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Posts by Cootehill

  1. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Monty Python was/is pretty overrated..mediocre childish humor at best. Not the Nine O'clock news was better.

    Monty Python started in 1969, NTNOCN started in 1979, are you sure the decade time difference, and change in the cultural zeitgeist isn't what you see?
  2. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by RottenRobert On December 22, 1984, Bernard Goetz, otherwise known as the "subway vigilante," shot four young niggers in a Manhattan subway car after he said the men threatened him and tried to rob him. The shooting became a national sensation, as many subway riders, concerned about subway muggings, applauded Goetz's actions.

    Goetz was a jedi. The people who "applauded" him were mostly jedis, standing in ethnic solidarity with him.

    If Goetz had been a goy he would have been thrown right under the legal system bus and you would never have heard about him.
  3. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    I honestly can't remember how to use PGP/GPG.

    The apps I installed (Kleopatra, etc) are so absolutely rubbish it's hard to believe.

    I have used GPG to message vendors on Wall Street Market on darknet. But I don't think I can generate a new public key using my old private key, so fuck even uploading my public key.
  4. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man

    Making fun of some kid for learning blockchain technology?

    He's probably one of those guys who bought bitcoin at 7 cents.
  5. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by S6x Yes he did. Yet, the lawn mower. that kid's going to cut tons of lawns now for bank with a bad ass new tractor lawn mower.

    He's 9 years old. His decision to purchase a tractor lawnmower is like the decision of a cat to go vegan.
  6. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]

  7. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    I want to hear HTS's mixtape.

  8. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine When I was in downtown a few months ago playing Pokemon Go some extremely jedi (he must have been, no way a European could have a nose like that) looking kid stepped out of his car and in what seemed like a hurried panick, rushed over to me staring at his smartphone mumbling about Pokemon Go.
    I pretended to understand what he was saying, so I just walked alongside him for a little bit.
    He was all over the place like a fly, never really taking the time to absorb the moment or surroundings, just zip zap pow here then there.
    At first I thought it was a jedi thing but it could definitely be brain changes from growing up with constant internet and computer use.
    I grew up on the computer as well, but with smartphones the way they're set up is to present the user with a neverending stream of new stimuli and content, this could cause serious issues and it already shows with the younger generations.
    I can feel it in myself too and I don't even use a smartphone anymore, maybe it's just me feeling the effects of living in a faster paced society.
    Once I get moved into a place I want to start focusing on ways to slow down and reset my brain.
    I cannot stand the pace of modern living, it's not that I can't keep up with it, it's just that it's stupid and unnecessary.
    Do Gen Z kids ever sit on a bench and just stare?
    I have a friend who has never been able to do things like that, he calls me "ate up" for talking about how I love admiring the moment or environment and appreciating the little details,
    To people like him and Gen Z, a "normal" person is one who is constantly preoccupied with something.

    So fucking true.

    I mean I am hyper as fuck, constantly thinking. When I go kayaking or walking I need some electronic stimulation otherwise I feel as anxious as an alcoholic lost in the desert.
    But these kids man. I used to play a lot of Battlefield 1942 and Unreal Tournament 2004, but these kids play Fortnite and DOTA and Team Fortress and they're so quick that they're like some sort of electronic demons or something.
    They're just faster. I'm 34 and I feel about 80 years old watching them.
  9. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover Bring back Tesla's DNA.

    He could tell us an alternative.

    Cloning geniuses is so obviously a good idea it's not even funny.

    Or eugenics programs. Attractive nerds fucking and shitting out babies.

    It was conventional wisdom in the pre-WW2 world that eugenics was a good thing, and something any sane society would enact.

    Today it's evil, but even those who call it evil can't explain why. They're just like "you think eugenics is a good idea? I sincerely hope you're joking".

    The reason it's not done today is a weird combination of the anglos and jedis using made up stories about the Nazis (who did very little eugenics) to portray it as evil in newspapers and in popular fiction post WW2.

  10. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
  11. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover And why haven't they already?

    They damn sure have the money.

    Because there are no alternatives besides nuclear, and nuclear plants aren't being built anymore due to bullshit over-regulation.
  12. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover But what will Big Oil do if we find an alternative ?

    Jump right in and start making money on it?
  13. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Thanks to technology information is so much easier to access than anyone would have believed 30 years ago. As a result the barriers to entry to different subcultures are lower.

    For instance I don't need to know someone who knows someone who know's William Luther Pierce's mailing address to get National Alliance literature, I can just hit up the website. I don't need to buy cassettes or meet him to hear his speeches, I can download them on (actually I should do that before they get shoahed).

    Before computers people communicated with letters, zines (sometimes with only a few hundred subscribers) and other pieces of paper.

    So nowadays stuff is way easier to do, so we become more extreme, more edgy. It's changing us at a physiological level. Look at Generation Z - they move faster, think quicker, and get bored easier.

    So apparently normies have easier access to the underground? Well first of all, what is the underground? Why is it underground? Maybe the underground should be looking to take over. Maybe the underground should be making life uncomfortable for the above-ground?

    Second of all I don't know if I even agree. I mean it's true, access is easier, but there is so much information floating around a lot of people are distracted. It's not about access anymore, it's about separating the bullshit from reality.

    Separating good information from bad only gets harder when you have more information than you could possibly deal with.

    I see good trends right now though. People are forming their own networks to communicate, bypassing the jedi media. The jedis and their thralls are losing their mind, blaming literal Russian hackers for the fact that they can't monopolise access to information anymore, and as a result have lost control of the narrative. It's wonderful, and something we want to see continue.

    We need to make these people pay - it is cosmic justice.
  14. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Keep it up OP
  15. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Bologna Nacho Except that wouldn't change a thing.


    I mean you'd be permitted to drive your monster truck all you wanted then.
  16. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by aldra the panels themselves? you'll want to open your current TV and determine whether it'd be difficult to remove/replace it, it may be soldered/glued/moulded

    if you try to return the whole TV in the new one's box they'll likely compare serial numbers and tell you to get fucked when they don't match

    Yes, I was just thinking that. I will be switching the panels and sending the new TV and the old panel back.

    Originally posted by aldra he's talking about buying a new TV and returning 'it' the next day, most big stores will exchange/refund if it's within 7 days

    I was actually going to get it delivered - it's more straightforward to claim it arrived broken that way.
  17. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    If we were serious about stopping climate change we'd turn off the oil wells and close the coal mines.

    No one wants to see that happen.

    Instead we create drama about gas mileage and lightbulbs.
  18. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    From RTE (OIRISH)
    A German court has jailed a couple for repeatedly sexually abusing their young son and selling him to paedophiles online for more than two years.
    Lol, that's some fucked up spelling.

    The stepfather had a previous conviction for child abuse, … the unemployed couple had sexually assaulted the boy, now ten, and sold him on the so-called darknet…The couple was also ordered to pay a total of €42,500 in damages to the boy and another victim, a girl.

    the same court sentenced a Spanish paedophile to ten years in prison…also ordered to pay €18,000

    LMFAO, women always go along with this shit. And that compensation seems pretty shitty. How much is that per fuck?

    German judges are the ultimate cuckold wimp faggots.
  19. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Is this an actual thing? Seems terribly distracting, imagine trying to argue technical points of law to a court room in swimwear.
  20. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]

    The world has two stable states - an icy state, characterised by regular ice ages, and a hot state, characterised by high temperatures and abundant atmospheric CO2.

    The world transitioned to an icy state about 36 million years ago, and left the last ice age about 10,000 years ago. The icy world spends only about 20% of its time out of ice ages - like we are now.

    XKCD has a pretty good chart:

    It's pretty exciting being alive at a time like this. The world is going to change completely in our lifetimes. There is no way that we will stop burning fossil fuels, ever.

    It's pathetic to see all the political bickering that occurs about carbon emission reductions. It's just an excuse not to do anything. For instance the EU are happy to sign international treaties to reduce CO2 emissions only because they know full well that the US and China have no intention of honouring their word.

    But the EU gets to look all holy and shit, and that's what matters.

    Try telling a hippy environmentalist that their backpacking trip to Asia is cancelled because planes consume around a gallon a second of fuel, and see how you get on.
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