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Posts by Cootehill
2018-08-20 at 4:47 PM UTC in I Have To Go To The Hospital TodayReal niggas just squat out the baby on a street corner and get right back to husslin'.
2018-08-20 at 4:42 PM UTC in My neighbor called the police because I sent her dick pics on Facebook...Don't send dick pics, girls don't like it and it's only illustrating that you have nothing else to show off (like abs) besides your junk.
2018-08-20 at 4:11 PM UTC in Palestinians don't have a state of their own due to the jedis
Originally posted by Speedy Parker
If jedis are entitled to their land after being away for so long, Native Americans are entitled to their land back too.
Goddam, no one in this thread even disputed that the Palestinians are a homogenous ethnic group - that is just historical fact btw - but Zionists will say shit like "there's no such thing as a Palestinian". Google it.
And remember it next time some rat faced kike tells you "there's no such thing as a white race". -
2018-08-20 at 2:19 PM UTC in What's the longest you've been camping?
Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Was there any fingering by the scout leader?
The hermaneutics of gay suspicion is something the jedis put out in order to discourage the goyim from doing things like joining the boy scouts, etc. The goal is to turn everyone into fat, atomised, consumers, completely cut off from each other and from nature.
Just like the people in Wall-E. Speaking of which, post a pic of yourself in your mobility scooter. -
2018-08-20 at 2:17 PM UTC in What's the longest you've been camping?
2018-08-20 at 2:14 PM UTC in Ebola deaths in DR Congo rises to 49 with 2,000 feared 'contacts'
2018-08-20 at 1:06 PM UTC in Bill Krozby is jedi...They should call people from Texas Tex-oles.
2018-08-20 at 1:03 PM UTC in Eye Candy (super sexy and clothed)
Originally posted by NARCassist who the fuck needs 5 billion? what a greedy dirty control freak cunt
That's what happens when you own your own business.
Dorsey is nuts though, he says his businesses are like his children, and he can't imagine not running them himself. Which is incredibly sad when you think about it.
And he fucking belongs in the oven for what he's done to silence anyone right of centre on twitter. -
2018-08-20 at 12:58 PM UTC in Doing a NAS Build
2018-08-20 at 8:17 AM UTC in Doing a NAS BuildSounds great, but why not grab a retired workstation PC and use it? They often have space for 4 hard drives.
Also have you considered throwing in a small SSD to run the OS from? -
2018-08-20 at 1:21 AM UTC in Palestinians don't have a state of their own due to the jedis
Originally posted by Bologna Nacho Tell us what your real problem is..Israel belongs to the jedis, given to them by the U.N. and Jeruselem is their capital as Trump has made clear. Gather your armies and go against them and you will lose.
Yes, Might makes right, and clearly the Palestinians don't have might on their side, at least since 1973, when Israel was being wiped off the map, so the jedis started loading their nuclear bombs onto planes to drop on various Arab capitals. It would have been the worst genocide in history, worse even than the fictitious holocaust, but Nixon wimped out and sent the jedis American tanks to drive the Arabs back.
Of course the question how the jedis got 13 nuclear bombs was never answered - neither was the question of where missing US and Soviet fissile material went to.
This is settled history, not some conspiracy theory. Settled history is pure kikery.
The UN is located in New York, and staffed by jedis, and even then the UN security council has consistently ruled against Israel, only to be blocked by the United States.
Of course that is a formality. If the USA didn't veto the Security Council's just resolutions against jedi genocide of the Palestinians, it's a certainty than the Soviet Union/Russia would.
This is the power of the jedis worldwide.
jedis want to belong to this secretive, creepy, mudlike cabal of a nation state. If gives them a sense of importance and grandeur. And they'll push their friends, bully their colleagues, and steal from their acquaintances to make sure that this creepy project of zionism is accomplished. -
2018-08-20 at 1:06 AM UTC in hmmm..a forum about sex & getting your dik wet
2018-08-20 at 12:58 AM UTC in hmmm..a forum about sex & getting your dik wet
2018-08-20 at 12:58 AM UTC in hmmm..a forum about sex & getting your dik wet
2018-08-20 at 12:54 AM UTC in Our Old Friend benny vader (ban evader)...
Originally posted by Madman This isn't personal to me brah, the problem with that is that a child doesn't have the capacity to capitalize on the video, they don't even have a strong concept of what money is. Just like they don't have the capacity to know what is good for them or a strong concept of what sex is. Its about power structures and how when a predator is alone with a child they have all the power, physically and because their brain is fully developed, morality aside, power is power and weak is weak, when a predator is alone with a child, power is power and weak is weak, and when that predator gets exposed and society at large reigns down with a whole shitshow of violence and hatred, power is power and weak is weak.
Yeah I agree. That sucks.
So why is the person who has the video punished so severely for it?
Just for IP violations? -
2018-08-20 at 12:52 AM UTC in Palestinians don't have a state of their own due to the jedis
Originally posted by HTS This fucking conspiracy theory based antisemitic nonsense is what people need to defend themselves against. Nazi subversion of our culture cannot go unanswered. This whole thread is deplorable. Your ideas are so backwards, and bigoted… they're based in nothing but irrational fear and hate. The jedi people are the most productive and intelligent members of western civilization. It's understandable for people to hate and mistrust those who are so obviously superior to them, but to try and propagate that mistrust and hate is unforgivable. Palestine isn't even a real country - it never was - and Israel's right to exist is as unquestionable as the jedi people's.
And error has no rights.
But seriously, nice wall text, and nice rebuttal.
Why do the jedi people have no right to exist? Why do any white group of people?
jedi intellectuals have devoted enormous resource towards proving that whites are pure evil. Even the Irish.
So why aren't the jedi people, the most evil conquerors of all, the people who destroyed Jericho, who massacred the people of Mizpah ( and the people of Gibeah ( and who are sworn to destroy the people of Amalek (meaning Europe) ( censured even in the slightest. Despite their repeated genocides, and future genocidal intents (which includes my race - jedis literally want to kill me)? -
2018-08-20 at 12:39 AM UTC in hmmm..a forum about sex & getting your dik wet
2018-08-20 at 12:37 AM UTC in Do you have something that you desire, yet know you can never have whatever that is?
Originally posted by jedi_darryl
Man card revoked and reviewed for obvious reasons.
Good luck with that.
As for the OP, I don't think I will ever be anxiety free. As in, live in the forest, forget about society, live on my own, free.
I don't think any of us will. For you it is worse, as you have the anxiety of opiate dependency hanging over you. But it's just another thing you need from society.
We are all dependent on society and upon others to give us the validation and the joy that we need.
Will I be seen in the forest running? That's a societal validation all of it's own. If I'm not what then?
And what about that runner's high? -
2018-08-20 at 12:31 AM UTC in malice suicide celebration thread
2018-08-20 at 12:24 AM UTC in Our Old Friend benny vader (ban evader)...
Originally posted by Madman Yeah I watch liveleak too and theres a ton of harmless shit and there is like at most one video per page that is marked mature. Lets see whats featured right now… German Shepherd vs Pitbull protecting house.. Green Mamba Jet car crash Heart stopping moment dog owner, realises hi.. lets see, no gore in the featured videos, lets look at the whole front page…. and there is exactly one video of a guy with the top of his skull missing, so my prediction was completely correct when I said one mature video per page. Your willingness to abandon all intellectual honesty to "win" is dishonorable.
What about the "Chinese girl crossed by car" or even the "Chinese girl loses arm" videos?
"Toddlers arm caught in escalator".
Would you censor it as it's horrible, or would you promote it as it might help push for better safety standards?
I can't watch the video. All us adults have it coming, but I hate seeing children getting hurt.