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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Im out fo the night niggas. Keep it right keep it tight niggas.

  2. The first flaw in your argument is you assume that I, like you, give a shot what anyone on this site thinks about my online persona.

    The first flaw in your argument is that you assume that, unlike you, I give a shit what anyone on this site thinks about my online persona.

  3. case in point…..
  4. how would you know, all the way down there in florida?
    Tampa to be precise fuck-o.
  5. I like to let ass talk sunshine.Sorry.
  6. Hah as if I give a fuck about PI. I use my goddamn first name as my screen name sometime. Nothing you could ever do with my PI could affect my life, so make my day, fuck-o.
    People from Ottawa say fuck-o...
  7. dark rodent is just here to make everyone else miserable, and not in a 'funny haha trolling you' kind of way….it's more like slow, redundant, grinding boredom and more cringe than you can shake a stick at, sort of way.
  8. its just dark rodent, doing stupid shit that will make lanny consider eventually banning alts, or something equally dark-rodent-ish and pointless.
    You've been hugging SpectraL so long he rubbed off on you. Or maybe you rubbed each other off IDK. Either way you are seeing me everywhere just like him. What's the matter, sleeping poorly thinking about all that PI you shared with me awhile back?
  9. Not scary. Would not read again.
    Can see to read through the river of tears?
  10. Did I make you rage quit another forum Specky Boy?
  11. How are we being played? Our opinion of YOU is a product of YOUR behaviour. No one is nudging us to think you are a massive faggot other than yourself. Hell specral may be a massive faggot but at least he isnt a massive enough faggot to bore the shit out of an entire forum by flooding it with threads about one single user. He is only a big enough faggot to think it actually means he is a crusader of light.
    The first flaw in your argument is you assume that I, like you, give a shot what anyone on this site thinks about my online persona.
  12. ​I am fully knowledgeable and fluid on most subjects.
    Like hacking.
    Show us how you shine Specky boy. 👦
  13. How are we being played? Our opinion of YOU is a product of YOUR behaviour. No one is nudging us to think you are a massive faggot other than yourself. Hell specral may be a massive faggot but at least he isnt a massive enough faggot to bore the shit out of an entire forum by flooding it with threads about one single user. He is only a big enough faggot to think it actually means he is a crusader of light.
  14. We already have enough of your posts and threads, Darkie. Stick to the one account, or else.
    When you start speaking for an imaginary audience it means nobody cares.
  15. So what you're really saying is you don't even know how to use autocorrect properly. Nice. You do know you can take courses off the inside covers of matchbooks, don't you?
    What I'm saying is you have been reduced to tears. 😭
  16. Remember that time, tDR, when I said you would be banned by a certain date, and then you did? Then you came back twice as ugly, and I said you would get banned again, and then you did. Good times. Good times.
    Sorry but only you recall your fond fantasies. But I do recall the time I banned you and DaGuru almost as fondly as the time you deleted yourself.
  17. Agreed. Darkie needs to go.
    LOL, that's rich coming from someone who has already admitted to making a fake Dumpster Slut account. And with that the rest of you can go suck a whole fleet of sailor cock. Lanny knows I have not ever logged in with any of the DS accounts. Sorry but you are being played for fools one and all. P. S. I do know who it is though.
  18. Lanny knows it's not me so eat a duck.
  19. So let us call upon the Council of Niggers. All who want TDR to be a massive faggot give a yay and those who want him to stop being massive faggot give a nay.

    Votes thus far:
    Continue the Faggotry: 0
    Stop the Faggotry: 3
  20. Dude, do you realize how faggy you look with this shit? The whole forum sucks now because of the specral h8 spam. This place had some primo shitposting when sploo was flooding this place with his crazy awesome threads. But now its just sad...
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