I DO agree that false reporters should be punished. The reality is that it would mainly come as a civil suit for defamation of character which doesn’t carry stiff penalties, usually just a cash reward.
That’s not true actually. The statistics in false reporting only take into account the ones entered into the system and processed. Doesn’t take into account the numerous ones police and prosecutors ignored or laughed off. It also doesn’t take into account work place false allegations of sexual harassment. False allegations of domestic violence too. Number of men convicted of domestic abuse that “took the rap” Divorce attorneys released a finding years ago that 75% of women make false allegations of some sort,during divorce proceedings. 20-25% of women lie about paternity of their children.
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tee hee hee
Naturally Camouflaged
[slangily complete this slumberer]
Originally posted by D4NG0
If a chick is caught lying about a rape, she should face the same penalty her rapist would have if convicted.
Not only are false accusations casting doubt on real rapes but they are also making rapists out of all men incl. our own bfs/brothers/sons/fathers/etc.
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Rizzo in a box
African Astronaut
[the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
no one is going to be over dosing smoking fucking opium you dumb shits its a plant its like weed no more need for tylenol make some opium tea its good shit its an antidepressant
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Originally posted by Bill Krozby
i highly doubt that you euro fag, the best your bitchass can do is look my name up in the phone book you kike. you have my number lets make a bet, but you wont because you know i'd make you my hole to shove shit in
I have your address too, i'll send you a letter using very stern words, informing you that i am not very pleased with your disposition and demeanor towards me.
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[my enumerable hindi guideword]
1961 - John Kennedy started an initiative to help basically anyone who wasn't white. This was the first of it's kind. Over the years, it was expanded more and more until eventually, President Bill Clinton used it. Offering (primarily) African Americans the chance at college. The recent women's rights movements (based around sexual violence, unfortunately), seems to try and tap into this.
My sister-in-law- a straight-A student, was denied from University of GA over this. Federal law REQUIRED they have a proportional ethical mix, even though her grades far exceeded most students. She accepted at University of Florida instead.
This sort of behavior, where government dictates how, "well, we don't have enough ________ yet, so we cant _________". Is a defeatist attitude. Black kids are getting in colleges for the sake of being black, not their merit, not their scores. If scores on a test doesn't matter, and all that matters is the color of your skin, then what the fuck are we doing?
American education is piss-poor and I am ashamed of it.
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Originally posted by Speedy Parker
The left tries to normalize mental illnesses like pedosexuals and transsexuals to destroy western culture in preparation for world wide slavery.
im glad im not the only one that sees this
also, strife. the whole xxxxxx vs yyyyyy vs zzzzzz thing
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Could be another "boomerang" maneuver by Trump. If he decides to use military tribunals and Gitmo to convict the traitors in the deep state, the judge will come in very handy, as this judge did approve of torture and indefinite detention of any American citizen. In fact, he's the architect of the entire process.
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