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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. WTF is a unicorn character? Do you mean Unicode, you illiterate bastard?
    I would try to explain Android autocorrect to you but the learning curve from your 2G flip phone would be to steep for you. And if using an autocorrect typo as an insult is all you've got your out of ammunition Specky boy.
  2. That guy is a totally mindless moron. Full of baseless assumptions and empty rhetoric, almost completely devoid of facts, but tries to pass himself off as knowledgeable and informed. The guy is a joke.
    He sounds like he stole his plays right out of your operating manual.
  3. Nothing was ever mentioned about any bogus or real Dumpster Sluts.
    Exactly, and since bogus was not stipulated Dumpster Slut is a proper noun. A person. Nor a bogus figment Barbie doll from your addled mind. The bet was who could get Dumpster Shut to post first not who could register the name or post with the name first. lrn2logic
  4. Now we have three Dumpster Sluts at large. Just great.
    Well we know for sure one of them is fake. You already admitted to creating the account with the 10 hidden unicorn characters in the name. You know, this one...
  5. Glad to hear that, friend. Now join me in freeing Darkie here from his inner demons.
    Playing with Barbie dolls again I see.
  6. THIS is the real Dumpster Slut.
    You've already admitted twice to being the fake Dumpster Slut twice. So are you talking to yourself again ITT?
  7. Nobody gives a fuck.

    yea they do
  8. I need to have a word with him.
  9. That isn't the real Dumpster Slut, that person is a cock sucking imposter. I'd break his fucking back and cripple him for life if I ever got my hands on him.
  10. You lousy piece of shit - you are a shadow of my former glory. The REAL Dumpster Slut is here to fuck you like Michael Jackson.

    Tell me where you live bitch I'll ruin your fucking life.
  11. You would do well not to anger me.
    Or what, your going to press the characters really hard when you type at me?
  12. TheDarkRodent made a Dumpster Slut account, but never posted on it. Then I made a duplicate Dumpster Slut account and posted first. That means I won the challenge and it's actually TheDarkRodent who should be leaving. The moar u now…
    I have proof that you made a Dumpster Shut account by your own admission, not once but twice in two different threads. The challenge/wager was who could get the real Dumpster Slut to post first. Since you have no proof that I ever logged on to any Dumpster Slut account and being as the Dumpster Slut account in question has yet to declare which of us influenced the person logging into to post, you can't possibly win at this point. The best you can hope for is a draw. Which for you would be the closet thing you ever had to winning. No SpectraL I'm afraid you are deluding yourself yet again.
  13. On another note; I have my sub woofer back so now I have the ability to piss everyone in the house off with heavy bass and hip hop. Song recommendations heavy on the bass please, any genre.
  14. I will have to be extra careful about dosing such a potent substance, I cannot afford to be 'asleep at the wheel' or blacking out on strange drugs.

    Oh for sure you'll black out on flubro. 0.5mg has me toasted and I'm not exactly a novice to benzos.
  15. So is spectral going to be goned or is this just another circle jerk?
    Spectral lost a challenge and welched. Now he is 😡
  16. I didn't make any reference to Israel's founding, is it relevant in your opinion?
    Of course it is relevant. Were it not for the UN's continued protection not the US's involvement Israel would never have existed and had it existed would not have lasted through the fifties without the UN's continued support.
  17. You guys want flubromazolam. That shit is STRONG. Beats etizolam. 2 of those black me out and I end up eating the rest of my stash. Etizolam it took at least 5 or 6 for the same effects.
  18. enema ambush

  19. Look like sploo has some competition here.

    Unless the murder thing is true. In which case you are going to go to jail for posing about it online while under investigation at the same time admitting to be a drug dealer. So you probably wont be around long if that's a real thing.

    Either way, shitty rant sis!
  20. Religion began the same way science began. As a way to try and explain the world around us.
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