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Posts by mso8

  1. mso8 Houston
    vapes are for faggots
  2. mso8 Houston
    tl;dr, also youre 2 decades late on that shit
  3. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by BRiCK You should share the threads where you post.

  4. mso8 Houston
    they're porbably not noticing you
  5. mso8 Houston
  6. mso8 Houston
    '11 or '12. ive been enjoying VS ever since ive seen this AMV

  7. mso8 Houston
    what was your favorite part about tokyo. ill be there for a week or so, you should hook me up with some secret tips and tech
  8. mso8 Houston
  9. mso8 Houston
    sounds nasty
  10. mso8 Houston
    Enter is alright i guess
  11. mso8 Houston
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby

    man, its bad enought that you have to listen to the shreiking voice of that woman. to top it off, that fucking fatass always comes in out of the blue to give his tl;dr comment.
  12. mso8 Houston
    some guys tried to jump me and a friend when i was like 13. but we were on bikes so they just ate shit instead
  13. mso8 Houston
  14. mso8 Houston
    ban all communist, socialist and otherwise antifascistic and revolutionary organizations and parties and reinstate the death penalty by hanging. human rights associations are going to lose their shit, lulz ensues
  15. mso8 Houston
    tekken 5:DR

    smash cant come close
  16. mso8 Houston
    that fella on the wheelchair is cool
  17. mso8 Houston
  18. mso8 Houston
    i guess you can say our heroine wont see a drop of heroin for a long time, amiright
  19. mso8 Houston
    what a classic. i remember being annoyed at those threads on /b/
  20. mso8 Houston
    working there? i was slanging water on the corner on a hot summer day, how can i have status in that situation.

    anyway, it wasnt weird because we had common ground and i went and talked to her because i liked her cosplay and i liked the character she was cosplaying. i was joking around and she thought i was being funny. that was the ice breaker i guess.

    yeah you can tell if she likes you or not. unless anyone has been working in sales or as a conman, faking interest is really hard. if you get a genuine conversation going you are going in the right direction. thats for starters

    anyways talk to you later gotta bounce
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