the Chinese or Russians. Liberals will also attack those who resemble them most far easier than they will attack strangers. Liberalism is when you hate someone who looks like you. Liberalism is basically a phenomenon of what happens when a group of people turn on each other, and it's no surprise it's associated with urbanisation/over-population.
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
The dinosaurs invented it, shortly before they were all killed in drunken traffic accidents
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
The thing about this is that no one really wants an ambitious and successful gf, no matter what they say.
Stronk women don't need no man is just not sexy.
2018-07-25 at 11:30 AM UTC
BART (Oakland Subway) stabbing
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
Apparently blacks protested, and beat up some whites.
Isn't it weird how when blacks or Muslims kill whites all we hear about is "not all Muslims" or "only one person is to blame for this", but when a schizo white does something whites get blamed, as a group.
It's almost as if these people don't like us.
2018-07-24 at 5:53 PM UTC
if i were a queer
African Astronaut
[my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
This is the Nigga Golden Age of Cultural Output.