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Posts by Narc

  1. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Penis envy

  2. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Yes, you implied it was 100%…I slayed your lies!

    Another victory for Truth!

    Looks like you're still in denial…

    100% of climate scientists do say man made global warming is real....When you censor the ones who don't.

  3. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Also summers were hotter then this when I was a kid

  4. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe Sea surface temperatures around the planet have been measured at all-time highs, peaking at 70.2 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the Guardian.

    “While marine [heat waves] are found in warmer seas like the Mediterranean, such anomalous temperatures in this part of the north Atlantic are unheard of,” University of Bristol professor Daniela Schmidt told the Guardian.

    University of Bristol?? Now there's a den of left wing woke muppet's for you.

  5. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe I just wish one of you had something concrete, an actual argument, something factual and real you could point at and say "See Obbe, this is why I believe climate change is a hoax, I am a rational person after all."

    But that's never going to happen, is it?

    You know I've said for a long time that if you want to find out if people are bullshitting you don't just look at what they say, its more often than not what they don't say that gives away their true intentions.

    For example, when have you ever heard a politician, a climate scientist, the mainstream media or Greta Thunderburg mention over a quarter of a million tonnes of CO2 is being released into the atmosphere from carbonated drinks every single day? That's every day, every 24 hours worldwide, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, likely more on holidays when everyone is partying. Every 330ml can of soda releases 2 grams of CO2, 500ml bottles its 3 grams and 2 litre bottles its 12 grams. Coca Cola sell 2 billion cans of coke every day, that's just cans not bottles, that's 2 thousand tonnes, 2000 tonnes just from their cans alone, every single day 24/7, You could easily double that when you factor in bottles and draft sales in bars and restaurants. Pepsi, who have additional carbonated products sell, 4 billion cans per day so that's 4000 tonnes, meaning Coke and Pepsi cans combined makes 6000 tonnes combined just from cans, meaning they must be responsible for between 12 to 16 thousand tonnes just from their few products alone. between them they have under 10 percent of the soft carbonated drinks market so you could have an estimated 120,000 to 160,000 tonnes of CO2 being released into the world atmosphere every single day, seven days a week, 365 days a year which is almost 60 million tonnes of CO2 being put into the atmosphere every year from Coke and Pepsi alone. I believe Schweppes are even bigger that the two combined as they have a large range of drinks. then there are all the energy drinks and generic store brand sodas. And this doesn't even start to factor in the beers and sparkling wines and champagnes and then there are sparkling and soda waters which are very popular these days too. These are conservative estimates and the number could likely exceed one million tonnes of CO2 every single day worldwide.

    So why are the alarmists not ever mentioning this? likely the obvious huge loss in revenue that would accrue is a pretty good reason to keep this idea buried and not in the minds of the sheep and morons. plus they love drinking champagne as to continue the arrogant illusion that drinking champagne makes them more special than others. These are markets that are worth in excess of 20 billion dollars per day with little viable alternatives, unlike with green energies which are shit and electric cars which are even more unreliable, they still exist and contribute to having nations spending hugely inflated prices and using public transport making it far easy to control and surveil handing huge power to the authorities over us. So they never mention and hope nobody ever thinks about it, even tho most people use a carbonated drink at least every other day. So instead while their private jet is being refueled they stand up at Davos or G20 summits and preach to us about fossil fuels and how guilty we should feel for using the energies that they sell to us.

    There's no way in all the research they've done on the effects of CO2 that carbonated drinks has not come up, if CO2 was as catastrophic as they say it would be one of the major talking points and carbonated drinks would have been banned at least in the west. The fact they choose to brush this inconvenient fact just shows 100% they are not being honest with us. Plus they know how unpopular they and their cause would be if the banned Beer, Coke and Pepsi and every other carbonated drink

    Bearing these facts in mind you have to question everything these people tell us, and if they're not telling you everything and there are any doubts then you can only conclude that they are lying to you for a reason. the same reason they always lie to us, because their number one agenda is to garner our support to give them power and riches.

    After you've considered that, if you still accept the continuous lies, misinformation and smoke and mirror pseudoscience they constantly put out while leaving out other info that would further their cause yet loose them billions in revenue, Then you're a mug and scared little pussy.

  6. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Only 3 reasons that would be so memorable to you:

    1. The dick was considerably bigger than your own.(Jealousy)
    2. You fag as fuck.(Lust)
    3. Both.(Absolute Faggotry)

  7. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats not how it looks to your ISP.

    50 year old single dude with a history of drug problem and a bent dick searching for images of children.


    You clearly have a very vivid memory of the dick pic I posted over 5 years ago.

  8. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Meikai He's literally a Malcolm X-inspired Jihadi Communist fighting for a totalitarian communist sharia regime, with a divine and supreme authority figure in the vein of North Korean Juche. The guy trying to build the Democratic Socialist People's Caliphate of Alabama is not a fucking spook, you psycho.

    You failed to mention he does all this from his wheelchair.

  9. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    WoW a wariat fred that's actually funny.

    Welcome to clown world.

  10. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Damn she'd be one filthy bitch in bed tho

  11. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by fooka I was in your hallway and used a reverse fisheye to look in your peep hole and saw you picking invisible insects off your arms.

    You Hunkie Junkie Fag-a-muffin


  12. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    And while you're at it have a good think about how "Worlds average temperature" doesn't mean shit on such a huge diverse planet with everything from deserts to temperate's, to ice caps and everything in between dotted all over it.

    How many more times do the alarmists have to be proven to be distorting data and out and out bullshitting before you realize they're full of shit?

  13. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe Climate change: World's hottest day since records began

    Earth's average temperature matches record high set a day earlier

    Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 3 days in a row

    When did records begin? Have a good long hard think about that, if you're able to think for yourself that is.

  14. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe Meanwhile, in reality:

    Global temperature record beaten for the 4th day in a row, reaching 17.23C

    Another temperature record has been slain. We have broken past another record with 2 more weeks until the hottest part of the year. Perhaps we will break 17.25C within the next couple of days. This type of rapidity suprises even many scientists. Global temperature moderation is completely breaking down at the moment. I'd recommend people look at the graphic for Antartica sea ice right now. That anomaly is completely bonkers considering it is WINTER in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Yeah airport runways get pretty hot, tell us something we don't know?

  15. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates How are these companies so bad??

    Because greedy control freaks only interested in stealing your info so they can sucker everything from you. Why you even consider using anything that says google willingly?

  16. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny searching for images of children now i c.

    I guess it wouldn't occur to you that there are multiple reasons for doing so and none of the other ones are either illegal or disgusting. So unlike you I can do so without being creepy as shit.

  17. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson "It is generally accepted among the scientific community that ocean temperatures were around 15 degrees Celsius warmer 100 million years ago"

    …and teeming with life.


    EXAMPLE:All Polar Bears died out in the medieval warm period, those ones are holograms made by global warming skeptics and Coca cola ad execs.

  18. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates found the google fanboy

    I not the one using google lol

  19. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i'm not a pedo, my best friends are kids !

    best friends :


  20. Narc Space Nigga [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Infinityshockrates How about WE tell YOU how to speak fucking Eurofags its not ARMOUR its ARMOR

    Yeah make it with some aluminium you faggot.

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