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Posts by D4NG0

  1. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Zanick...ffs. Eliminate as in, gone kaput, no more. No people, no government, you can even imagine the land disappears too if you want. And save the "is it right" shit for another thread. This is an obvious hypothetical.
  2. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by infinityshock you found a good identity.

    you learned from your juden overlords well.

    Thank you. I'm here to siphon off your tax dollars and steal your freedoms.
  3. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Which would you choose and why?

    I would choose China. I know they supply a massive amount of goods to the US, but it would encourage us to develop our own manufacturing facilities, assuming we didn't succumb to an invasion during the ensuing chaos. Even then, I'd rather face hordes of shit-eating Muslims than a tidal wave of chinks.

    I did consider Somalia for a while, but in the end, there are plenty of other shitholes to easily make up for its disappearance, so the gains would only be temporary.
  4. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Zanick If I were really determined I would just hit my head a few times. Realistically I couldn't expect myself to do this in any state of mind other than psychosis, but if I'm set on killing myself and irrationally have decided to abstain from using any sort of equipment to accomplish this, I think I'm capable of beating my skull against a wall.

    No, you can't use anything. Not even a wall or the floor.
  5. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by infinityshock false.

    livestock cannot be raped.

    You missed the key phrase: "I identify". My identity is not constrained to the racist, misogynistic, patriarchal notion that people are what biology makes them. Anything and everything is a social construct, and I am therefore a victim.
  6. D4NG0 motherfucker
    I identify as a native American black woman who was raped by a bunch of white males.
  7. D4NG0 motherfucker
    By maintaining a healthy separation from reality from time to time.
  8. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Probably suicide. Not outright, but if I get cancer or dementia or something when I'm older, I'll just end it.
  9. D4NG0 motherfucker
    My delusions.
  10. D4NG0 motherfucker
    You wish.
  11. D4NG0 motherfucker
    LOL the irony is killing me.
  12. D4NG0 motherfucker
    It's almost sad to watch you flounder, Enter. You can't even accept you were wrong over something as simple as a single word. Cry harder, bitch.
  13. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by HTS You're a fucking moron who can't spell "literally", so… I'm not taking your word on this.

    You're a fucking moron who literally can't tell the difference between literally and literary.

    Chicks don't have dicks.
  14. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter Okay, let's look at that dictionary link you posted.

    According to that, "literary" means:

    "pertaining to authorship"

    How the FUCK does that fit into your sentence?

    "He's a pertaining to authorship genius, you simple-minded buffoon."

    Lol dude, this has gone on for like 2 page. Just admit you meant "he's a literal genius".

    You intentionally skipped the first definition:

    pertaining to or of the nature of books and writings, especially those classed as literature
  15. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by HTS You aren't the only one apparently.

    You are not a girl.
  16. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter Holy fuck lol I've never seen someone take things this far over a spelling mistake.

    It wasn't a spelling mistake, you. fucking. retard.
  17. D4NG0 motherfucker
    No. "Literally" doesn't even fit the context, it would have to be "literal". I used the word I intended, and I used it correctly.
  18. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter How the fuck do you spell it right the first time, and wrong the second time.

    Are you trolling me? No, seriously. Are you actually trolling right now?

  19. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter "i can't even tell if that's a der da derrppp"

    Read a book.

    Any more wise ass remarks?

    Holy fuck. You literally don't understand what literary means. lol
  20. D4NG0 motherfucker
    Originally posted by Enter it's spelled "literally", moron.

    i can't even tell if that's a troll
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