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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    It brings back fond memories of his father.
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by NARCassist fucking typical innit. i just got my acid, hash and xannies from dream market and the day they arrive i wake up with the flu from fucking hell. was really looking forward to dropping that trip tonight. trying to trip like this would be horrible, i can't even think straight right now.

    That sucks. Feel better soon bro.
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Yeah yeah, but you know you thank God every time you walk down the stairs behind a hot girl in yoga pants.

    Not if I'm in a relationship. Makes it harder.
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Lanny I don't know that that's not true, I have reasons to believe it, primarily because divine intervention is not necessary to explain the prosperity of "christian nations".

    Well it's either the Christian faith (morals), free markets, traditional family values, or a combination of the three. Interestingly, you seem to hate all of those, and instead cling to failed ideologies which have cost millions upon millions of lives over the past century.
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Fine for working out, but for everyday wear they make it look like the gal forgot her skirt. Or she's being careless with her appearance.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I believe in something like a soul. Faggotron 5000s like Sam Harris would call it something like "pure consciousness".

    I believe that the "soul" is featureless, like lump of clay. Your soul and my soul are no different. I came to this conclusion when I dropped 2 tabs of acid. I realized that whatever is experiencing this stuff, and my body are not one and the same. In fact, my consciousness has almost nothing to do with my body. It's simply an observer.

    During the trip, I felt separate from my body. I felt like "I" was watching the equivalent of a CCTV camera, but for all my senses. And my body continued to function mostly as normal. It didn't need my input. In fact I couldn't even think. My consciousness was not really privy to those internal calculations my brain was doing, how it was considering things, formulating conclusions and responses and so on. It just happened. My body kept on functioning, but my mind or consciousness was not in the driver's seat.

    And one very important feeling I had was that my consciousness was not "behind my eyes" so to speak. Normally we have this sense that we are "here", or that "we" are located inside our skull somehow. But it very strongly felt like my consciousness was not anywhere in particular. It just was.

    The other important realisation was that my self is not my body. And my "self" seems to be completely featureless. It has no desires or wants. It's just some kind of abstract idea that's currently recieving signals from a body. Maybe I'm a brain in a jar. I don't know. But whatever it is, it is completely without firm or feature. If I were to out my consciousness into your body, and you were to put yours into mine, I imagine our bodies would continue to function exactly as they have. That continuum of physical determinism will continue to exist as always, and this mind outside of the body will never send information "downstream" to it. In fact it has no information to send.

    So all in all, I think at least from that one doubletabbed trip, it feels like there is some sort of thing behind our experience, and that's what one might call a soul. It seems to me that that thing, whatever it is, is what makes the difference between the Chinese room, and a person who actually knows Chinese. It kind of made me reject functionalism.

    Didn't read.
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Enter, you should play Russian Roulette. You can't lose either way.
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 That particular type of woman tends to look better with clothes on anyway

    This. Most women nowadays fail to realize sexy =/= beautiful. Save the provocative and revealing clothing and for the bedroom. Beauty is putting on an elegant dress and acting like a lady, not a whore.
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You don't scare me. I'll kill you.
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    They're probably just upset some skinny fat tweaker is mocking them for no reason with his walking lardbucket of a fuckbuddy.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    What the fuck? You've been really triggered lately. It must be that time of the month again. Chill out Lan Lan.
  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    How do you get the authorization code if it's not your card?
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Duh, orange chicken. Is there really anything else?
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You're great mmQ. I miss your stories tho.
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter Weakness is not attractive.

    Yeah, women are the weaker sex. That's, uh, nature.

    I see nothing wrong with them looking up to men for protection and guidance, so long as they're not worthless freeloaders. It's actually great to have that sort of control imo.
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I kinda get this too. I'm not gay, I just don't like femininity.

    So I'm pretty much stuck with butch girls. Problem is, they're all lesbians or radfems.

    What is it you dislike about femininity?
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Can you explain this scam in more detail?

    I assume you would be using a stolen card so the store can't track you down when they don't get paid. In that case, how to you have access to the account to get the authorization code? Also, it seems like you would have to rely on the employee knowing what to do in a scenario like that, in which case you're fucked right there. Most minimum wage workers barely manage to process basic transactions, nevertheless enter special codes.
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    For what it's worth, I like your comics Enter.
  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You don't scare me.
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 So, I've yet to see any evidence of the evil jedis. People keep linking to stuff about specific jedis who did specific 'jediy' things but you can probably find a Buddhist, an atheist, a Muslim, and Christian who have done these same things. Where is the organization? Where is the proof?

    This. Yes, it appears there are a lot of evil jedis out there, but is there concrete evidence of mass collaboration? Or of plans for global domination? That's essentially what I'm looking for here.

    Or, is it just that jedis, like niggers, as a group of people have a greater propensity for committing crimes? And is it the religion, ethnicity, or a combination of the two that's the worst? Many of the ethnic jedis, such as Soros, do not practice the religion.
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