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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston
    anything dox related and my dreams and aspirations.
  2. mso8 Houston
    godspeed. im in a band as well. i hope to eventually make good dosh from it for a couple of years, maybe 5 years of being a musician would be kewl.
  3. mso8 Houston
    you are doing it wrong
  4. mso8 Houston
    Harvest Moon for sure. who gives a shit about getting pokemon, im all about getting waifus ya dig
  5. mso8 Houston
    is that a reference or do you want to be gay again
  6. mso8 Houston
    damn, its like youve never been to 4chan. good for you, keep it up
  7. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic i mean i thought by beautiful you were implying that its a womans voice

    but even as a dudes voice its pretty unappealing

    ah, no thats a misunderstanding. i like his voice, very characteristic imo
  8. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic and are you serious that sample sounds like a dude

    what do you mean? it sounds like a black guy like a soul singer or some shit
  9. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic you forgot the / in the video tag you mongoloid

    oh shit
  10. mso8 Houston
    ah, im a retard. i didnt even include the song lulz

  11. mso8 Houston
    dunno about that. seems kinda too rock and roll. but thats a good song
  12. mso8 Houston
    man, thats pretty funny. i love south park.
  13. mso8 Houston
    imagine if your hemorrhoids just popped and your own shit infected your anus. its probably not a thing but that would be pretty sick right
  14. mso8 Houston
    ive found this song and the nigra (i think its a nigra) you can hear in the background has a very beautiful singing voice, i wonder if anyone knows where its sampled from.

    if anyone is wondering, that track is about school and mass shooting lol
  15. mso8 Houston
  16. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by greenplastic with my normal gf i was normie at first but i gradually shifted to totse me and she seems to have bought it. lol.


    Originally posted by greenplastic sometimes she is still shocked by the things i say though

    minus this
  17. mso8 Houston
    imagine if she actually went along with it. you'd be set for life lmao. never let go of a girl like that
  18. mso8 Houston
    you know what to do
  19. mso8 Houston
    im a hawker
  20. mso8 Houston
    not in a million years could i have brought the concept of hemorrhoids and lifting into one thought, as a direct cause no less.
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