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Posts by RisiR †

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock wholly off topic post.

    user granted 60 day ban.

    carry on.

    Pretty personally involved in this, Bill. Why is SpectraL so quiet? Normally he's the one who "cares" and "disproves". Finny never gave a fuck until now.

    Kinda weird, isn't it?
  2. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock - ive never used an eel. if i had one, i would. i have plenty of snakes.
    - i made a thread about porn suggestions because:
    - you whiny faggots complain about the original content i post so make suggestions on what youd prefer
    - ive pretty much used everything possible to use and am entertaining new suggestions
    - stop being jealous, you bowlegged bosnian faggot
    - i dont know or care who you are. on one hand its adorable that you think so…on the other hand its somewhat disturbing at your extreme degree of hubris. youre literally nothing more to me than a few energized phosphors emanating from my monitor.

    Infinityshock doesn't care about any of that shit, Bill. Stop pretending.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

    Fuck off, nigger. Don't post in my threads. I'm going to burnish your workplace. Stop it. I'm going in for the kill next time.
  4. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock ive made multiple statements to the effect that, since about the turn of the century my electronics proficiency is approaching zero.

    My post wasn't directed at Infinityshock. Switch accounts, Bill. You will confuse yourself.
  5. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Sure, he's perverted and imbalanced, but who the hell isn't these days? This has nothing to do with Infinityshock's state of mind.

    - Spectral speaks up for frog fucking and eel grosness done by Finny
    - Finny makes thread about "Porn Suggestion" to justify frog fucking etc. with other degenerate stuff
    - Spectral defends Finny again for no reason in other thread
    - "Both" are delusional fucks who think I'm Snoopy (or another person that hurt "their" feelings in the past)
  6. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Stop pretending.
  7. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Cool I have been meaning to learn python I think being able to contribute to this project is a good motivation. I also feel that the only way to fix all of these problems you just listed is to make the ultimate forum software, I don't know how or why this will help anything but I disagree that Lanny is the problem.

    You think Infinityshock only posts his gay rape fantasies because of the failed leadership and community but he has been doing this entire life because he's a deranged fuck up, and Darth Beaver is not much different. As Bill Krozby described him to me "He's really, cool, chill but definately insane"

    There are a lot of garbage posts but there are lots of good posts too, the problem is when you have 10 users and 1 scronaldo we can only post so much, we have discussed almost everything.

    The "problem" you describe is a combination of many factors, not just one sole cause. It's a complicated thing.
    Heres an idea, we DOX lanny like we did the last two admins but this time we kidnap him, steal the servers and host before shooting him in the head and burying the body in the woods.

    Then we will make an AI program that acts as an admin and we can all follow our new robot overlord. But the only way to make the AI admin without it being biased is if we all meetup and code it in one fell swoop together in one big room all watching each other and being ultra paranoid about back doors and favoritism, each of us will take turns keeping watch and guarding the process, outsiders will be brought in so it all says uncontaminated.

    We can create the ultimate BBS, the forum of the future that stands the test of time, we are on the right path I know it. Trianglism is the key also.

    This is the post -SpectraL replied to and he exclusively chooses to defend Infinityshock instead of the "kidnapping Lanny/AI admin" stuff that would be way more -SpectraLly to respond to. Pretty weird.
  8. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The only reason Infinityshock posts like that is because he's not going to bother putting any effort into threads filled with useless morons posting in it. Why would he bother "bettering" a thread, when it's already moved into MoronVille territory? Sure, he's perverted and imbalanced, but who the hell isn't these days? This has nothing to do with Infinityshock's state of mind. He's made perfectly good posts before, so it's not like he's not capable of posting content worth reading. TheDarkRodent, on the other hand, is entirely incapable of creating a quality post. All he knows how to do is play with his little crayons and plaster cute gifs across the entire BBS day and night. You are just trying to reverse engineer a problem which is already quite evident, which is the fact that Lanny fucked up, and he's still fucking up.

    -SpectraL defending Infinityshock. The ultimate shitposter.
  9. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock im not seeing anyone around here named bill…

    We have called you Bill the Cat for ages. Stop playing dumb, Bill. Taggart.
  10. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Why are you so bothered, Bill?
  11. RisiR † 29 Autism
    The Frogfucker incident in a _SpectraL thread. More to come.

    Originally posted by infinityshock bummer

    Originally posted by -SpectraL They burrow inside, causing great pleasure to the female. Baby eels are also used.

    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    Originally posted by infinityshock or because it causes permanent brain damage and i dont need pharmaceuticals to alter my perception, you fucking bosnian crack head

    suck a dick, faggot nigger

    i would agree with that. hell…just within the last month i have a story thatd include characters that'd make ding-ding and that tweaker spic and their escapades seem like mentally sane angels, sex-scapades that'd make Bill Krozby seem like a married catholic goody-goody, and cop interactions that'd…i dont know, i cant think of an analogy for that but it involved a lot of 911 calls, many cars coming to a screeching halt in the middle of the road, later on a car wrapped around a tree in the middle of nowhere with several hundred dollars worth of amphetamines missing, and a someone being hauled off to the funny farm. i literally did not exaggerate any of that.

    you may be a spitter now but after im through with you i guarantee youll enjoy swallowing.


    Finny making a thread trying to justify his frogfuckery with other possibly even more degenerate "Porn Suggestions" because I hurt -SpectraL's feelings when I called him a frogfucker who doesn't care about his victims.

    Post last edited by RisiR † at 2017-05-14T20:34:28.951918+00:00
  12. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Ottawa and Florida share a timezone. How convenient....
  13. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by infinityshock This part is SpectraL.
    ive been using this same screen name since before most of the fucktards on this site were born…on websites and BBSs that no longer exist.

    it was 'x8shock' on aol back in the olden' days when they only allowed 8 characters with the first character having to be a letter.

    any 'real' site i post on, or have ever posted on, i use this name and any alts i use i clearly state are mine, and generally the name is a derivative of 'infinityshock'

    up until a few years ago an internet search of my name came up with exclusively my content, except for some car parts faggots called 'infinity shock' shock absorbers. anyone currently using my name that isnt me is using a name i created exclusively before they did.

    This is his closeted imaginary friend, Finny.

    now stfu and get on your knees so you can snuffle my cock with those big juicy bosnian lips
  14. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I will post the quotes and weird coincidences about Infinityshock and -SpectraL. It looks to me like they could be one and the same person even though this is basically logistically impossible because they both post shit non-stop.

    Shoutout to TDR for pointing this out.

  15. RisiR † 29 Autism
    He's gonna kill them.
  16. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I just googled "taxpayer scandal" but I just had to laugh at all the results. Go on, goys. Be happy about paying taxes.

    In New York, the city is paying $500,000 a day to guard Trump Tower, according to police officials’ estimates, an amount that could reach $183 million a year.
  17. RisiR † 29 Autism
    I'm happy and not question shit today. Hahaha.
  18. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Stick to only Meth (etc.)from now on. Skip the Bundy.

    Malice, we drove down the serpentines into the city, the bright lights down in the valley all encompassed by halos because it was foggy and had rained all day as she was describing how depersonalisation/derealisation felt to her and it was so on point that I actually got a little attack. It was unreal.
  19. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Don't give up, Mal.
  20. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Hey, SC, you off the Bundy or what? Good posts. Keept it up.
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