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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    somehow that's more depressing.
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    how old are you by the way, 35?
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Having you as a member of my family?
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Knock knock!

    Who's there?
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny Do you believe in the mystical powers of a charismatic figure? Yes.
    Is there a body of people who mediate your relationship with this figure which tries to extract money from you? Yes.
    Do you routinely attend some sort of ceremony to educate you on what views you should hold and what you should do? Yup.

    Sounds like a cult to me

    Charismatic figure simply ='s God. By that reasoning, every religion is guilty.
    Your relationship is directly with God, the church is simply a collection of believers. You don't owe your tithe to the church, but to God.
    Church services are optional, but a great way to fellowship and worship. You can get to heaven without ever setting foot in a church or forking over money to a group of Christians.

    Originally posted by Lanny "deviant" doesn't mean anything in evolutionary biology and that's a naturalistic fallacy.

    Deviant, unnatural, abnormal, whatever you want to call it.

    Originally posted by Lanny You only think it's perverse because you're in a cult. It's your cult is perverse.

    But you know that right? Like you know I don't think homosexuality is morally wrong, so why are you trying to make the argument "homosexuals adopting children is wrong because their sexual choices are morally wrong"? Like are you trying to make an argument or are you just trying to articulate your opinion for some reason? If it's the prior, you're going to have to start from some premise we agree on, which "fags are evils" is not.

    It's not a cult, nor have I ever said "fags are evil". They have perverse desires, much like pedos, and I wish them the best in finding a healthy way to deal with them.

    There's actually no reason to drag morals into this. You're the one who latched onto my religion; it really triggers you. Even before I was a Christian I thought homosexuality was perverse. Can you not fathom that or something? It's unnatural, and not conducive to promoting traditional family values. Again, there's a reason homos cannot reproduce naturally, and we need to quit this twisted social experiment of giving them children.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I think victim implies you were diddled, because otherwise it would be 'product of incest'.
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny I don't hate Christians. I just think being raised by homosexuals (people who have a certain aesthetic preference) is less damaging to a child than being told a bag of lies are absolute truth and that they'll be punished with literally unending suffering if they don't conform to a ambiguous, arbitrary, and undemocratic moral code with zero justification.

    I don't think people should be stopped from joining cults. I think parents should be stopped from enrolling their children in cults.

    Oh please. Regardless of whether you believe in God or not, there's nothing wrong with the Christian way of life. Likening it to a cult is ridiculous.

    Homosexuals are deviant, even by evolutionary standards. Allowing them to have children normalizes perverse behavior, and is not fair to the kids who have to deal with it. There's a reason they can't reproduce naturally.
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny Seems reasonable. The state will eventually intervene if you teach your kid to steal for your benefit, or make them work in a factory because their small hands can better assemble small items. Exploiting your kid and indoctrinating them into a cult doesn't seem much different.

    Seems reasonable. Yes, complete government control of the youth seems reasonable.

    Are you trolling, or is that really how much you hate Christians?
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter Haha nah it was literally:

    Me: Hi, I'm Enter. *Holds out hand. She pauses, and then shakes it.* Want to come hang out with me and my friends?
    Girl: No. *Walks away*
    My friend, who talked me into telling her to go up to her "since I have nothing to lose": That was fucking brutal.


    Inviting her to join a strange man and his friends probably threw up some red flags. Next time, try chatting with her more on the spot so she gets comfortable around you. When she relaxes, that's when you suggest a venue change.
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny No, they just shouldn't be allowed to indoctrinate kids into their cult. You don't let pimps recruit at schools, you shouldn't let cult followers recruit in the home.

    Okay, then kids can't be raised in any other religion or belief system. The state must intervene in all families to ensure only government approved material is consumed by the youth.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    What should become of Christians then? Should we be interned and reprogrammed? Heaven forbid we embrace traditional family values and want to worship our God in peace. No, we need the guidance and correction of urban liberals such as yourself.
  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Oh. I disagree.
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Really? Christianity is a mental illness is the best you have? Weak.

    Fags are still perverts and shouldn't be allowed near children. They need help.
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Why do you hate him?
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter I literally went up to a girl on new years (2017 new years, not 2018) and introduced myself. She wasn't even that pretty, she was an average looking hog. She just walked away from me.

    Yeah, the 'sexual liberation' or whatever the fuck sure did a number on the dating market. There are a lot of snobby, self-absorbed tramps running around.

    Hence: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until successful. Keep at it and you'll find someone. Also work on improving yourself, as that will help too (work out, have hobbies, etc.).
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny So a homosexual couple is twice as capable of raising a child as you are. Actually more because they probably wouldn't try and indoctrinate their kid into the jesus cult

    Wrong. Homosexuality is a perversion. Although I'm unmarried, I can still be a strong male role model for Tommy and teach him the way things are supposed to be. I recognize he needs a mother, and a few older ladies from church have stepped in to be there for him. No butt pounding faggot couple could raise him better.
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter How? It's not like one is going to just fall right into my arms.

    And even if she did, that'll end bad for both of us.

    Step 1: Be at least halfway decent (get a haircut, have a job).
    Step 2: See pretty girl.
    Step 3: Approach, converse, and get number.

    Repeat steps 2 and 3 until successful. Your confidence will build along the way.
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 At least set more fires while you're there

    1000x this. Help us out, Enter.
  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Yeah, why? Enter, if you're so lonely go find a girl. It's not hard.
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I'll kill you.
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