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Posts by antinatalism

  1. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by antinatalism I dunno, I spent the last 4 days watching Russia Today 24/24 and now I love assad
    thread hijacking. did anyone notice that assad looks like ted el rato cruz?
  2. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    I dunno, I spent the last 4 days watching Russia Today 24/24 and now I love assad
  3. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie Our levels of narcissism are comparable. The halo of the car light is a good metaphor, my soul shines bright when i feel appreciated. In the end most people are simply the fuel to feed the fire of my radiance.

    Now that you know me, see me.

    I can concede about your observation on our narcissism, but I'm a solipsist too. So now u better serve your own purpose and flatter me before my consciousness will erase u from existence

    > mfw I'm better than haruhi suzumiya

  4. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Malice Homosexuality is a gift. Throughout history the greatest individuals have almost exclusively been men. To be able to love them is truly a wondrous thing, the purest love of all.
    that's right. homosexuality has always existed, it has been practiced since the beginning of time and by the gr8est thinkers. greek philosophers were faggots, roman empire's intellectuals were faggots. lesbians? no. why?
    - because vaginas are ugly
    - because they're just a shitty byproduct of liberal culture
    lesbianism is a myth
  5. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Enter excuse me

    how… dare you
  6. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny Antinatalism, I thanked your post because as far as I can tell it was an authentic, cogent response, not necessarily because I agree with it, but I'm glad my hodunk ramblings on the philosophy of mathematics aren't cast out into the void absent an audience.
    Replace Post with Church and yee. Honestly I don't know much about Post other than I've heard his name in relation to the history of computability theory.
    Post was a bit like the lobachevskij of computability theory, he came pretty close to a result similar to the incompleteness theorems, but godel outspeeded him and that triggered his depression (to be fair, his head was already kinda fucked up)

    Originally posted by Lanny That's an interesting falsification condition for platonism. I'm certainly no platonist but there are complete and consistent formal systems. They may not contain arithmetic, but we could imagine the really hardcore platonist being like "well yeah but fuck arithmetic, here's a mathematics that can't express godel's theorem and BAM!". It would be a poor sort of mathematics, as least from the perspective of a public that expects what we're taught math is in grade school to work, but then it's a poor field that relies on public expectation for its legitimacy.
    Well, the presburger arithmetic that I mentioned in my previous post is proven to be consistent, complete, decidable at the cost of being much weaker than the peano arithmetic. Basically, the first incompleteness theorem doesn't apply to it. Despite that, platonists are still deluded faggots

    Originally posted by Lanny I don't know, what's your experience with the development of commercial software? Nothing in 2016 is proved, almost every commercial software product is shipped with known (although generally minor) bugs, and the expectation that some slipped through the QA process. What are the status of such behaviors? Discovered or invented? They are the inevitable conclusion of the instructions the constitute software although we certainly don't know about them when we're creating same.
    As far as I know, the main reason why mathematics approach such as formal verification, model checking, automated bug fixing and so on are not very much used in the debugging process is because of the rice's theorem that shows that the only properties of a program that are algorithmically decidable are trivial, therefore making any in-depth analysis impossible with this kind of techniques. But yeah, your argument makes sense and in fact I was talking more about perception than from a factual perspective.

    Originally posted by Lanny Ultimately the substrate from which such behaviors emerge are manifested constructs of the mind. There may be some isomorphism between the contents of our mind, and the language rules are expressed in, and the actual behavior out in the world that we see but we need not speculate some kind of idealized thing which each instance embodies. We can say that we, in a sense, "discover" unexpected properties of systems but ultimately if such behaviors are implied by the systems that house them then I'd argue they share the status as invented or natural that their superior system holds.
    Again, fair point. anyway, that made me think at a quote of a (((coen)))'s brothers movie, a serious man, about mathematics being "the art of the possible" and that guy of mathematica, stephen wolfram, when said that math is basically an historical artifact where there's absolute freedom (within the rules of logic), and from this space of "all possible mathematics", given by all the possible consistent axiomatic systems, you pick each time the most appropriate model to describe a scientific theory\whatever (an example of that could be the use of non-euclidean geometry for special relativity)

    Originally posted by Lanny I'm a little lost on what you're trying to get at here. It does seem like we can come up with formal systems with only trivial relations to the physical world. Consider the toy example of Hofstadter's MU puzzle. It's useful only, in so far as I can tell, as a didactic device. Sure you can say "well that's an isomorph to an educational process" but that seems to render the notion of a "pure" system as, uhh, trivially impossible because at very least you can say any system presented as evidence of pure mathematics serves as a model supporting the notion of a world in which pure systems exist but this trivializes the point to start with.
    I dunno what exactly I was rambling about cuz, full disclosure, the combination of alcohol + short attention span made me switch to full stream of consciousness mode, but trying to guess, I was just praising the beauty of the autism underlying math, invented by man, used to build other systems, built by man, instead of using math models to investigate the nature and shit. Btw, I've read hofstadter's godel escher bach years ago but I remember that the MU puzzle was recreational mathematics à la martin gardner: other than that, no serious mathematics field lies under the category of "pure mathematics" for a long time

    Originally posted by Lanny I won't particularly defend the proposition that "the mind is a turing machine" but the fact that we don't implode when faced with a undecidable problem is not conclusive evidence of that fact. Not every turing machine is universal, many turing machines provably halt in a finite number of steps. The halting problem deals with a more general class of machine that is necessarily needed to support human consciousness. Consider the question "can a given turing machine halt with a decision in less than finite N operations?", this is a trivially easy machine to construct and such "timeouts" would seem sufficient to handle the human process of dealing with undecidable problems, at least at an extremely high level.
    Right. However, if we consider machines that never halts and for which the halting problem is decidable, so deciders, finite state machines (DFA and, I guess, NFA too) and so on, that decidability appears to be only theoretical given the amount of computations required to run that task, and it doesn't seem that the mind takes all this effort to reason about those problems. that's why I'd think about models that can simulate parallelism more efficiently than a TM. btw, I remember roger penrose shilling for a computational mind theory based upon quantum computation, but I don't much about that and I'm not even aware whether the church-turing thesis still applies to quantum computing.
  7. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    I used to like u. then you made a gay thread about real life friends and girlfriends. the harsh truth is that u don't hate women. fuck u, man, fuck u
  8. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Malice Convince your friend to fuck her, secretly record it, and use it to ruin her life.
    I second this. revengeporn is your friend
  9. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    it's called love
  10. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie OMG i love it. That was so much better than i was expecting.
    and it's only the beginning, things can only get better from here ^-^
  11. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie OMG! I don't know whether this is love or we are both trolling but it feels real to me somehow :$
    I just wanted u to know that if u are a space nigga, I'll always be your houston. no matter your problems, i'll be there. 4 u
  12. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny I'm not sure how to feel about NiS getting weeby lately. On the one hand I'm a closet weeb so it's fun to shitpost about animu and mangos, but on the other hand we're supposed to be trill ass heavy pipe hitting niggas and you know I just can't reconcile these two things.
    o tempora, o mores

    Originally posted by Sophie Antinatalism,

    Thank you for your reply. My room suddenly doesn't seem so dark now that you are here. Maybe, just maybe if we are depressed alone we can be happy together.

    Love always, Sophie.

    two negatives make a positive. let's give us a chance. this will be our love song

  13. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie I like my name too (n_n"), I also like the name Haley.
    what a coincidence! my name is haley
  14. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Also, he's not a chick but he's the greatest journalist in the history of the world: russia today's max keiser on meme warfare
  15. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    how profound your thoughts! I AGREE! I AGREE! I AGREE!
  16. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie I thought you were here to help. Where are you when i need you. It's late, the forum is empty and i am shitposting all alone, i am playing depressing piano music in the background.

    This song specifically.

    You should imagine me sitting in a dark room with only the bleak glare of the monitor illuminating my desk upon which cigarettes and a bottle of whiskey that is missing two glasses worth are placed. It's a good thing you are imagining me from the back because that means you can't see me crying. My waifu Mal Mal and i got into a fight and i don't know if he likes me anymore. And i just… I wanna' know, can you show me? I wanna' know about these people like me…

    And you know we've only known eachother for a short while and stuff, but i really like you, i think we would make great friends you know?

    Wishing you were here.

    Love, Sophie.
    Dear Sophie,
    the time we have spent together changed me. it made me a better man. I know it sounds cringey because it's all so new and yes, you're right, short while and stuff, but just for once I want to stop being the cold rational man I always used to be since senjougahara left me. I'm all yours. let's be depressed together. darker than black is a better choice:
  17. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie By the way, talk about H4xx0r wimmenz, you should check out Jesse Irwin, antinatalism, she has has a golden OPSEC necklace, she got hack swag.
    checked. not bad at all.

    but let's stick to the russian propaganda.
    what about anna chapman? she's allegedly a russian spy\honeytrap who, among other things, tried to seduce snowden.
  18. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sophie I need you so much right now.
    what do you need me for, lovely sophie?
  19. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Your dad's email address; let me have it.
    for real.
  20. antinatalism Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ ^That's why I type with my cock. A lone wolf in a sea of finger typing sheep.
    see? cocks can be useful. vaginas? not so much.
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