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Thanked Posts by A College Professor

  1. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by mmQ People who have worked hard to get where they are tend to dislike it when people who have put in far less effort seem to be happy and carefree.

    A minor example would be student loan forgiveness. Of course it's understandably frustrating to have worked for perhaps years and years to pay off ones loans only to see others literally not having to do all that same amount of work.

    At the same time, if that forgiveness had been offered to them, it's probably unlikely that they would've declined the offer and chose to pay off their loans the old-fashioned way.

    Its just one of those 'it is what it is' situations. The frustration is understandable but it's also more or less pointless I guess, unless the goal is to undo the loan forgiveness and ensure everyone ever has to always work off their loans by hand.

    That's just an example though. I think we all want to feel "better than" others in a way, as opposed to feeling "less than" others..I mean that's human nature.. so we don't like those we feel better than, to be happy, especially when we feel they didn't earn it or deserve that happiness.

    yeah man, heard. fundamentally speaking i see what youre saying and a lot of people like tooting their own horn too, bigly. like I KNOW THE BEST WAY IF YOU DONT DO WHAT I DO THEN YOU. ARE. STUPID.!!!!!!!!!! anyone who isnt me literally is a retard.


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  2. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    rude assed cashier i said wheres your manager he said IM the manager and you need to get out of here. well what i did next is i went to the san francisco mint and bought 1000 odllars worth of pennies then i put them in a weeeelbarrel and pushed that fucker intro 711 and made him take my pennis.

    then i took my 1962 chevrelay dump truck and bought it full of manure and i POURED IT IN FRONT OF THE STORE.

    then i surveyed there property lines and realize they built the store in a ILLEGAL manner so i cut the store in half i literally BUILT A FENCE THRU THE MIDDLE OF THE STORE WHAT NOW FUCKER.

    i own you I OWN THIS STORE IF ANYONE WANTS TO GO FROM THE MERCHANDISE TO THE CASH REGISTER THEY HAVE TO GO THRU MY GATE AND YOU HAVE TO PAY ME the troll toll everytime this happens so was it worth smarting off fucker

    next time fucker think what happens when yo usmart off to me i get my slurpy
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  3. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Yeah man i hear you, i was a good kid growing up ( though i got in a bit of trouble when i was older ) and a bit of a racism when i was a child because that was the culuture in my community ( it takes a village to raise a child ) but as i got older i realized those ideas werent true more and more. I even had a black friend and im not racist anymore he listened to slayer and smoked cigars but i digress

    yeah i know what you mean i opened up my eyes and broadened my horizons beyond texmex and ate real tacos made by a real mexican i like that baja style cuisine. that was one of my goals for a while before everything fell apart in the grand catastrophe of 2020, to learn to talk spanish and go down to the baja peninsula in the old-country and be a beach bum but literally i never renewed mi pasaporte

    thats funny you should mention philipino food because literally i never had it until the other day i had a 'filipino breakfast' which was spam and Longanisa sausage ( which i dont believe ive ever had till then ) with eggs and rice and it was pretty good but it's a pretty hearty breakfast. a lot of Phillipinos are Christians too which is cool in my book, you can ask gayboy grylls about this he can confirm.
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  4. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    so can you just borrow money for college and then use it for investing in meme stocks and virtual tokens?
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  5. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Octavian. I'm not a monarchist so this post is void and now you look like a twat.

    How does that make you feel?


    Let me drink your tears.

    I want to add that trolling people online isn’t something a real man does, that’s pathetic. Only weak people become sadists and I’m not just saying that, it’s in a psychology book.
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  7. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    he died of a broken heart
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  8. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    loser larry is no longer with us RIPP he was a good man we lost a bastion of rebel activity from the ozarks with his and his FLAMEs departure
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  10. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Just buy a $20 set of Wahl clippers…all the free haircuts a nigga could ever ask for.

    i tried that during the great catastrophe of 2020 its kind of a pain in the ass to get all the spots and get them right. i buzzed myself ( lol ) a couple times and yeah i guess its like anything it just takes practice. plus how do you square up the back without living in a swinger house full of funhouse mirrors to see whats going on back there?

    yeah man i hear you but i live in my car and im not getting hair all over the inside, and i dont want to be an exhibitionist and go out in public and shave myself in front of a live studio audience, like some kind of sick fuck

    speaking of sick fucks i got a great video of a chick showing off her queefing ( its not porn, shes wearing yogurt pants ) im gonna post
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  11. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    put on war paint so they cant recogniez you later when you go back
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  12. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    what if you just cover yourself in grease and go in a store naked and take what you want no one can even catch you even if they have security cops how are they gonna hold you because of the grease
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  13. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Iseedivision I thought about that but then you start talking police charges vs me being down a few weeks/ months and getting pain killers

    yeah , heard. i dunno man its tuff i hear you i wouldnt waanna go to jail either
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  14. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    i dunno man im having second thoughts about you harming yourself trying to get drugs, healing takes a long time and the body is a temple i feel like you shouldnt go out of your way to hurt it thats just my opinion though so take a grain of salt.

    but yeah man, maybe just stealing something and selling it is your best bet so you can get some dope
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  15. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    would you compost newspapers and junkmail and magazines and cardboard? if i lived down in beefa texas id just put it in my ford super duty and let it all blow out when i go rolling coal in my coal burner
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  16. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    lmfao the narrators voices are funny

    "we BOUGHT threee big tasty meals for the three of usss , thith ith tha REAl Deal. this is what ive been WAITING for, for more than 2 HUNDRED days"
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  17. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "Women get more beautiful as they grow older. Not less. Female youth is only prized in modern culture because it doesn’t represent as much of a threat spiritually to anyone who is frightened of divine feminine power. As women grow and mature, they call in stronger forces of sacred feminine wisdom. They vibrate with the creative power of their stories. They are more of a force to be reckoned with. They see more, know more, feel more. They put up with a lot less bullshit. When women are trained into thinking there is something fundamentally wrong with getting older, and are coerced into spending money, energy and power investing in ‘slowing the signs of ageing’, an enormous vault of divine love is lost. Just think what would happen if all the women in the world started loving themselves even more with every year that passed. Perhaps a total revolution would occur."

    —Sophie Bashford
    She Is Fire

    yeah i like that man i thought a lot of women were dyking out after they go thru mental pause because a lot of older wome nend up cutting there hair short like men but i was just ASSUMING this. after talking to a hair cutter about my theory i was informed that older women a lot of times there hair starts thinning and it looks like total shit when its long so thats sometimes why they cut there hair short so dont go yelling at old women calling them dikes and shit they are just doing the best they can

    but hair can be fickle, man. theres literally not a hair out of place on my body im not bragging. and also some women there hair stays thick. we men have to stick together and as we all know all the trauama of being high-test puts on our bodies we can suffer from hair thinning to , fundamentally speaking
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  18. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Niggers will smash open machines with free condoms inside

    russian nesting doll technology pisses some people off

    lieterally a cover within a wrapper within a case , what next its inside a room inside a building? it has to stop somewhere

    thats why a lot of office women back in the day woul destryo computers sabotage them they wanted to stay with paper files because on a computer you can basically put as many folders within folders as you want and shit can get out of hand literally just clicking ... and clicking... and so on you get the point
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  19. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    relocate your asset i suggest a balanced mix of stonk and bond put the rest into the liquidity pool and buy arcade tokens and laundry machine tokens and forever stamps and obscure firearm cartridges and cans of campbells soup that you want to eat for the next 4 years this will hedge your bets

    my friend is up over 40 percent on his tokens dollar to dollar
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  20. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    yeah man i hear you, its hard to know what to do with those guys because like its there job to find cancer and literally the body has cancer in it so if some fucker looks hard enough there probably gonna find it but at the same breath the body can kill some of it on its own anyway so are you just gonna get bit by the cancer industrial machine or was it actually lifesaving.

    for instance how come the FDA fought doctor Burzynski in texas soooooo hard literally trying to bankrupp him and ruin his life for having like a pretty good ass treatment for serious balls-to-the-walls cancer , if they don't want people to die and spend all ther emoney on KEMO. this is why ron paul is right the fda should be abolished another revolving door with drug company pigfuckers man its all corrupt its all CORRUPT yet they make chemistry illegal unless you pay them

    its a conundrum
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