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Posts by BeigeWarlock

  1. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Captain You are mentally ill

    Mental enough to stomp a mud size hole in your ass, Pakiscum
  2. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I found the url scrawled inside the corpse

    you too? well that's weird

  3. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist btw its devils breath, not dragons breath.


    it's both.

    and I'm not going to argue with these fuckers on here anymore. there are articles regarding how serious this is all over the place. and not CNN MSM shit.

    but believe what you want, I'm done now.
  4. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Lol.

    No. I don't remember a lot.

    My aunt??? The girl in that Pic laughing yeah I told you thst was my cousin nigga.

    not the photo. nothing to do with that. you said her last name even.. its the same as this lady. what are the odds. and I remember you sitting in front of our lotline on the planter box (dude looked exactly like you, but a bit younger because it was maybe 6-7 years ago).. yet you live in North Dakota.

    never mind mmQ or Purge or whatever name you chose to use. I just wanted to ask about someone else, not her and nothing to do with you
  5. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by apt OP is literally schizophrenic

    This girl comes to work with a black eye after I questioned her a few days before and she teared up and told me with head motion of yes and to stop talking about it.

    She got a black eye and she teared up again.. then they made up a story conveniantly to have her terminated for a reason her and my supervisor would do every day. by that same supervisor.. but they remained "Friends" they also used her in a scam of stealing from a failing business that aquired a huge loan in the tens of millions to keep the business afloat for at least 6 more months.

    then I get fired by an elaborate plan. I trust no one.. sadly people are friends to these people that are close to me.
  6. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra so what's your mystery ingredient then? glitter?

    It doesn't exist unless you show me"

    I'm not in-the-know.. because I am not a dirtbag mother fucker who uses this shit. But I have talked to reputable people who have stated it is real.

    I think they're been around a lot longer than you Aldra and they're far wiser.
  7. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    You must be the version of CIA or some shit in Australia.

    What a fucking shill paid troll cuntbag you are Aldra. You and Enter.

    please flush your head down a toilet. You're tiring as fuck.
  8. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra the entire point is scopolomine does not do what this myth says it does. it causes intense delerium; a person does not become 'a zombie' or susceptible to suggestion. There is no reason why mixing it with glitter would have any effect whatsoever. it can be absorbed through membranes or the skin so potentially you can blow it in someone's face if you have enough, but you're likely to dose yourself as well.

    I'm not addressing any other part of your insanity than the effects of the drug.

    you're not wrong. I think it's because our education system is significantly more effective in terms of both education and indoctrination.

    have you even read the thing, or are you basing your assessments off of other peoples' opinions? I suggest you go back to that thread and re-read what I said.

    You stupid fucker.. you edit parts out to make a point. OVER AND OVER, You State "Scoplamine doesn't do this" I FUCKING SAID THE SAME FUCKING THING. I said it takes a chemical which triggers the drug known as Dragonsbreath. which can not be made with the synthetic form (at least in its desired required form). Scoplamine itself is not Dragonsbreath. and buying the chemical version of it doesn't work. but buying or growing the flower form of it will be mixed with chemicals known to few.. that can trigger this affect.

    It's like you're redacting the part of what I'm saying requires a catalyst to make the drug.

    It's like salt peter, sulfer and charcoal (or some other chemical) alone.. is inert.. not explosive. but the moment you mix them in the right percentage.. you have black powder.

    taking a alternate form of charcoal or synthetic (if that can be done) may not work as well for this purpose but it might work well for a synthetic form of charcoal to absorb food poisoning. is this analogy good enough for you. stop trolling me you dirty aussie cunt
  9. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I don't do this like ever (except with shit trolls like Infinity for obvious reasons)

    Aldra.. You may not believe you're a troll.. but you're an antagonist type person

    I thought you were an enter alt at one time until I met enter online. he too called me paranoid and always challenged me

    here is the thing, He fucking starts finding shit in archive (as I found 99 percent of years back) and then finds something I never found before.. and loved the guy for it. Regarding a contradiction which proved me right on totse.

    Then.. once he realized he was helping me and not fucking with me.. he suddenly dissapears?


    he fucked up. your government placed totse on a list of nepharious places with a poster. totse truly was a nepharious site poster child in the truest form

    Now you're fucking with me, about something known as far back as the 1970s regarding this plant. even the pharmacist I worked next to while considering to stay on as a pharmacy tech student.. told me about it.

    it's real. before you were born probably, people knew that it took certain chemicals to trigger this affect. it does not do it by itself.. I never implied this.
  10. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hellobadkitty I said ephedra not amphetamines those are two different things. They will help you lose weight I lost like 40 lb taking them

    I thought ephedra was a cousin to amphetamines and thrown into the list of them. people made crank (a form of meth.. or old term for crystal meth I guess from ephedra .. if you're talking about what was in sudafed at one time)
  11. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hellobadkitty Beige some truck stops still carry ephedra because for me nothing else worked. All the over-the-counter stuff doesn't really work it just kind of makes you sick to your stomach. It's kind of trial and error. I'm no longer looking for those type of pills because at this point I'm actually underweight. I'm 5"9 and weigh 130 pounds.

    I thought you were taking caffiene pills not ephedra (which is a amphetamine?)

    If I have to take it because caffiene doesn't work, I will. but I was originally talking about replacing adderall with caffiene to get away from being on a list of amphetamine users (which the past 10-15 years has been hell on privacy laws for people with disabilities such as myself.. now any mother fucker can get your info)
  12. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ It is legal and it's called Desoyxn

    OK so I don't want ampetamines if caffien pills work first.

    everyone looks down on emphetamines but if they call me a druggy for caffiene pills , I'll just say "I can get the same thing from coffee.. fuck off." to them
  13. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    you make a ridiculous number of threads

    Scoplamine is the main ingredient in it's natural form and not synthesized as most motion sickness pills contain.

    Dragons breath is true form of scoplamine; mixed with other inert like chemicals to create this catylist which makes scoplamine the date rape drug (falls in the same group as roofies)

    yes I know it's travel sickness medication as a standalone (which those are synthesized chemicals and not from the actual plant)

    the plant form of it is mixed with other chemicals with the bellflower being the main substance required to create dragonsbreath this is not the same as scoplamine or scopladerm or any generic or product name in its synthetic form. again, those drugs are synthesize variations to produce and alter the affects of motion sickness. they're great for motionsickness.. I agree.

    Aldra.. you're as dangerous as apt and infinityshock with your deliberate attack on me with defamation of character and trying to demote me as a person with credible knowledge of which a horrible crime taking place on our streets and abroad.

    Something about most Australians have always struck me as hall monitors for the systems benefit. you're like cucks to corrupt government and quick to pass laws without really looking at facts other than shit like NIST report being factual. no independent followups. because they programmed you well to accept what is fed to you. A colony of once criminal undesirables who went against the King/Queen now kissing the ass of the elitist. You're like redneck tards of the south pacific.

    you use their language and insults to deflect from truth. you are a cuck of Government injustice; speculatives behavior.
  14. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by stare rape I don't think sunburn is dependant on temperature

    This is true.. you can get a sunburn skiing, but when the sun is more intense, it is often hotter and the Sun Index (UV) is higher which requires higher SPF

    so it does corellate
  15. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung The Sun simply does not get high enough in the sky.

    you can get a good sunburn from snow
  16. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    am I out of this conversation.. Ahmmm!
  17. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    I got a Bill from my healthcare provider

    It usually says "Statement .. This is not a bill" but this time it said "Statement.. Bill summary"

    I owe my hospital -5.95 cents

    that;'s Negative 5 dollars and change.

    How in the fuck can I pay this. do I invert and go into a different parralol universe :(
  18. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I often wonder how many people would become addicted to good stimulants if they were to ever try them in the first place, which most people don't, aside from coffee obviously. But just the fact that coffee is its own meme makes me wonder what the world could be like if all these coffee addicts became addicted to meth instead.

    they did a study and found people who did meth lose their teeth and bone problems, but they were living longer than overweight people who never did street drugs.

    which is a huge portion of the US population. isn't that weird. most of their deaths were probably related to getting murdered for not paying their meth bills or in prison. Meth is a shitty drug. I hate it. but it should be legal. and if it keeps people from dying from weight problems and they can somehow take a supliment for bone loss. WHO GIVES A FUCK
  19. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hellobadkitty Besides it working for actually an appetite suppressant I do like the feeling of speeding and for me it was the strongest thing I've ever tried. I remember when you used to be able to get ephedra it's probably good you can't anymore cuz it used to make me rage cuz I would take way too many pills.

    I'm down for trying Rx-less/over the counter appetite suppressant. not because I like speed but as a person with thyroid problems, I am a cranky mother fucker because I am tired all of the time and I have other problems on top of it.

    So coffee or caffiene is more of a medication to me. If you know of a legal over the counter med that acts like adderall and can keep me focus with having to wait for the "Control SALT II Compound.. blah blah" that they love to announce out loud making me look like im gonna go cook it up. it sucks. i have a complex by nature which makes me look more suspicious. I just want it for myself so I can be a functioning member of society.. plus I now weigh 250 fucking pounds from both suppressed thyroid and SSRI making you gain weight.

    I am a heavy mother fucker for 5 foot 11 inches.

    Please let me know any brand name that I can replace my adderall for. i'm tired of this shitshow where my Doctor wants me on it.. but the pharmacist get fucked with by the DEA and limit CVS to so many outputs per month.. now I go to my hospitals pharmacy
  20. BeigeWarlock African Astronaut
    Originally posted by joerell Traitors like him usually laugh before they lose their testicles.

    Be careful.. his side is leading in this Trump shill

    I can't tell if it's a real fight or a very awesome calculated circus show of friends putting on performance with expendables going to prison as they don't even sweat about going to Jail because they're always protected with their entitled positions of power.

    I don't know if he really is a Shill Treasonous. but it looks like it from what I'v read over time. I figured with Clinton, he was threatened to be one of the "Throw away guys" and actually felt bad for him. But then after reading about Obama releasing Bill Ayers of WUO (Bill Clintons friend) and figured that all of these people had ties with some radicalist Chicago ties groups (as well as Berkeley and New Orleans and Portland Ore..etc libtowns)
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