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Posts by Xlite

  1. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enter Oh, I definitely don't trust "Sophie" farther than I can throw him. I remember him as psychomanthis. Totally mad with power; your cliche moderator up there with meta. For those who didn't know he was psychomanthis, how does it feel knowing your resident pedophile was a sick fuck all along?

    I don't really give a fuck about people's sexual preferences. It shouldn't define their person.
    But yeah, i didn't know sophie was psychomanthis. Good for him.
  2. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by benny vader thats your brain trying to wake you up or get you to move and breath more becos its starving of oxygen due to constricted bloood vessels.

    You need to source such a statement. I've never experienced sp and then woken up to a numb limb. I realize oxygen starvation might trigger sp, but its far from the only trigger.
    Sleep paralysis and a deep state of relaxation achieved via mediation are quite similar things. The only immediate difference is that you didn't induce it by will, and therefore you will be pretty uncertain as to what the fuck is going on. This can be turned by focusing on your breathing and by manifesting light. Obviously this is easier said than done when you're freaking the fuck out, i know. But its totally possible to convert this seemingly creepy experience to something way more pleasant.
  3. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lanny is doing a fine job tbh. We're still more or less able to say what we want, eat what we want, do what we want.
    I trust lanny to run this place way more than anyone else.

    There lanny, some asslicking. Now let me thank people!

    inb4 Lanny is a fed.
  4. Xlite African Astronaut
    I still play daoc, its the only game i start to miss if i quit it.
  5. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby But real question.. do you really think aliens as in extraterrestrials are real? Like I used to but now Im kind of thinking there real but they are actually demons / part of our psyche.

    Surely there's life on other planets. The problem is, we was never meant to visit these places. At least not in the way you'd think.
    The cosmos is soo fucking huge that traveling light years in distance would only be feasible for a type 2 or 3 civilisation. Mind you, we're still not even on that scale yet. And assuming they'd be able to visit us, we can also assume they've been aware of us for quite some time. However if you can see everything that's going on, why bother to visit? The only realistic way to travel to these places would be in "spirit form" or with raw conscience.

    Demons and gods and other religious beings have been sighted and some of them by several people. Most likely induced by psychedelic substance which gives access to higher dimensions.

    Some claim that lucid dreams, psychedelics, meditation, and obe's is more or less the same thing. They think its all in your head. However this somewhat fails to explain seemingly random people encountering the same entities while having an altered state of mind.
    The only realistic way to explain that if is they had been influenced by each other.
  6. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Sleep Paralysis is a portal

    This is true. Once you master being conscious while your body is sleeping, you can do sum wierd shiet.
    Lucid dreams
    Remote viewing

    These are but few of the "powers" that you can gain from meditation.
  7. Xlite African Astronaut
    Nobody questioning the op's name? Did i miss something?
  8. Xlite African Astronaut
    You better post pics man.
  9. Xlite African Astronaut
    I'll just leave this here.

  10. Xlite African Astronaut
    Lawl Dfg got a website?
  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mrhustle your talking about stealing markers from a hobby shop, may I ask you the same question your asking me?

    If you kewl:
    Don't let these niggas hustle you, post pics of face with blacked out eyes will suffice.

    If you're an alt, fed, or a normal person then fuck off.
  12. Xlite African Astronaut
    Damnit why can't i thank people! Lanny pls fix this "bug"
  13. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Kinda. IMO happiness is a side effect of having purpose, security, stability and achievement.

    Not always though. Drugs can make you happy, sex can make you happy, eating can make you happy, spending money makes you happy, seeing loved ones can make you happy etc. These a few of the quick fixes i was talking about. People should refrain from indulging in these things too often as they will weaken you over time. Too much of anything is bad.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon People should strive to occupy themselves with meaningful and challenging activities that would improve their overall state of being.

    I totally agree.
  14. Xlite African Astronaut
    People should stop seeking happiness and start to improve themselves instead.
    Happiness is usually short lived. No reason to waste time and resources for a quick fix when you can reach your full potential via self improvement techniques. When all is set and done you will be extremely satisfied with yourself and this will last quite a bit longer than the quick fix.
  15. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock i see quite clearly that youre suffering from delusions of grandeur.

    I see u didn't git it. If i knew everything i would also know my goals.
  16. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock post goals or delusions of grandeur

    I don't know the fucking goals, because they are BEYOND OUR UNDERSTANDING.
    However, if i was to become omniscient...

    See wut i did thar?
  17. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Sounds boring. Why would you want to know everything? I mean i did say i wanted to learn everything but that is going to take me forever so i at least have a goal to strive for.

    My goals are beyond understanding. Omniscience is just the key, the real goal is the lock.
  18. Xlite African Astronaut
    Practice makes perfect.
  19. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ZambianIntelligenceAgency not if they flew into the sun.

    They can't fly there, there's no air to push around.
    We would have to like, fling em at the sun or somt.
  20. Xlite African Astronaut
    Omniscience, which would allow me to know everything including how to cheat teh devul. I would know whats possible and whats not, how to rule over people, how to conquer worlds, how to become immortal. I would know what people are thinking, i would know their past, present, and future, i would know every single solution to every conceivable problem, i would know why and why not. I would know the beginning and the end, i would know the entire history of all worlds across all dimensions before they ever happened.

    I would be the all knowing ruler of existence.
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