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Posts by NARCassist

  1. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    find a random dude, then find a totally unrelated dude that the first dude has never met that looks exactly like him in every way. don't worry too much about things like moles or scars coz you can use make up and prosphetics. now you need the first dude's wife/gf to be in on the joke. you also need to set up for the first dude to stay at a hotel, say for a work conference or maybe a wedding or something. by liaising with te wife/gf you dress the second dude exactly to the last stitch in the same suit as the first dude. now you arrange for the first dude to just randomly run into the second dude in a hallway or lift or something. obviously at first they'll laugh at how uncanny it is that not only do they look the same, but are even wearing the same clothes. but the real head fuck starts when they ask each others name and realize they both have exactly the same name, come from the same city etc. then the second dude says 'i gotta call my wife/gf' and pulls out a phone and skypes 'his' gf. he starts telling her of this amazing coincidence then turns the phone to show her, where at this point the first dude notices that not only do they have the same phone, but that's his wife/gf that his double is talking to. now he starts to get creeped the fuck out and she starts 'tripping' by saying she can't tell them apart, so she asks things like their anniversary etc. they both answer the same, and the second dude starts telling her 'how they met' and intimate details only he and her would know. make sure you film all this, especially the part where the first dude freaks the fuck out, can't understand what the fuck is going on, gets violent and/or gets light headed and passes out. then post vids on NIS for lulzzzz.

  2. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    how the fuck did Bill Krozby not know about the

  3. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    do a scat meme, anything you like but it has to be scat related.

    also i'm the meme master, its all mememememe with me.

  4. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    fred flintstone fred

  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    die antwoord are the only rappers i've seen that are true artists and create, every other rapper just emulates all the other rappers to try and sell to the sheep masses.

  6. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by greenplastic their whole schtick of over the top darkness just gets old af, and their beats just try to go hella hard to make up for their lack of content. i agree it can be lame af when white people try to rap if they're just copying generic black shit, especially if they do it particularly shittily. i think if they do their own style though its fine.

    now a days all rappers just copy each other to fuckery tho. ninja said it right in fatty boom boom:

    When I'm on the mic it's like murder murder murder!
    Kill kill kill!
    Wat se Suid-Afrika?
    Suig my fokken piel
    Hier kom ek weer
    Like a lekker a smack in the face
    Rappers are fokking pouring into passenger planes
    What happened to all the cool rappers from back in the day?
    Now all these rappers sound exactly the same
    It's like one big inbred fuck-fest
    No, I do not want to stop, collaborate or listen

    Read more: Die Antwoord - Fatty Boom Boom Lyrics | MetroLyrics


    Post last edited by NARCassist at 2017-07-01T17:13:07.202716+00:00
  7. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i noticed this on deepdotweb and thought of you scron. maybe you could turn some of that endless energy into BTC.

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  8. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Piles of Crack Fun fact, we live in a society where some women are so desperate for attention that they are willing to be with someone who is as much of a piece of shit as Bill Krozby.

    have you and hydro had a fight? even so, that's not a very nice thing to say about her in public

  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach

  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    via Imgflip Meme Generator

  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick look at your anus

    i actually grew up in the town where william herschal discovered your anus.

  12. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i'd love to look at a real life super nova or look at a whole distant galaxy. guessing you'd need a pretty powerful telescope, but it would be epic shit to look at tho.

  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop ^ I remember seeing something about that on youtube but that occured during my drinking did that guy acquire pieces of the moon? Not doubting your story but it's not like you can go into any random pawn shop and be like "I'm looking for a piece of the moon, nigga".

    na, you can just ebay that shit

  14. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i find it fascinating and would love to get into it more. i really should try and pick up some old binoculars or a small telescope to start looking at stars and shit. i do find it quite confusing how to find certain stars tho, as they all seem to look the fucking same. just bunches of stars everywhere, lol.

    anybody else into this?

  15. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop You make an excellent point. It's nostalgia. You correlate those old songs to pleasant memories subconsciously would be my best guess. Like how the rolling stones was once devil's music but now they use it to sell Cadillacs in commercials because people that are old and wealthy enough to buy a new one grew up listening to that music.

    i do also now like a lot of old, pre-me, music that i've never even heard before. i have literally learned to listen to music, not just hear it. and i now judge each track on its own merit. i often like tracks from certain artists even tho i hate all their other tracks.

  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by RestStop You make an excellent point. It's nostalgia. You correlate those old songs to pleasant memories subconsciously would be my best guess. Like how the rolling stones was once devil's music but now they use it to sell Cadillacs in commercials because people that are old and wealthy enough to buy a new one grew up listening to that music.

    maybe sometimes, i listen to music now depending on what mood i'm in. i find if music sounds good when stoned or high then it generally good music. but now a days i judge music on whether i think it sounds good, has good melody, if the vocalist sounds good. usually a good vocal artist will just naturally shine, you can hear that they are putting the effort into it over a manufactured 'karaoke' singer. i always appreciate that from a vocal artist.

    its like bronski beat's smalltown boy

    it is totally gay, the artist is obviously gay, he sounds pretty gay, the video is totally gay and the song is about gay. but to listen to it as music without pre-judging it, it is an awesome sounding track. i used to hate it when i was a kid and it first come out because it was just gay. but i appreciate it as awesome music now.

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    yeh, i like em

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    i never got this idea that music is shit because its old. its like all the new music will be 'old' soon. so if its going to be shit then, then it must be shit now, but then all the old music was new once, so was that good then, but somehow mysteriously transformed into being shit after a certain period. i mean how the fuck is that retarded logic meant to work? it makes zero sense. music is either good or its shit. but its totally subjective anyway.

  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    music is art and an artist should be experimenting and constantly exploring new things. when a real artist produces new unique performances it shows, you can just tell. the problem now a days is the record companies. they don't really give a fuck about art, their priorities are profits. so the a&r men and the record company producers that work with many artists will push them to produce stuff similar to what has been a hit before. with the hope that the record buying sheep will just derpajedi and buy the same reconstituted shit over and over again. which they do because these idiots don't really listen to music they truly like, they want to be 'cool', so they listen and like whatever music is in the pop charts, which they perceive is the music all the 'cool' people listens to. they are literally being told what music to like and paying for the pleasure. it's fucking tragic, lol.

    when you realize this fact and start to listen to music without prejudging it(like old or gay etc), a whole new world of fantastic music opens up to you. its like waking up on a beautiful spring morning after a long cold stormy winter.

  20. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 All they have to do is pull "pops" up from his sacred military burial site in Coma and do a DNA test if that is possible. nuff said

    they wouldn't need to. they could compare DNA from relatives, especially children, so you would be able to give DNA for analysis.

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