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Posts That Were Thanked by Daily

  1. LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Space Nigga [my yellow-marked arboreous hypnotist]
    Originally posted by Malice I’m honestly going to consider snorting a bit of cocaine beforehand to boost my charisma stat. Of course I’ll be on benzos as well.

    How could this fail? Besides, it’s computer science. It probably has one of the most socially inept candidate pools around. Lanny actually once estimated that a full 10% of the people in his field may be on the spectrum.

    Lmao. Please, after a decade of isolation, go to an important interview on cocaine, benzos, and autism. Record it.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Come on guys, put the race card down.

    17 people are dead. I mean come on guys.

    ...anymore videos of the shooting or maybe aftermath photos? There has to be more.
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  3. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    A lot of people go back to school part in life to get a degree or try to switch to a different career.

    All I have to do is lie about my past.

    It’s almost as if you sick fucks are trying to push me towards a mass shooting.
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  4. WE SMOOTH African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Malice Was it my fault a fucking spic gangbanger flipped out on me for no good reason and that I was then abused?

    I have a solid plan. Put up with 4 years of bullshit, get a degree, then a high paying job. Simple.

    What the fuck have you done with your life? I should send the DEA evidence of you being a drug manufacturer (DMT).

    People aren't gonna bow down and suck your dick when you have a bachelors degree and literally ZERO work experience at age 30. that's not how you get a high paying job, FAM! there are interviews and shit where you actually have to convince people you're worth paying. you haven't even been pressed by a customer at Arbys or anything. You're gonna dart out like a hikkomori.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Holy fuck, that was intense.
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  6. Can you believe they're actually celebrating the shooting with a conga dance? America is fucked up.
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  7. Originally posted by Daily Trump's descendants are literally jedis.

    Same with Putin. It's really common that whenever someone has any success and the jedis can't destroy them they use marriage to bring them into the tribe.

    Not all of them are jedis though. Don Jr's wife was reported as jedi, but she wasn't really. It even fooled the Israeli MSM, and jedis are obsessive about knowing who is jedi and who isn't.
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  8. Originally posted by Daily Can anybody refute this or should I simply adopt this worldview

    I don't have to convince you; you know it to be true with one visualization exercise.

    Imagine the most beta guy you know, real or fictional. Now imagine him fucking another guy in the ass. Does it not make him even more beta? He's dominated a fellow male.

    The current gay culture has put a bad spin on homosexuality. It went from this:

    to this shit:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. 17 is a respectable score.
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  10. stupid noob VICTIM of farm equipment [the momentously grade-constructed phasmatodea]
    Originally posted by Daily Obama is the epitome of "fakeass nigga". It boggles my mind how nobody can see through the facade.

    He is a taxonomic beta in a taxonomically beta position. This simple societal fuckup, which can be observed cross-culturally, is one of the main contributors to the huge numbers of DEGENERACY, IDEOLOGICAL CANCER and DEATH we see across the planet.

    Taxonomic betas who have little to no breeding prospects decide that their large high IQ brains will intellectualise some abstract theoretical bullshit and reify it to the real world as if biological organisms do not behave and act within a certain framework contained by evolutionary algorithms. This is why we have females, who have never in the history of prehistoric homo sapiens been responsible for order and security of a tribe now being LEADERS of entire COUNTRIES while the hoes all vote left because a big government gives them free resources which women have been evolutionary designed to seek from a man. Not to worry big daddy gubment is here now. u dont need no mang girl!!!!!!!! Get the fuck out of my face. I wil lfucking murder somebody across international borders one day

    i.p. logged
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra

    photo taken from within cardboard box

    She's cute but the tattoo is concerning. Like when you find mould on a fruit and you're like "yeah, well I can just not eat that part" but who knows how far the contamination has spread?
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  12. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker beta does not want sex with other men. You know nothing.

    any men, even the wimpiest and the most gamma of them all, can fuck a women. women are by default, a cock receptacle so anyone with a cock, hard, limp, bent or otherwise abysmally small, can fuck a, or many women.

    but only beta gets to put their penis into another less beta, less willing man.
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  13. lmao this is the shit ive been smoking for like 6 years on and off

    my addiction > your addiction
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  14. My last MS paint thread:

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  15. Easy question.
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  16. Questions:
    1. Everyone here is from a single mom family, right?
    2. What are single mom's like to date, etc?
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  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist does anyone ever get this? they're like tiny little black-man's pinches, you know where you get dead blood trapped under your skin when pinching your finger or summing. but they're always and only ever on my balls. usually just one or two but i have had five or six at one time. i don't get them often, maybe every few months i notice some. they are easy enough to squeeze out, almost like squeezing a zit, and fairly painless tbh. but they bleed like nothing fucking else. that shit just doesn't stop, ever, i have to pinch the skin around the area to stop the bloodflow to the area for about 10 minutes while the blood still in the wound area finally clots up. i never heard of anything like this. is this what getting old entails?

    this is a pic of the little black man's pinch thingy

    this shows it bleeding on video. video is two minutes. it went on for like 20 minutes before i did the pinch cutting off bloodflow thingy.

    here you can see just how much blood came from that tiny little spot on my balls

    all that was from my balls man. balls should never bleed this much. wtf is going on with me man? this shit is fucking craycray.

    i can't lose my balls man, i couldn't live without my balls.

    does this shit even have a name or what.


    stop being such a bitch about it...that is all perfectly normal. go to the store, get some maxipads or insertable tampons, and read the instructions. dont be so stressed and relax...all little girls go through the same thing when they hit puberty and start their periods.
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  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I don't see how that has to deal with the jedis… and if they aren't well more power to the jedis..

    So it's not the jedis .... but it is the jedis?

    people are smart

    Opinion discarded.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon

    You are an idiot. Immigrants come at a short term cost to Europe but properly integrated and utilized, are an engine for economic growth. It's obvious that you don't even remotely understand economics but that's alright.

    Immigrants are a drain even to the third generation, as the Germans are finding out with the Turks.

    If immigrants were a net economic benefit wouldn't the economist point that out?

    Ah yes, the jedis, always a great line of argumentation.

    Who owns and operates the economist?
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  19. HTS highlight reel
    Captain Falcon may be totally right, but even if he is... racial purity at the cost of not having total economic dominance is almost worth it.

    Self-sufficient white nation > handsome and well tanned individual mudblood superpower controlled by kikes.
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  20. I remember back in the day Naom Chomsky had me convinced that Americans ran Israel and Israel was a puppet of American Imperialism.

    I was a dumb fuck.
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