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Posts by Cootehill
2018-08-10 at 5:42 PM UTC in Why has Trump avoided the "Opioid Crisis"
Originally posted by Rizzo in a box honestly the only real problem is that people expect to buy heroin and they get fucking FENTANYL
some of us are a little more discerning with our drugs so we don't instantly die when we get a new hook up, but a lot of people don't.
I really don't like shady freaks spiking perfectly cut heroin with fentanyl, its fucked up and I would personally love to bash some foreheads into oatmeal. the DEA even found a shipment of cocaine cut with it. wtf? if I'm buying cocaine I want cocaine, not fentanyl.
death squads when?
This right here is reason enough to immediately legalise and regulate drugs. -
2018-08-10 at 5:34 PM UTC in Eeeeery Body wish Cupocheer a Happy Birthday 🎈🎂🎁Happy Birthday, remember, 103 is the new 40!
2018-08-10 at 5:33 PM UTC in Muslims in New MexicoGoddam look at those slouching faces and dull eyes, not too much going on upstairs in any of them.
Bottom left looks like the ring leader though. -
2018-08-10 at 5:29 PM UTC in Now - read all the recent responses
2018-08-10 at 4:57 PM UTC in CupotoomuchShe's probably a bit.
2018-08-10 at 3:18 PM UTC in Is Infinityshock a bot?If not I bet his posts could be automated.
2018-08-10 at 3:15 PM UTC in Space Force
2018-08-10 at 12:08 AM UTC in Lets talk about the baby fralala wants to have
Originally posted by 🐿 I have more women friends that do not want or like kids them ones that do.
Women are inveterate liars, especially to each other.
Goddam, I don't understand how anything could ever get done in a group of women - and that's OK, because groups of women never do anything besides gossip and upset each other.
Examples of lies women tell:
"I just want a good man I don't care if he's rich or muscular"
"I'm happy for you!"
"That guy is such a jerk, I would never sleep with him"
"Your mixed race baby is so beautiful"
"I want to contribute to society" -
2018-08-10 at 12:01 AM UTC in Scorched earth home defenseReally your house should already have a 70 kilometre "dead zone" around it. If it doesn't you have already failed as a man.
2018-08-09 at 11:57 PM UTC in Lets talk about the baby fralala wants to have
Originally posted by mmQ Not necessarily killing. More like this:
But you know that that can never work. Some humans will be left alive, perhaps due to religious affiliation, raising innocent children, to suffer unnecessarily, and we will soon achieve our original numbers, and the cycle will repeat. You must choose the only sane option, to end it all. Permanently, and with perfect equality.
Originally posted by infinityshock im going to implant into your transverse colon
Go jack off into a sewer pipe fetishist.
Hey Fralalalalaa how does this make you feel?
Women are hardwired to like babies. If they weren't none of them would survive, as babies as useless, ugly and annoying. -
2018-08-09 at 11:45 PM UTC in Lanny's Dead Hand Switch
Originally posted by S6x Why did you use a word enhancement to corrupt and bastardize? is it a Dead Man's Hand to keep you from getting into trouble?
Did Zoklet teach this to you.
Perhaps. Zok had a few word enhancements set up as far as I remember. His try-hard attempt at memeing.
Or maybe he seen moot do it on 4chan and thought it was funny. -
2018-08-09 at 11:28 PM UTC in Jim "Fuck Latinos" Carey and Whore to a ChainsawAnyone miss these two posters? They were two of the most original people I ever read.
2018-08-09 at 11:26 PM UTC in Meteorite strikes near Airforce base
2018-08-09 at 11:23 PM UTC in Lets talk about the baby fralala wants to have
Originally posted by mmQ Having a kid is pretty selfish really. To think, the kid you never have will have never known this and will be, in essence, in a state of eternal unknowing bliss. When you have that kid, you've taken that away from him and forced him into this crapshoot of a life.
If you follow that logic all the way through you must favor killing all living things as a preferable alternative to allowing them to suffer. -
2018-08-09 at 11:19 PM UTC in It's a coincidence that the only people who think I'm a loser on this forum, are...
Originally posted by Enterita if you insult them (§m£ÂgØL, DH users, for example) they start acting all mopey and hold a grudge towards you forever. I think this is just a low testosterone thing though…
Everyone is like that, even the highest testosterone guy.
High T guys will forgive you for fighting them, but if you don't fight, and reach some sort of resolution, they remember the grudge.
Even bulls and dogs will remember grudges for years. Like my Aunt's Pomeranian used to bark at me every time he seen me because I teased him about ten years ago. He only stopped because I started bringing him chicken and ham and doggy treats. Grudge forgotten. Point is, unless you have a resolution grudges just go on and on. -
2018-08-09 at 9:29 PM UTC in Is the site slow?I just checked, I'm getting about 1.8 second time to first byte when I refresh Latest Threads, but ping reports the roundtrip to the server at 234 ms.
2018-08-09 at 9:17 PM UTC in I think I have SIBO or something
Originally posted by Technologist Coot,
Did you look this up on one of the many self diagnosis sites? Don’t do that!!! I can’t tell you how many people come in and say they have this or that, only to find out their diagnosis is wayyyyyyy off.
The symptoms you speak of could be IBS, colitis, diverticulitis, the list goes on and on. That’s the problem with those sites, so many symptoms of ailments are overlapping.
Try a probiotic. Couldn’t hurt!
If I complain about brain fog to a doctor I'll just get fobbed off. And they'll just put the gas down to food poisoning.
Anyway, my problem is most likely something stomachy - solution is to change my diet. -
2018-08-09 at 9:03 PM UTC in D Y N A M I T E
2018-08-09 at 9 PM UTC in I think I have SIBO or somethingSIBO = small intestinal bacteria overgrowth, which is when you eat too much easily fermented foods so get too much gut bacteria.
I just have had really bad gas, cramping, etc from the region the last day or so, and particularly bad brain fog. Maybe it's just a bug, whatever. I usually feel some level of brain fog anyway, and the only time it really went away was back when I changed was losing weight, as I changed my diet majorly, so I am doing that again.
It's just that living healthy is really goddam hard. Society is geared up to feed you rubbish. -
2018-08-09 at 8:55 PM UTC in Lets talk about the baby fralala wants to haveA lot of people have anxiety and other mood disorders that stops them from meeting a SO - that's pretty much my case.