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Posts That Were Thanked by Narc

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    To me it's very obvious between those who are self aware and those are aren't. You can't necessarily determine it from looking at someone or a brief series of encounters but after enough interaction and observation it becomes self evident.

    People who generally boast about accomplishments or tend to have those "one up" type of responses or stories are classic cases of un-selfawareness. They're goal is to prove to themselves and others thst they are worthy, important, of value, when that's generally not the case but of course they aren't aware of what they're doing or how they're behaving. I think it's a good thing to be self conscious to a degree that you recognize how your actions affect other people and how those people will likely respond to that.

    Much respect to people who can admit faults, not claim to be know-it-alls, and contain the ability to look at things rationally and with a level head, despite the heated nature that can be involved.
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  2. Tommy Lund Yung Blood
    If HTS is who I think he is, he's a pussy for not fighting chunt. Good guy though.
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  3. Technologist victim of incest
    No prob Mq.

    I can see what you’re saying. Some are born into hate, it is their way of life. Some are mentally ill and could not see beyond their illness. I can’t stop those people or even try to change their thought process, doesn’t mean I don’t hate their hate.

    Part of my point in this thread is some hate an entire group of people just because who they are, or how they identify. To me, that’s just plain dumb. I don’t care what group someone belongs too, just because their jedis (ex), doesn’t mean every jedi is the same as these haters perceive!
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  4. jedi_darryl African Astronaut

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  5. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    I was smoking a cigarette and I had heard a distant meow so I whistled 'm over. It surprised me because it looked like this stray cat that was at my friends house, 10 miles away. I brought out some milk and then I brought him inside and smoked with him. He fell asleep and I let him out the next morning.
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  6. Archer513 African Astronaut
    I doubt that merely standing upright is a rape deterrent

    “I was gonna rape his ass,but he never bent over...foiled again!!!”
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  7. A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    actually its not your country the world is for everyone little bromo
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  8. Archer513 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny As mentioned, the world is not at peace. We probably have our hands in most ongoing conflicts today and our need to dispose of all the military supplies we blow a tremendous amount of our budget on is a pretty direct cause of many of the wars we find ourselves in.


    The world is the most peaceful it has ever been in human history. The standard of living is the best it has ever been. Life expectancy is the highest it’s ever been. Fear mongering is for politics. Facts are facts.
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  9. Technologist victim of incest
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  10. The world isn't at peace and hasn't been for most of human history (if not all)..there is always some war or conflict going on somewhere.

    ..and if neighbor keeps thumping that god damn basketball over and over it's going to be his damn head going through that hoop.
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  11. Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    "Your" country? Don't make me laugh, cum skin. Your savage invading ancestors committed genocide and wiped out nearly the entire existing, native population. Anyone else should be able to enter the country freely as a result.
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  12. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian I get followed around by security at grocery stores.

    So I'm walking into a fred meyer at ~20:00, and I see some faggot security guard standing outside. I have an empty coffee cup, so I walk a bit away from the entrance to the trash can to throw it away. Then I go to walk into the store. As I pass the guard, I noticed that hes armed with a glock brand bl0ck (pleb). I didn't know fred meyer has armed guards now but whatever the fuck, I need liquor for my niggas back in our truck parking lot. I go straight to the liquor section and start looking for the specific type that we wanted. It was a large selection so Im looking for a while. Then in my peripheral vision that can see around corners, but not before I can smell him, I spot the security guard walking around me, trying to be sneaky going around tables with muffins n shit. He was starting at me the whole time. I let him know that I see him, and tell him FUCK YOU with a look.

    One time I walk into an organic food store at 1:00 (its 24hr). I need some fancy organic drinks n shit to quench my thirst. Faggot security guard sees me walk in, then as I pass him he promptly gets in front of the entrance, facing the inside of the store. While I walk around hippie land looking for a drink, employees crawl out of the walls and shadow me. I am the only customer in the store. I get my shit and check out, and as the guard sees me pay, he gets out of the between me and the exit. Fucking tryhard wasn't even armed.

    And so I ask, what the fuck, exactly, is suspicious looking at a grocery store? I can't imagine that I look like a vagrant. Both those times I was dressed in 5.11 pants, COCKodile or snake shoes, adidas track top, and jedielry/ swiss automatic watch in prominent display. Decent cologne too. Maybe an adidas baseball cap. Does it look like I came in to steal groceries?

    I think most security, armed or not, are massive tryhard niggers. The cheaper place that they guard, the harder they try to look tough. Fuck em.

    It's the track top.
    Every time I see somebody wearing track clothes in public it makes me think they are wearing pajamas.
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  13. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Not correct. Is alcohol consumption a right men are born with?

    Rights don't really exist, it's another one of those fantasies like religion.
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  14. cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    If I initiated a conversation with a stranger in public where the fk else would I be?
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  15. Originally posted by Number13 The constitution only codifies rights that men are born with, it doesn't grant them.

    yes, and its usually men that are manlier than slow parker but think like him that enforce the constitution religiously thinking that its some kind of inalienable words of gods.
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  16. Originally posted by Speedy Parker They have already broken Guatemalan law and Mexican law. Besides arresting those who break the law LEO is also tasked with preventing crime. Preventing them from crossing our border in violation of our laws is the duty of anyone who swore and oath to the constitution.

    not the laws that were enacted by their own elected representatives.

    your constitution is just a work of men, not god, and as such it can be amended to suit the time of the day.

    and secondly, the original amendments had little to say of immigrants.
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  17. Originally posted by infinityshock

    its not crime when its done to ensure ones survival and better future for their offsprings.

    if anything they should be conferred american citizenship upon their arrival on US soil. most americans wouldn't go thru half of of what these migrants would go thru to be americans.

    the long march thru mexico should be made mandatory for anyone, americans included to be entitled to an american citizenship.
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  18. Originally posted by -SpectraL How don't you?

    because ive been told to believe that everyones innocent until proven to be otherwise and therefore i do not judge them according to their race, nationality, gender, creed etc etc etc.
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  19. Originally posted by infinityshock sand niggers have skin the color of shit.

    ive repeatedly stated im white

    we both know most north african sand niggers are white.
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  20. Originally posted by infinityshock the only thing i have to show is the color of my skin.

    that alone is evidence enough for the handsome and well tanned individuals and abramkind to weep and grovel

    so do those that you termed 'sand niggers'. their skin is exact color, tone and hue same as yours.
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