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Posts by the man who put it in my hood

  1. because i'm honest
  2. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy I just got denied due to my extensive criminal background.

    Call them back, the law has nothing to do with places of residence.

    Originally posted by Fonaplats They stated I had too much owed in collections.

    The landlord of the apartment does not belong to the company you owe money to so why does he care? Let me talk to him I can straighten this out. You don't owe him anything so he has no reason to deny you.
  3. Originally posted by Wariat true. Too much wasted energy. But I was saying as the legal age. Not saying im ever gonna hit it and as I said ive never in my life had full on sex even a bj with anyone under 20.

    You are supposed to do that when you are a teenager. What the fuck did you even do for most of your life?

    It's like you lived in a test tube for 30 years and are just reaching sexual maturity now and broke out of the lab to chase around young girls

  4. Originally posted by Wariat this is true and this is why in a place like poland i have not got even close to fucking a 16 yr old. Or them being interested in nme, They have simply way too many options. but when i lived in usa where it was forbidden or even talking to them on usa based chatrooms or where they go international ones they seem some of them at least supert sexual and super interested.

    yeah thats because they are busy with school and can't even find a guy their age to date IN THE SAME SCHOOL so why would they want anything to do with you.

    They want a boyfriend to impress their normie friends at school not to fuck the family dog while you watch in the corner.
  5. Originally posted by Wariat 16 sounds about right guys. For them to start rimming and getting old men or threesomes with blacks no? Im glad its 15 here tho even tho I thinik 16 is about right for the aforementioned situations they can get in guys.

    trying to have sex with someone who is in school and lives with their parents sounds like it would be the most annoying thing ever and not even worth the effort.
  6. Originally posted by Wariat interesting fake quote bro.

    I don't need to fake, lie or hide anything. I live my life in the glory of God. You might have to lie to humans because of your actions but you know the truth and you aren't the only one.

    God knows when you lie, cheat and hide. How do you explain that one? I don't ever need to explain myself to anyone because I live a noble life following God.

    I hope you have a good memory because you are gonna need it. Have fun always trying to catch your mistakes. You can be perfect all the time but if you make one mistake it's all over.

  7. Originally posted by Wariat I already changed. Not even have to try. I dont look at certain porn anymore nor have for a good decade or so. I dont anymore keep smiling or checking themn out hoping theyd talk to me or feel pissed when i walk by not saying anything or trying. I simply want sex want attention and want to test the boundaries whether with teens or older women. or tabu shit but not that tabu. Thats a huge idfference. thats like saying polanski with kinski is the same what he did in holywood which it isnt as hed be blackmailed from holywood and extradited if it was but it isnt. Plus I wasnt focused just on that even then. I was simply overall perverted and looking for the next kink.

    K is for Kink

  8. tyrone can't even read enough english to understand that. he just wants to fuck your sister bro
  9. I have a memory from my childhood of watching tee vee late at night and I saw the words SEX and the city and was like Ooooooooh boy here we go and it was just some old broads talking AND THEN there was a scene where you see the lady's tits in the sauna NICE

    I also watched heavy metal when I was a kid because I thought it was a cartoon IT WAS ON TEE VEE WHAT THE FUCK

    literally me

  10. how to pretend to be a underaged girl on the internet tips and tricks:

    randomly send the person shitty popular music and say "this song describes me"

    say ummmmmmm and k a lot

    take a really long time responding to messages randomly for no reason and then say "sorry my parents r bugging me"
  11. i would have to see the messages
  12. You think Tyrone is spending weeks and months looking up AOC laws? Face it wariat you will always have that mentality of viewing a 15 year old girl as a "forbidden fruit"

    These immigrants that come in grew up in a country where child brides is normal and they have no problem having sex with young girls and never think twice about it
  13. Poland is one step away from banning western education for women and making them wear burkas

  14. nah i'm just trolling I know you can rape children in Poland

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Actually no, in the countries where you'd be put to death your liberal laws are not recognized…you and your "Transgender" would both be put to death…probably set on fire or something like that while the locals roasted marshmallows

    How would they know I did the gay unless they looked at my butthole. By looking at my butthole it would automatically make them homosexuals and they would have to kill themselves on the spot.

    They didn't think this out very well.
  15. The EU is a convention of nations and Poland is a member of that convention
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You've put your penis in a man's bottom. A crime in some countries that would result in your execution.

    Actually transgender women are women so in fact they would have to arrest themselves for doing the homosexual act of looking at my butthole for anal scarring and they would burn in hell for looking at my male anus, faggots

    Originally posted by Wariat please tell me or find me what the polish global or overall aoc is with a source to back up your claim.

    The EU defines anyone under the age of 18 as a child.

    CETS201– Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, 25.X.2007__________________________________________________________________________________3Article 3 – DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Convention:a“child” shall mean any person under the age of 18 years
  17. Originally posted by Wariat actually she was 16. not 15 but ok. plus 16 is the aoc where ur at. canada.

    Not how it works at all. I don't even think you actually know the "age of consent" for your country because every pedophile thinks "age of consent" means ITS LEGAL TO RAPE A GIRL WHEN THEY TURN 13 THE LAW SAYS SO!!!!

    those laws are for teenagers, not adults trying to fuck kids. You don't even understand the law it's probably EXTREMELY illegal for you to even be talking to those girls but you think it's okay because you're too stupid to understand the law.

    ignorance isn't innocence. Do you see anyone else your age talking to teenage girls? They talk to girls their own age.. "age of consent" doesn't mean you can have sex with underaged girls it's just a term for when a teenager can be in a consensual relationship WITH ANOTHER TEENAGER or young adult, of which you are neither.
  18. you deserve to be publicly shamed and all the parents should show their kids "look there's the pedophile, throw tomatoes at him but DONT GET TOO CLOSE or he will rape you"


  19. Originally posted by CandyRein

    Babe so cute in this color ..

    look at that porch monkey

    hurr durr fuys da aoc here is 13

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