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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. Helladamnleet African Astronaut [impartially tyrannize that lentinus]
    Originally posted by benny vader >2017
    >does what an inferior sex does for nutritional needs.

    a MAN who still have respect for himself would say fuck it and go out and BUY something to eat.

    >1999 + 18
    >PAYING OTHER PEOPLE to prepare your meal for you

    Jesus Christ, what are you 12?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. sexual philanthropist
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  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I can't read that much but hydro murked this thread, lol.

    SpectraL, you got problems.
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  4. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I want to go into the women's bathroom at target and glue notes to the wall above the urinals that say "if you are using this…YOU ARE IN THE WRONG BATHROOM!"

    but I would never get to see the results

    i'm pretty sure women's bathrooms don't have urinals
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  5. BohemianVox Yung Blood
    Hollywood is not factual historian experts.

    Rick Ross, Nigga!

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock shows how much attention you paid in microbiology class.

    not only weren't you smart enough to be accepted into skool, but you spent all your time consuming assorted psychoactive substances of dubious origin and content, you say?

    makes sense.

    You have a propensity of making things up when you get called out. Makes it nice and easy to tell when you're uncomfortable and WRONG.

    Sorry your bitch ass is scared of a germ.
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  7. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    the semantical differences between being asleep and unconscious only matter to victims.

    ''lol, your uncle raped you in you're sleep''

    ''wait, you dont understand. I WAS UNCONSCIOUS. I COULDNT BE WAKEN UP!!! ''
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  8. Originally posted by Hu-Hu! greenplastic is an overgrown 6 year old

    yea, i should act like an adult and be miserable and work all the time lel
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  9. badder boy Houston
    ok if u agree i send u the password to my bombgin science acc and a file full of pics and all u gotta do is go call little kids with shitty tags toys an fuc u to all ppl accept the guy wif the raiders cap but he left and post pics i send u occaisionaly every week ever other day the forum has a credits system u can exchange for leagal vandalism supples after a month i will have enuf for paint i cn send u the shipping cost on paypal or u can come mine have 2s of a spliff
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RestStop Okay so basically every major tragic and violent event in the past twenty years was staged by the betabet boys? Just wanna make sure I'm getting this right.

    Apparently. If it weren't for the 'betabet boys' we'd damn near be living in a utopia.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I just wish, despite a couple of YouTube videos someone else made, you'd realize what I'm asking and give me your own answer. Don't link any videos.

    The amount of people that would have to be paid off to make this happen is astounding, and not only paid off, but trusted to never say a thing. Random Jane's and Joe's. Christian mothers and meth addicted cousins. All 'in on it's and trusted by the CIA and FBI and liserds to NEVER come clean. ALL OF THIS to propose stricter gun control? Lol. And the gun control hasn't even happened!

    I'm dead serious. No links or videos.

    Explain to me exactly how thousands of people would all choose to be in on something as ridiculous as this, how much money you propose is involved to pay them ALL OFF, and how they would all be trusted to never speak a word of truth.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Probably FBI or CIA agent. Not the real father for sure. They wouldn't risk letting the real father on national news, even though he'd been fully bought out.

    OK, and now help me out here, why would they do that? There has to be hundreds of people, at least, that knew the real father and son, so would it not be immediately obvious to them that this was a ruse?

    If I were involved in a false flag, and someone other than my mom (but claiming to be my mom) got on national TV tomorrow and giggled and said they were so sad I am dead, so many fucking people would IMMEDIATELY call that out.
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  13. Originally posted by Malice Just curious about the other anime watchers on here (sophie, lanny): Do you ever dance during opening themes you like?

    I do, shamelessly. I probably dance like a young child.

    This is pure condensed grade A autism. If this was anyone else posting, I would assume they were just fucking with me. Jesus H. Christ, every day we travel farther from God's image.
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Go ahead and click on About then at the bottom you find this.

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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    in other news I banned Lanny

    that's like punching the matrix in the dick
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  16. Eval/Apply Recursed
    son of a bitch, while explaining a penis joke of all things
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  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by aldra speaking of innuendo, in one of the latest episodes of Archer they're talking about Cyril's enormous dong and say 'you could haul it out and use it as an umbrella stand'.

    1. it's been bugging me for the last few weeks, how exactly would you use a penis as an umbrella stand and
    2. I hope it doesn't involve ramming things into your jap's eye

    I think it's because many umbrellas have a hooked grip, so you can hang them on any kind of pole-like object

    User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "umbrella"!
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  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Malice I could get by just fine on a minimum wage job, it would simply be foolish to do so when I'm satisfied with the needs of my minimalist lifestyle being met and ultimately have no real concern for anyone other than myself.

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  19. Originally posted by Totse 2001 Harsh!

    But according to Alex Jones it never happened.

    He'll change his story back and forth a few times.. stitches at a time

    But that was a really horrible Joke because small children dying is the most trajic and they didn't get a chance to live and do what they dream about and they leave their parents behind with the most painful gut wrenching feeling to the point where many of the parents divorce and even commit suicide.

    And think about the possiblity of a child who is murdered or dies naturally from Cancer could of been the one person who cures a type of cancer or disease not thought possibly today.

    Why dont you make jokes about Hitler instead.. oh you guys adore him to much

    I feel bad for the parents of the Sandy Hook victims if it actually did happen

    So close to Christmas too

    I hope they kept the receipts for all the Christmas gifts
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  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by NARCassist 7 posts later and I'm back HA


    Originally posted by Dargo But not without some battle scars you victim of incest.

    Ha! He literally got banned 5 hours later for losing again!
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