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Posts That Were Thanked by NARCassist

  1. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL You have to pay for your own bus ticket

    You're just mad because if you tried this you'd have half the forum sending you fent.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Normies more like "bore me's" amirite ahueuehue
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  3. Originally posted by joerell I prefer Man who yells it out whether right or wrong expressing his own feelings…then an ass kissing bitch like Pole. On the street you can trust a guy like Man…Pole runs and thinks for himself. Every friend argues…betrayal or back stabbing is total different or picking a side just for convience.

    you don't know shit about the street you little fuck

    weren't you the one talking about training with shaolin monks or some shit? fucking idiot
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  4. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Paige are you taking any kinds of medications or suffering and illnesses. What is causing the stress or are you worried about anything specifically. I have a question privately…let me know if you want to receive it.

    drugs don't cause it.

    It's a simple mechanism to protect us yet the brain wakes up while the chemical that keeps our body from moving too much is happening as if the entire person is sleeping. You're awake somewhat but your body hasn't catched up yet.
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  5. Manonfire African Astronaut
    Ben just cant get a grown woman to fuk him is the real deep seeded issue folks
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  6. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by joerell The US has good laws in place….

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  7. benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by NARCassist the problem we've come to in modern times is this idea of employee/employer. i hate the idea, if i come and sweep your floors everyday as an employee, how is that any different than if i set myself up as a cleaning business and you outsourced the job to me? we would be doing business, it would be a business transaction. i provide a service in return for payment. that's all you are doing as an employee, but as an employee the employer gets to exert more control over you. he can then impose conditions that affect you in your private life. we've now arrived at a point where it is routine for an employer to impose drug testing on employees. and as this fred is about, also things you say in your private life, how you live your life and even views you hold can all be imposed on you by your employer. and you risk being fired if you don't, or if it is viewed that you don't comply. this makes you a slave.

    and of course it gets even harder if you have a family, a mortgage and other debts. you have no choice then but to succumb to the impositions, because if you don't then you will be unable to pay debts, feed your family, or you risk them becoming homeless and even having children taken into care in that situation. the system of employer/employee is nothing more than a system of slavery with invisible chains. this is why i won't do employment and will only go for self-employment. i refuse to live my life being dictated to and controlled like that just for the opportunity of doing my fair share to society and earning a living, getting my fair share. we need to move away from the employee system and into a self-employment style system where you provide a service as a business in return for payment. because everybody who works is a business , its a basic system of trade.

    if i go in macdonalds and have macdonalds provide the service of cooking and supplying me a meal, i don't get to demand the ceo of macdonalds takes a drug test before i pay for it, yet effectively i am his employer. but i'm not really, i'm a customer. if i sweep the floor of a factory then the factory is my customer in exactly the same way. they can pay me to sweep their floors today and they can decide to buy my services tomorrow and on a regular basis. i don't have to become their slave just to get the benefit of a continuous business contract from them.

    the idea that an 'employment contract' gives you added benefits of job security is a fallacy. its really just a contract that secures you into slavery.

    you have to remember history.

    at the beginning of industrial revolution over there, it was the mob of jobless people who demanded to be taken and retained as permanent employees in exchange for their labor ....

    very much like how women used to demand that you take them as permanent wife in exchange for sexual services.

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  8. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    to have integrity you must be able to read and respond not read and twist into a situation you think makes you a better person by attacking a subject you believe others will believe the twist and join ur side of the fabricated argument

    niggermind at work folks
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole
    This is my first and last post in this thread because we all know I’m probably too much of an emotional person to get into a debate about this.. I just want to say

    That man has admitted to owning images and said he only doesn’t post them because he doesn’t want lanny in a bad situation.. ok

    If you own these images of defenseless children being abused you are an abuser of defenseless children.. the demand for those nasty ass pics causes more abuse
    They’re trading them off like baseball cards and these are babies to me they’re All babies God dammit ..
    Every time that pic gets circulated that Baby is being victimized all over again alright...those images are a key part of the continuation of abuse..

    That’s all I’m sayn on this sick shit
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  10. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    we are fucking with humans that cant comprehend a 3 part post,, all some humans can do is dwell on the one part that pisses them off,, its Niggermind syndrome y'all will scream the same one line 50,000 times expecting others to fall in line behind you,, thats niggermind,, its color neutral all races are effected by this simpleton affliction. there is no hope for people like you as you do not have the ability to see past the irritation in the post to continue being a part of the ever evolving conversation.
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  11. Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Madman I didn't know the hooded man was a common thing, mine is more like a shadow man but in some way its also me. I kind of enjoy it, its the only time I really get scared.

    I haven't encountered this hooded figure personally, but my friend did. There's quite a few speculations as to their purpose.
    The second state is full of entities. Some resemble humanoid but it can be hard to determine their sex, some are cloud like, others are completely beyond description. Language simply fails to convey the majesty of the second state and obviously anything beyond that.

    I've had quite a long debate with my buddy about the identity and purpose of these seemingly hooded figures who just stands there when you pop into existence.

    We've talked about them being potential jedi operators, put there to make sure you don't become woke. They could also be entities trying to enter your body. The nature of the hooded figure seems non-aggressive after several encounters. I've speculated as to whether or not the hooded figure only seems scary because you're experience sleep paralysis which i agree can be scary as hell because you have no clue whats going on. Basically you pop into existence and experience a lockdown of your human body because it can be harmfull to leave your body if its not sleeping. There's vivid hallucinations, sounds, and a rather uneasy feeling about someone being there. Imagine waking up to a 4g dried shroom trip, thats sorta the visual experience. Fucking awesome imo.

    But yeah, jedis, guardian angel, random entity. Really, if in doubt first relax. After that ask the fucking thing, and if they don't answer then banish them.
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by joerell Wrong again…patriot Trump supporter who doesn't need a safe place and can't stand corrupt lefties…and no cooling off needed as I am calm so no assumptions please. Lol.

    I bet you get mad at people for "virtue signaling" when you feel the need to explode in moral outrage on an internet forum because some guy on the other side of the planet likes something you don't think it's OK to like.
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  13. Originally posted by Archer513 I thought dream catchers were just something white trash ppl hung up…

    For decoration

    My "dream catcher" is a sock I keep down the side of the bed.
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  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    1. I'm not a tranny.
    2. Daryll never showed up for the chess game because he couldn't be bothered opening a website

    I'll explain my username to you and a couple of other things, since you're still new, and do not understand anything about our community, history and culture.

    For one my original username is psychomanthis, i was on Totse and on Zoklet. I held the position of global moderator on Zoklet but more importantly i moderated the drug forum. This is pertinent to what i said about DH users intelligence. Under my leadership the drug forum, thrived. Contrary to popular DH belief, a lot of drug users on Zoklet were quite intelligent. Therefore BLTC(Drug Forum) staff fostered a culture of harm reduction, and scientific understanding on a neuro-pharmacological level. A testament to the intelligence of our original userbase is that almost everyone in BLTC was open to learning these principles and were broadly speaking, at the very least at pharm-tech levels of knowledge. We regularly had discussions of a highly technical nature, that were informative, entertaining and often thought provoking.

    Now contrast this with the type of bullshit you people post. Of course i accept that this is not Zoklet and that this is the age of the shitpost. I am just disappointed that the new users(Not all of them but most) we got are a bunch of average intelligence, mainstream media watching, normies with no interests in any meaningful intellectual pursuits.

    What characterized the old community was that we all were to differing extents, a counter-culture of free thinkers with enough intellectual curiosity to go around. So much so that we had experts on the boards in virtually any topic. Chemistry, pharmacology, computer science, political science, philosophy and more.

    Now with regards to my current username. On the successor site RDFRN, my username was Sophisticated Sophist. My friends started to call me Soph for short or Sophey as a term of endearment. When NiS came around i decided to stick with the name but spelled it "Sophie", for one, Sophie is cute name, secondly i figured it would be entertaining to see new people get all butthurt once they get confused and can't seem to realize i am in actuality a man. Glad to see it succeeded.

    I currently have an age appropriate girlfriend but it's true i am a non-exclusive pedophile. This means i like girls from age 4 up to my age. Now, you can feel some type of way about this, but that's really not my problem.
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  15. chzbrgr Yung Blood
    I only checked this to see if you got home okay last night, but...

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby cranberries (the girl I choked out twice, I should of done of a better job)

    First, it's I should have. Second, you only kinda choked me once. You got an enhancement for strangulation on your family violence charge because you stuck your fingers in my throat to stop me from screaming so the cops could hear me outside after you had been attacking me and holding me against my will for over three hours. I'm assuming this second time you're referring to is just when you basically got arrested for the same crime a year later because you were hanging out with me when you shouldn't have been because of the protective order. Yes, you held me against my will and attacked me again, but it wasn't nearly as bad, and I don't remember any choking that time. You did get another charge for unlawful restraint, but there were no secondary charges in relation to strangulation, and believe me, I would've told them if it had happened. Regardless, bragging about "choking me out twice" is dumb af. Maybe I should have done a better job at choking you when I was defending myself in the first attack. I remember being on top of you, my hands squeezing your neck, your teeth covered in blood, your face turning purple. It wouldn't have taken me much longer if I wouldn't have stopped. Even though I was defending myself, I wouldn't have wanted killing you on my conscious, plus I loved you, and there was no real reason why you started fighting me; you were just really drunk. Physically, I messed you up worse than you did me, so I wouldn't be so boastful.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby and half way through she went to the bathroom and never came back she left her brew in the cup holder and I was like wtf and called her and she said that im an embarassment even though now she has a gold nose ring and a tattoo you can't see because her arm fat covers it up.

    Yeah, you talked through not only the trailers, but an hour into the movie after I had told you multiple times to be quiet. The guy in front of us was visibly annoyed by you (and therefore, us). You're the one who wanted to go to the movies... Maybe you just wanted to take me so you could slobber on me and feel me up in a dark theater, but that doesn't really work when you go to a popular new movie on a weekend night. And, I actually wanted to see that movie, so you not only were annoying the people around us, but also me. Then, for some reason, you thought it was okay to make some joke about jedis that was not relevant at all. I thought, okay, maybe that's it, he got his vulgar, bigotted comment out and he'll shut up for the rest of the movie... but NO. You fucking YELLED the word "retard" so loud that everyone in the whole fucking theater could hear. Who the fuck does that? Sometimes... I feel sorry for you because it's apparent that you have multiple afflictions such as Asperger's, Tourette's, Bipolar Disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia... but the fact that you're aware of at least some of these things, and aware that these things make you a complete and utter asshole, and you don't seek any treatment or do anything about it, makes you completely and totally deserve every repercussion of your actions. I've always been sorry for the things I have done to you, including ditching you at the theater without a ride, but I've never been sorry for WHY I did those things. They were reactionary to the things you were doing to me, and you deserved them.

    And I bet you like my nose ring and tattoo... And my tattoo is only covered up my my arm fat when I fully flex my arm... which would happen to anyone with it's placement regardless of how fat they are. It was put in an inconspicuous place intentionally.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i figured 2 and a half years would be enough for us to be friends but she has gained a lot of weight and talks about going to the the gym but has hairy arm pits so I knew she was lying

    How does not shaving my arm pits = me lying about going to the gym? That doesn't make any damn sense. I have been going to the gym. That's where I went straight after I left you at the movies. I told you I had to go Sunday night or Monday morning before work and that's why I wasn't going to stay overnight with you. I've been going to the gym to work on strengthening the right muscles to realign my pelvis and rehabilitate my low back to prevent getting severe spasms like I used to. I stopped shaving my armpits because my skin is sensitive and it's painful for me. I'd rather have a patch of soft hair there than a rash of pimples and pustules. Plus it's fun to pet. Same with my pussy. It isn't shaved either. You were definitely on drugs the other night.

    And I don't weigh any more or less than I did the last time you saw me. I may have bloated up because the only thing you fed me the nights we got together was lasagna, potato salad, Takis, beer, sugar-laden malt liquor, chips, and candy. I'm insulin resistant and carbs fuck me up, especially when I haven't had them in a while, which I have been limiting. We talked about this at the movies.

    Regardless of how much I weigh, I'm still a desirable bitch. You still want to fuck me after all these years of fighting and getting arrested and being on probation and not talking to me for two years... And I think you and I both know I'm much better looking than I was the last time you saw me. You told me the other night how pretty I was and that was after I slobbered all over your cock, had snot on my face and smeared my mascara. And of course, WITH my hairy pits and pussy. ;) Not to mention you still have a pic of me in your fap folder that I sent you two years ago.

    And yeah, I wish you and I could be friends too, but you've never been a friend to me. Only a lover and an enemy. You can never chill and be in between; you've always gotta have your hands on me. The only times you've been nice or good to me were for your own benefit and even that was limited. Sometimes holding me down and kicking me was better for you. I've always told you this, and this will probably always be true - there will always be a place in my heart for you... if not that, I at least won't ever forget you... but you are too much to handle. You're an unruly child. You used to be a conquest for me. I wanted you to turn good because of me. I wanted to show you a good life and you quit your shit. But you just took advantage of me, and I was too young and naive to realize it until it was too late. Life has gotten better for me without you in it. The golden energy in my soul that you sucked dry has been replenished. I've paid off debt. I've raised my credit score. I bought a new car. I have good friends that take care of me. I'm happy. I love myself. I love my job. I've gotten a promotion and a couple raises and getting on salary in a couple months and another considerable raise at the beginning of next year. I'm taking a vacation next month. I'll be able to afford my own place when my lease is up. My skin is better. I can make my pussy squirt. And there are many who love to watch it and tell me how pretty and perfect it is. All my lovers since have treated me well, taken me out to dinner, licked my pussy, fucked me and made me cum at least three times before they did. I have one now that begs for my attention and his eyes roll in the back of his head and brain turns to mush with every word I speak (his words). And that's even AFTER I poured a menstrual cup full of blood into his mouth. I have another that told me I was wife material just last night. I am adored. More people admire me and want to worship me than I can actually handle. You don't know me. You've never fucking known me. And it's all because you never bothered. You made everything about you. I am great. And wonderful. And beautiful. And powerful. And you'll never be able to know it. And it's best that you don't. Because I will fuck you up.

    The only reason why I hit you up Thursday was because I was bored and wanted to go to the new library downtown. That's something I thought you'd enjoy since it seems like you've had a rough time lately with your gf dumping you, and you overdosing, and then spending a few days in the psych hospital. I wouldn't have even thought to hit you up if you hadn't tried contacting me a couple months ago, numerous times, might I add... I was just trying to be nice, but of course you ruined it.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby i gave her a few cream pies without asking her if she is still on b control. She's smart enough to know the baby would abort itself I wouldn't give her any money.

    Just in case you're actually worried about this, which you shouldn't be because you fucked me on my period, but I know you are stupid and don't understand how reproduction works... I don't have my Nexplanon anymore. I got it taken out a few months ago due to bad side effects. I'm back on the pill. I have to take birth control because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, but besides that, I don't want kids for at least 6-10 years, if at all, anyway. You are really stupid for creaming in a bitch three times without knowing whether she's on BC or not tho. But you know I'm smart, and I know you know that I'd abort your baby in a heartbeat and not even tell you, even if I wasn't on BC. I think you'd secretly like it if I carried your baby though. It'd be a lot better than the trailer trash you knocked up six years ago.

    Originally posted by Cootehill You should get cranberries to start posting again.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah i shouldn't too much risk on my part.

    Yeah, he shouldn't. Too risky. He's almost done with probation, and I could call the cops for any "threatening or harassing" contact from him. Plus I sent his probation officer the link to his posts on this site, so it wouldn't be in his best interest for us to get into it on here.

    Imagine the freedom you'd have if you'd have some manners and keep your mouth shut sometimes.

    Your balls are mine. Cuck.
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  16. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Normal people don't have well thought out moral convictions. Most people just adopt the default morality of their society.

    And that default changes over time and from place to place, so it's not objectively "correct".

    I don't think it's good that business be used as a cudgel to suppress dissent.
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  17. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by HTS Don't confuse politics with morality. When businesses side with the left, they do so because it's in line with their moral principles - they think it's immoral to discriminate against people for race, gender, sexual orientation etc. And they think it's moral to support people who are discriminated against by others for those things. They aren't doing it because they feel politically obligated, they're doing it because they feel morally obligated. Also for crass, self-serving profit-motivated reasons, but mostly it's guided by their sense of morality.

    Originally posted by HTS Don't confuse politics with morality. When businesses side with the left, they do so because it's in line with their moral principles - they think it's immoral to discriminate against people for race, gender, sexual orientation etc. And they think it's moral to support people who are discriminated against by others for those things. They aren't doing it because they feel politically obligated, they're doing it because they feel morally obligated. Also for crass, self-serving profit-motivated reasons, but mostly it's guided by their sense of morality.

    So businesses are moral paragons now?
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  18. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
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  19. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    In the 19th Century calling someone an atheist was apparently a major insult - there was a court case around here for defamation because someone did that.

    It's society, society wants to see that you fit in, even if the beliefs society has are a load of shit.

    People often call open racists or anti-semites stupid, and they mean it like "why is that person saying something unpopular, that's stupid of him, he'll suffer consequences".

    Most people don't care about truth, and will go out of their way to avoid hearing about controversial shit - most likely they already know, it's just that the truth doesn't really matter.

    The most PC people I know are the ones least likely to talk to a non-white, or go to Africa.
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  20. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by NARCassist oh and Bill Krozby you're a retard. you just shown as your 'evidence' that british people are pussies, a video of a british guy standing up to 15 cops, lol.

    Don't insult the nigger by calling him British.
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