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Posts by Speedy Parker

  1. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The kind of Asian who would buy a cat off you for $5.

    Vinny wouldn't pay that much unless it was pregnant.
  2. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by What_a_Kreep

    I'm on an Eminem kick right now, only his old stuff. Infinite, the Slim Shady LP, Marshal Mathers LP. So much anger, I love it.

    He kissed the ring
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs Point is, if they wanted him dead, hed be dead. Maybe it was azov linked because theres reports portable anti aircraft missiles were smuggled into the US for that purpose recently.

    But if it was CIA, they wouldnt make any mistakes. Not with something like this

  4. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    We are not responsible for, nor do we assume any liability for, damages resulting from the use of any information on this site.

    Reading a post would be "using" the information. So if you read it the website is not liable as per the disclaimer.
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Hopefully it's emotions affecting my vision. I'm p angry at men.

    You need to get some pals and be happy P-head.

    Although I can totally see you making the following video but with famous men you don't know but hate instead of network logos.

  6. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley My stick was stolen… but I am on the way. Perhaps to find the often talked about low hanging fruit.

    How bad is that area that people steal sticks? Are stones even safe?
  7. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    TV reporter struck by bullet fragment at Lucas Kunce shooting range campaign event

    Lucas Kunce (D) running was for the US Senate looking for a manly photo op and hit a reporter with a ricochet. Lol, you can't make this shit up. More priceless than watching Tampon Tom A-Walz trying to load a shotgun.

    He needed that scope at 7 to 10 yards? You could hip shoot at that range. The only thing I shoot at that range is a Ruger SP 101 .357 with a 2 inch barrel. Even then I only fire at hanging, swinging, or hinged targets and never at fixed steel.

    If the left thinks civil war is a realistic option when they lose they have do do better than Tampon Tim and this clown lol.

    We need to start The Alec Baldwin Award. Like a Darwin Award but you have to fuck up and kill someone else not yourself.

  8. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Crispy My legs don’t touch when lifted because its normal for people who aren’t fat as fuck

    Anorexia isn't healthy or attractive
  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    I can't wait for the headlines...

    Florida man dragged from train screaming, "Give me back my mango stick".
  10. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Crispy So fat ur legs still touch even lifted, fatass

    Unless you walk on tooth picks your legs touch. Plus they really are pretty nice legs.
  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Just download a copy of Hiren’s Boot CD with HDD Regenerator on it. You may have to download one if the older version as the new ine may not contain it. I haven't messed with it since around 2010 so I'm not sure what the current version contains.

    I've used it to recover drives others I've worked with swore were unrecoverable. I even got chewed out by a boss for saving a salesmans laptop after he dropped it and probably "parked" the heads on a platter.

    My boss had written off saying, "fuck him, don't waste anytime on it, let his boss pay for a new one and fuck his data". At the end of the day I booted from Hiren's, ran HDD Regenerator over night (it can take long time on big drives, days sometimes) and the next morning, when it finished, I rebooted and all damaged sectors has been remmaped as bad and all data was fully recovered. My boss was passed because I proved him wrong.

    So if you ever have a problem with data on an HDD, even bad boot sectors or a corrupt MFT, for free it's worth the "effort". In my experience it's never failed as long as the drive would power and spin.
  12. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Careful, your butthurt is showing... Twice...
  13. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Only by a specific gravity of.08
  14. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina the irony of a youtube regurgitator
  15. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina how frequent do you imagine random man performing solo sex acts,
  16. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina lets see your unredacted drivers loyscent mate

    Let's see your unredacted sex offender registration.
  17. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan The past couple of days, I’ve been glued to my screen, grabbing every dumb comment from this forum for my lawsuit, barely sleeping and obsessively looking up defamation laws. You idiots have no idea what’s coming. I had dinner with some friends here amid the usual talk of bombings and daily chaos, I brought up the lawsuit, and everyone agreed. People are way too comfortable running their mouths online without facing any real consequences.
  18. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Met with the lawyer today, and finally, I really feel like someone gets it. He was nodding along as I laid out all the defamation, libel, and hate I’ve been subjected to on this miserable forum. He sees the potential here—punitive damages, emotional distress, the whole deal. You could tell he knows there's a solid case to be made. Sure, he humored me a bit, but I know he's smelling the money in this too. These couple of internet idiots have crossed the line, and now they’ll pay for it.

    He was even eager to explore all the legal angles. We discussed the potential for punitive damages, emotional distress, and the different ways we could bring these people to justice for the harm they've done. Honestly, I could tell he was ready to go all-in on this case because he sees what I see: a goldmine of accountability. I could feel that he knows this forum has crossed too many lines, and it's time to make them pay. I really feel like this guy is the one who will shut this place down once and for all.

    If you knew shit about civil action your post would never have been made. Even if you have a rock solid, open and shut, can't help but get a judgment case, no attorney is going to take the case on acontingency fee unless the defendant(s) have considerable assets or adequate insurance.

    Any 1st year ambulance chaser will tell you this. I had a case I settled on Florida for $185,000 my cut from a guy who hit me on my bike. Before my case settled a friend of mine got hit bad by a car on his bike. The car was clearly at fault and libel for all costs plus pain and suffering.

    We'll call this friend Crazy Richard cuz that was his name. I referred Crazy Richard to the attorney I was using named Paul.

    I took Crazy Richard from rehab to his appointment with Paul. I was sitting right there in the office when Paul looked into to plaintiffs assets (or more specifically utter lack of assets plus stare minimum mandatory liability).

    After determining the plaintiff had no ability to pay a judgment and never would, he showed us a file folder he kept on a shelf behind his desk. It contained a 12.5 million dollars judgment from 20 plus years prior. He explained it was not only one of the largest judgments he had ever won it was also one of his first. He then related that the plaintiff was a broke dick at the time of judgment and still was to that day. He worked 18 months on that case and was owed the standard 40% as it went to trial.

    He kept the file all those years to remind that you xan win and still lose. So, being as nobody here has sufficient assets to satisfy a judgment. Also being as there is no possibility an attorney could have determined each individuals assets who were potentially plaintiffs. There is no possibility of truth in your claim in this post.
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina benny was a hardcore trumpf supporter.

  20. Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Very dangerous. It welcomes the demons in, and once they latch onto you, it's very tough to get rid of them. If you want to play, they're there to accommodate. It's like the vampire. It can tap on the window all day long, but it can't get in unless you welcome it in through the front door.

    Vampires are not real dum dum
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