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Posts by G

  1. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Big League jedi They deserve a bad rep if they take more to maintain than a comparable car, which was definitely their reputation. Sounds like you're trying pretty hard to rationalize your purchase lil bromo.

    "Comparable" cars like I previously stated BMW,Lexus,Benz,Infiniti they're on par with. When you're comparing them to bullshit cookie cutter Fords,Chevy etc. then yeah they're expensive to maintain. Seems you like to fabricate a narrative w/ zero experience or facts to support your stance lol. It's cool though I know this forum is full of mental issued folk & living in a world without having to be factual helps w/ the mania/delusions etc.

    Uncle G's here for you son lol.
  2. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Big League jedi I just made a joke, sounds like I hit a nerve. Are you okay buddy? Really don't like Jaguar's bad reputation hug? Kinda pathetic that you're so loyal to a brand, like a puppy.

    They only have a bad rep w/ people whom can't afford to maintain them lol. Not about brand loyalty, I get what I like, it's pretty simple.
  3. G African Astronaut
    I keep mine on a retainer, never know when you may need one.
  4. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Big League jedi You sound really insecure about a throwaway joke bud. You ok? Having regrets or something?

    Na son I've just found the best way to deal w/ unstable folk in a negative tail spin is to just hit them w/ logic/facts.

    Had a close call w/ a black bear @ 80+ MPH 3 AM-ish in the 'vette, had to swerve & hit the shoulder dip. Been pondering painting it all black w/a laser red pin stripe to accent the rims, now may be the excuse to do so lol.

  5. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Big League jedi Denying it because you're insecure about your Jag to which it doesn't apply is insecure and pathetic.

    There is no denial where there is no factual relevance. An adult riding w/ a troll gimmick online may cross the "insecure and pathetic" line depending on who you ask lol.

    All the Jags I've owned have been on par w/ Lexus,Honda,Infiniti,Benz in reliability. Shittiest car from experience ?! 2015 Maserati Ghibli, an absolute cluster fuck albeit a sexy one.
  6. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Big League jedi Makes sense that you've always wanted an unreliable piece of shit

    Spoken like a true laymen lol. Never had issues w/ reliability in any of the Jaguars I've owned(I have 2 currently, 6 all time). Faulty electronics/wiring via Lucas were the 80's-mid 90's stigma. The X308(1998-2003) had most of the bugs worked out & kept the Jaguar hallmarks low slung classic styling,real wood,Connolly leather etc. seen by many as the last "real" Jag before the Ford pillage/emasculation lol.

    But I know it's cool to parrot what you've read on the internet to sound knowledgeable instead of actually being knowledgeable lol.
  7. G African Astronaut
    Finally found the correct overhead console wood trimmed unit. Same burl & hue, I'd been searching for this many a moon lol.

  8. G African Astronaut
    Moto G series or E5 Plus are good bang for buck SPs.
  9. G African Astronaut
    I bet this kid's parents are miserable w/ guilt.
  10. G African Astronaut
    you sound sad.
  11. G African Astronaut
    As much as you post I'd say you've been a SIM character all along.
  12. G African Astronaut
    No flaking just streaking in the pigment, easy fix just I'm in NYC for UFC 244.

    Car's @ 99% overall completeness, going to finish the seats(including belt buckles) this month & send the wood off to be refreshed in January. After that it's done.

    555 miles in 7 hours & 51 minutes, ended up w/ 20.3 MPG would've been better but I got bogged down in traffic a few times. The ole girl did spectacularly & the valets @ the Marriott are enjoying her lol. Not bad for a 20 year old land yacht I must say.
  13. G African Astronaut
    Did the passenger seat w/ filler it didn't come out as well, I don't like the texture & am likely going to sand the entire bottom half & re-do. Luckily I only did the bottom half so not that much extra work. Going to just use the colorant & top coat it's thick enough to smooth minor creases etc.

    Before : I had just started filling creases.


    Finished & dried

  14. G African Astronaut
    Zucchini bread >

  15. G African Astronaut
    Liver pills doh.
  16. G African Astronaut
    I'm good.
  17. G African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I returned the dog 3 days later in case you didn't read the thread.

    No one reads your threads son.
  18. G African Astronaut
    Down to minimal cosmetic tasks now. My driver seat had bolster wear so I picked up a dye kit w/ low luster top coat. Turned out well for my 1st foray into seat restoration.

  19. G African Astronaut
    You goal should be to refrain from the internet for a spell.
  20. G African Astronaut
    This dog doesn't stand a chance @ this asylum.
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